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Der Neid galt einst als eine der sieben Todsünden, bevor er unter neuem Namen zu einer der am meisten bewunderten Tugenden wurde. ‚Soziale Gerechtigkeit‘.

— Thomas Sowell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos


Paul-Ehrlich-Institut vernebelt massive Impfschädigungen

Das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut hat unter anderem den Auftrag, „die Sicherheit von Impfstoffen und biomedizinischen Arzneimitteln“ zu überwachen. Stattdessen leistet es Mithilfe bei der Verletzung der körperlichen Unversehrtheit von Millionen Bürgern.




Putin ohne rote Linien

Wladimir Putin hat sein Land in einen Ukraine-Krieg geführt und dabei rote Linien überschritten. Oder mangelte es an roten Linien beziehungsweise an der Entschlossenheit …………………….



Organisierte Selbsttäuschung bei Illner: Olaf Scholz als neuer Führer der freien Welt

Von Max Mannhart Fr, 25. Februar 2022

Habeck erkennt an, dass die Abhängigkeit von russischen Energieimporten das zentrale Problem sei. Dennoch gelingt es ihm dann, die Ursache davon einfach zu übersehen. Und ……………….



Economic Knowledge Is Qualitative, Not Quantitative

02/23/2022 Frank Shostak

According to the popular way of thinking, our knowledge of the economy is elusive. Consequently, the best that we can do is to attempt to ascertain some facts of economic reality by applying various statistical methods to the so-called macro data.




Poland Has Opened Borders to Ukrainians Fleeing

The following message has been shared countless times on social media over the last 24 hours:




CDC Using PCR Tests for Genomic Sequencing

The CDC posted a “fun fact” on Twitter on February 16 that actually incriminated the agency for misusing personal data. Almost everyone has taken some form of a COVID test by this ………………….



The People Do Not Want War

Putin wants a war, but the people do not. Russians gathered in over 44 cities to protest the war on Thursday, despite knowing that there would be consequences. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs vowed to take “all necessary measures to ensure public order.” Russia has ……………………..



Death by Inflation or by Interest Rate Hikes?

02/23/2022 Daniel Fernández Méndez

Inflation is skyrocketing in practically the entire world. Central banks are getting scared and beginning to announce the end of expansionary measures, also known as tapering.

Why do central banks find themselves in a dilemma? Why has inflation risen so much? What …………………..



Russian Weakness and the Russian „Threat“ to the West

02/23/2022 Ryan McMaken

The current advocates for US aggression against Russia would have us believe that Russia is some sort of peer of the United States and of Western Europe.

Tom Rogan at the hawkish Washington Examiner, for example, insists that Russia is a „great ………………….



Taiwan warns Chinese aircraft in its air defence zone

TAIPEI, Feb 24 (Reuters) – Taiwan’s air force scrambled again on Thursday to warn away nine Chinese aircraft that entered its air defence zone, Taiwan’s defence ministry said, on the same day that Russia invaded Ukraine, a crisis being watched closely in Taipei.




Record High Gas Prices As Crude Oil Rockets Past $100, But Why?

Posted By: Tsvetana Paraskova via Oilprice.com February 24, 2022

The artificial energy crisis should be called on the carpet for what it really is: the war against carbon. Global policies have demonized oil, coal and natural gas, driving investment into ………………….



Mandates And Lockdowns Failed Miserably, But Are Still Being Pushed?

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola February 24, 2022

It started with Imperial College London in 2020 when epidemiologists claimed that millions would die but that lockdowns would reduce mortality by up to 98 percent. These claims were …………………..



Ukraine Arming Citizens

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s president, has acknowledged that his military is not able to ward off Russia’s invasion and is asking citizens to participate in the war. In 2022, world leaders use social media to speak to their citizens. “We will give weapons to anyone who ………………



Putins Rede zur militärischen Operation in der Ukraine



Bedingt abwehrwillig

Tatsächlich würde ich heute eher ein Russisch-Lexikon als eine Waffe in die Hand nehmen. Ich gebe auch gerne zu, dass ich sehr neugierig wäre, wie sich ganze Einheiten aufgrund des Mangels an Handcreme selbst auflösen.




Why Is Democratic Biden Rescuing Autocratic Erdoğan at the Expense of U.S. Allies?

by Burak Bekdil February 24, 2022 In early January… in a bolder, less expected and potentially damaging geostrategic move that angered all four of Turkey’s Mediterranean rivals (Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Egypt), the Biden administration silently abandoned an eastern ………………….



Putin’s next move

Aris Roussinos is a former war reporter and a contributing editor at UnHerd. A shock and awe campaign could overwhelm Ukraine. February 24, 2022

A couple of weeks ago, in a biting sleet wind, I visited the graveyard of the tiny village of …………………



How the truckers split indigenous Canada

Ashley Frawleyis a lecturer in sociology at Swansea University and author of Semiotics of Happiness. We are fed up with being viewed as virtuous victims. February 24, 2022




Opinion: A path out of the Ukraine crisis

By Katrina vanden Heuvel Columnist  February 15, 2022

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine might come “any day now,” the Biden administration warns, with ………………



Putin’s spiritual destiny

Giles Fraser is a journalist, broadcaster and Rector at the south London church of St Mary’s, Newington. The religious president wants to rebuild Christendom. February 24, 2022

Threatened by an uprising of his treacherous generals, the Christian Emperor Basil II, based in the glorious city of Byzantium, reached out to his enemies, the pagans over in the land of …………………





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