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Inflation ist die ultimative Steuer. Eine Steuer von der die Leute nicht wissen, dass sie besteuert werden. Eine Steuer für Leute, die an Papiergeld und an ihre Regierung glauben.

— Warren Buffett

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ministerin Anne Spiegel war während der Flut vor allem um ihr Image besorgt

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 9. März 2022

Gegen Bundesfamilienministerin Anne Spiegel (Grüne) sind schwere Vorwürfe aus ihrer Zeit in Rheinland-Pfalz öffentlich geworden: Die Flutkatastrophe habe ihr Haus erst verschlafen, …………………….



Chinas Hamsterei treibt die Preise für Lebensmittel

Von Marco Gallina Di, 8. März 2022

Die Preissteigerungen in der Landwirtschaft sind nicht nur hausgemacht: seit Jahren hortet Peking Getreide, Reis und Mais. Ob strategische Reserve, Machtmittel oder übervorsichtige ……………………….



Sanctions against Russia Are the Lockdowns of 2022

Tho Bishop

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is nearing its second week. Vladimir Putin’s military continues its push west, with clear attempts to encircle Kyiv. To date, thankfully, America and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies have held off pleas from President Volodymyr …………………



Bill Gates’ Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein Played Part in Divorce: Melinda Gates

By Katabella Roberts March 7, 2022

Melinda Gates has said that billionaire Bill Gates’ relationship with “evil personified” Jeffrey Epstein played a part in her divorce from the Microsoft co-founder.




Sprit und Gas teurer Lindner: Keine weiteren Entlastungen der Bürger


Bei explodierenden Spritpreisen verdient der Staat über die Mehrwertsteuer mit. Forderungen einer Steuersenkung von 19 auf 7 Prozent bei Treibstoffen wie auch weiteren möglichen ………………………



Putin Explains the Importance of the Minsk Agreement to Zelensky (2019)

Putin was deeply involved in securing the Minsk Agreement long before Zelensky came to power. Although people are calling the current attack on Ukraine unprovoked, Putin attempted to achieve some diplomatic relations with Ukraine regarding the Donbas region and …………………



Boycotting Anything Russian

Stolichnaya vodka plans to rebrand their product to sound less Russian. This comes on the tail of restaurants, businesses, and bars refusing to sell any product with Russian branding, regardless of the origin. Stolichnaya, which will now be referred to as Stoli, is manufactured ………………



Yelen’s Comments of Biden’s Order to Regulate Cryptocurrency

WASHINGTON –  U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen released the following statement on President Biden’s executive order on digital assets.

“President Biden’s historic executive order calls for a coordinated and comprehensive ……………………..



The CRYPTO tipping point has arrived as corporate banks SHATTER public trust… every person must become proficient in crypto or risk losing everything

Tuesday, March 08, 2022 by: Mike Adams



Farage Warned Everyone We Were Moving to War with Russia in 2014



Just Try to Listen to Both Sides

Nothing Putin ever says is true. You are on the wrong side. SF


I understand you are all caught up in the heat of the moment. But just stop. Think clearly and stop making presumptions. Putin’s speech at Davos was excellent but nobody will listen. He …………………..



Critical Race Theory Is a Form of Marxist Reeducation

03/08/2022 Anton Balint

“Critical race theory is the tip of a one hundred years long spear designed to gore the side of …………….



The End of Cryptocurrency Coming?

I warned in the private blog that cryptocurrencies may end up being suspended. The excuse will be Russia and the news is out now that Biden will sign an Executive Order to regulate …………………..



The American Empire Self Destructs

But nobody thought that it would happen this fast. By Michael Hudson The Unz Review

March 9, 2022

Empires often follow the course of a Greek tragedy, bringing about precisely the fate that they …………………



Die Abschaffung des Todes

Die Irrlehre der „Zero-Covid-Strategie“ würde alles zunichtemachen, was das Leben lebenswert macht.

Vorbemerkung: Dieser Text wurde zufällig einen Tag vor dem russischen Einmarsch in die Ukraine geschrieben. Plötzlich ist der Krieg mitten in Europa angelangt und hat Corona als ………………..



Attentat von Hanau – das Narrativ wackelt, aber hält

Es gibt neue Erkenntnisse zum Geisteszustand des Attentäters von Hanau – die man offenbar nicht an die große Glocke hängen will.




Focus on Kyiv deadlock obscures Russia’s success in south Ukraine

Analysis: Advance of Putin’s war machine through key southern cities likely to have major impact on war’s outcome Peter Beaumont in Lviv Tue 8 Mar 2022




My Morning With DeSantis

By Tom Woods March 9, 2022 From the Tom Woods Letter:

Saturday night I received a message:

“The governor wants to invite you to a Monday event.”




The Blurring of Reality in the Age of Barbarism

By Gary D. Barnett March 9, 2022

“You can beat 40 scholars with one fact, but you can’t beat one idiot…with 40 facts.”





Ukraine Crisis: The Next Biden Defeat?

by Guy Millière March 9, 2022 The only credible military force in Europe is the US army, and the essential decisions for the defense of Europe are taken in Washington, DC.

Cyberattacks from Russia affected hundreds of American companies during 2021, but elicited ………………



India Journalist States This is a War of the West’s Creation

It is so refreshing to listen to a REAL journalist for once – something was seriously forgotten in America and Europe. Arnab Goswami is an Indian news anchor and journalist, who is the ………………..



Vernunft und Zusammenhalt statt Spalten

Von Olaf Opitz Mi, 9. März 2022

Der Überfall Russlands auf die Ukraine ist schlimm, das Kriegsleid groß, genauso aber die Solidarität mit den Menschen auf der Flucht und vor Ort in deren bedrohter Heimat. Leider wird in so einer schicksalhaften Lage die Gesellschaft erneut wie bei Klima und Corona ………………….



Ukraine and the Global American Empire

Eugyppius, 8.3.22

Some have asked for my thoughts on Ukraine.

Since 2014, the Ukraine has been experiencing a quiet civil war, between the Ukrainian majority in the west, and a Russian minority concentrated in the east. The ethnic Ukrainian …………………..



Timeline: The Crimean Referendum Brutal act of military conquest, or peaceful (and popular) transition of power? Here are the facts to help you decide

Celebration outside the Crimean parliament in Simferopol, March 2014

In part one of our recap on the recent history of Ukraine, we looked at the chain of events that lead to the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych from power.




Timeline: Euromaidan, the original “Ukraine Crisis” Genuine grassroots revolution or NATO backed coup? Here are the facts to help you decide

Kit Knightly

As Russia actually do launch an invasion or “special operation” in Ukraine, we thought now was a good time to recap on how we got here.

The historical, political and ethnic divisions in Ukraine go back decades, if not centuries, but ………………………



Impfpflicht wird ausgesetzt

Es gibt keine Strafen ab 15. März. Türkis-Grün folgte der Empfehlung der Expertenkommission zur Impfpflicht. In drei Monaten soll neu entschieden werden.  vom 09.03.2022,

Die erste Amtshandlung von Neo-Gesundheitsminister Johannes Rauch ist, gemeinsam mit ……………………..



Say NO to War With Russia

By Vasko Kohlmayer March 9, 2022

“Biden Goes To Church As War Drums Pound,” reads a recent news headline.

The war drums are, of course, beating for US involvement in the Ukrainian conflict.




Nowhere Left to Hide

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com March 9, 2022

Financial markets are averse to threats of chaos and death. These conditions tend to interfere with formal promises between parties to service loans, which is the basis of finance.




Scientific integrity is dead. Here’s proof

Four examples show that scientific integrity is pretty much dead worldwide. There are only a few people left who support these principles and they've been marginalized by all mainstream leaders. Steve Kirsch, 8.3.22




How Free Markets Have Improved Life for India’s Dalits

03/07/2022 Ayush Poolovadoo

Since independence in 1947, the Indian subcontinent has remained bound to its ancient caste system, which can generally be understood in this descending order, albeit with significant …………………..



Analysis: Large Scale Cyberattack Is Now Imminent

Posted By: Brandon Smith via Alt-Market March 8, 2022

Technocracy’s war on humanity must be viewed as a series of strategically-engineered waves designed to break down enemy strongholds. No war in history has been prosecuted with just a …………………….



Warning: Controlling All Absolute Data About You Is Controlling You Absolutely

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola March 8, 2022

Technocracy clearly stated in 1934 that they intended to track all production and consumption, and to keep a detailed file on every person. Technocrats then slipped into Nazi ……………….



Russland droht mit Gas-Stopp: Hyperinflation und Stillstand der Wirtschaft rollen an

  1. März 2022

Russland droht mit einem Gas-Lieferstopp durch Nord Stream 1. Die Pipeline ist im Moment zu 100 Prozent ausgelastet und deckt 40 Prozent des jährlichen europäischen Bedarfs. Schon ………………….



Kein “Gen-Stich” für gesunde Kinder: Florida rät von Kinderimpfung ab

  1. März 2022

Am Rande einer Diskussionsrunde am Montag, die vom Gouverneur von Florida organisiert wurde, kündigte der Covid-Chefbeauftragte des Bundesstaates an, von der Impfung gesunder ……………….




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