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— Konfuzius

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

How Russia’s sanction-proofing failed

Chris Miller is the author of Putinomics. Putin didn’t expect the West to be so brutal.

March 18, 2022

“How could our government have been so stupid?” one Russian acquaintance of mine wondered, after the West imposed sweeping sanctions that froze around $300 billion of the ……………..



Why the Left is split over Ukraine

Dorian Lynskey is an author, journalist and UnHerd columnist. Anti-imperialist activists won’t let go of America. March 18, 2022




60`000 Tonnen Saharastaub in der Luft über der Schweiz

Eine Abschätzung der Menge und wie der Saharastaub in die Luft und wieder an den Boden kommt. Autor: Daniela Schmuki Mittwoch, 16.03.2022,




Die erste Lesung zur Impfpflicht beginnt mit zwei Falschinformationen in drei Sätzen

Von M. Mannhart, M. Roland Do, 17. März 2022

Die Debatte um die allgemeine Impfpflicht im Bundestag war ein parlamentarisches …………..



Trotz Embargos! Deutschland lieferte Waffen an Russland

Artikel von: René Garzke veröffentlicht am 17.03.2022

Russland führt nicht erst seit drei Wochen Krieg in der Ukraine. Schon 2014 annektierte …………….



Germany to Begin Confiscating Guns

Germany is repeating its past mistake from 1938 when Hitler authorized the Gun Control Act that banned “enemies of the state,” such as liberals and Jews, from owning firearms. A few ………………



The Crisis in Europe – Robbing Pension Funds to Replace QE

While in Britain Johnson was pushing for a law that allows the government to confiscate ………………



Russian MoD Names Curator of Pentagon-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine, Releases Original Docs

By Ilya Tsukanov Sputnik News March 18, 2022

The Russian military began to pull back the curtain on the scale and scope of the network of …………….



The West’s Russia Sanctions Could Lead to Many Unpredictable and Unpleasant Outcomes

By Brendan Brown Mises.org March 18, 2022

Global supply shocks are historically rare events. All the more extraordinary to have two such ………..



Zelensky’s Call for Nuclear War

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation March 18, 2022

In an emotional appeal that left some members of Congress with tears in their eyes, Ukrainian …………..



The NYT Now Admits the Biden Laptop — Falsely Called „Russian Disinformation“ — is Authentic

The media outlets which spread this lie from ex-CIA officials never retracted their pre-election falsehoods, ones used by Big Tech to censor reporting on the front-runner

Glen Greenwald, 17.3.22




Vor unseren Augen entsteht eine neue Weltordnung

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Fr, 18. März 2022

Putins Krieg beschleunigt, was schon vorher stattfand: den Niedergang der westlichen Welt, …………………



Heizkostenzuschuss: soziale Kosmetik, während die Mittelschicht arm gemacht wird

Von Olaf Opitz Fr, 18. März 2022

Die beschlossenen Hilfen für Studenten, Geringverdiener und Senioren mit kleinen Renten ……………



Nach Atom- und Kohleausstieg – jetzt der Gas-Knall

Deutschland schießt sich energiepolitisch selbst ins Aus – nachdem man zuvor jahrelang die eigene Abhängigkeit vom russischen Gas immer weiter ausgebaut hatte, soll jetzt auch dieser ……………..



Yes, I Too Stand With Abp. Vigano and His Analysis oft he Russia-Ukraine Conflict

There are nuggets in there and I like Vig, I stood with his positions on COVID and now he is even more informed…think, turn off FOX and CNN and think…and dont believe him, but ………………



Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan for Oil

Russia is not the only country turning to the yuan. Beijing is in talks with Saudi Arabia to begin purchasing oil with their own currency opposed to the USD. Saudi Arabia has long had ……………



Digital Currencies & Rations

Dear Mr. Armstrong A question that is worrying so many…
Will programmable central bank digital currencies be successful once introduced?
Kind regards G




Was Hitler Really Right-Wing?

03/16/2022 Rainer Zitelmann

Was Hitler really “right wing”? The German-British publicist Sebastian Haffner, who wrote one of the most notable essays on Adolf Hitler, has pointed out that the only opposition which ……………….



The Triumphant Foreign Policy of Warren G. Harding

03/15/2022 Ryan Walters

„I find a hundred thousand sorrows touching my heart, and there is a ringing in my ears, like an admonition eternal, an insistent call, ‘It must not be again! It must not be again!'“ said a …………….



Russia Isn’t Nearly as Isolated as Washington Wants You to Believe

03/16/2022 Ryan McMaken

Some US policymakers and pundits are declaring that Russia—and its population—are cut off ……………..



Important Voter Alert

by Lawrence Kadish March 17, 2022

Here are some tips for navigating life – and politics.

You don’t play poker with strangers, as they may be professional card sharks.

You don’t get into a boxing ring if you view it as a sport and the other guy views it as a profession.




Whitehead On Tyranny : Beware Government’s Push For Digital Currency

Posted By: John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute March 17, 2022




Canada’s Nazi Problem

by Cameron Pike for The Saker Blog, 2.2.2018

Vancouver, Canada held a significant event in the history of Canada on January 16th, 2018. ……………





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