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Ein marxistisches System erkennt man daran, dass es die Kriminellen verschont und den politischen Gegner kriminalisiert.

— Alexander Solschenizyn

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

House Votes to Legalize Marijuana

Individual states began legalizing marijuana a few years ago after the 1969 Supreme Court decision led to the Controlled Substance Act of 1970. Now, the House has ……………………



Eurozone Inflation and ECB Incompetence

According to Eurostat, the European Union statistics company, inflation in Europe rose to a new all-time high in March after advancing by 7.5%. This surpassed the high of 5.9% set in ………………..



NIH Admits it ‘Suppressed’ Wuhan Lab Genetic Data

Posted By: Mark Tapscott via The Epoch Times April 4, 2022

The data shuffle works like this: First, Technocrats cherry-pick data that justifies their pre-conceived outcomes; Second, they pump propaganda promoting their pseudo-scientific, …………….



Will Viktor Orban Bring Down the House That Davos Built?

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns April 5, 2022

Today Hungarians go to the polls to decide their future. What they may not realize is that they also are deciding on the future of most of the European continent in the process.




What Will You Do When There Is No Food?

By Gary D. Barnett April 5, 2022

“That bowl of soup—it was dearer than freedom, dearer than life itself, past, present, and future.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn (One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich)




Biden’s Big Government Centrism

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute April 5, 2022

President Biden’s 5.8 trillion dollars fiscal year 2023 budget increases “discretionary” spending to 1.6 trillion dollars. The remaining 4.2 trillion dollars of spending consists of ……………….



Will the U.S. Lead or Continue to ‚Lose Ground‘?

by Pete Hoekstra April 5, 2022 Today, Russia in Ukraine is the focus, but the aspirations of China and Iran must not be ignored.




Why does Boris want to nuke the UK?

Peter Franklin is Associate Editor of UnHerd. He was previously a policy advisor and speechwriter on environmental and social issues. There’s a power struggle at the heart of government. April 5, 2022




Putin’s Inflation? Homegrown Modern Monetary Theory Is to Blame

04/04/2022 Vibhu Vikramaditya

Prices of goods and services in the economy seem to be going through the roof, and both consumers and producers suffer from the falling value of their money. Unfortunately, the …………………….



The State: It’s Oligarchs All the Way Down

04/02/2022 Jason Morgan

The standard history of post-Soviet Russia goes something like this. During the Soviet era, there were no real prices because of the Communists’ incessant, blanket meddling in ………………………



How philosophy sacrificed the truth

Kathleen Stock is a writer and former professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex. She writes on Substack. Victimhood is more important than biological reality. April 5, 2022




Putin is following the Bosnia playbook

Philip Cunliffe is Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent. His most recent books include Cosmopolitan Dystopia: International Intervention and the Failure of the West. The seeds of his invasion were sown in Yugoslavia. April 5, 2022




Schanghai im Lockdown – Was ist da los?

China beginnt wieder massiv zu testen, was einen Anstieg der positiven Testergebnisse zur Folge hat. Nun gibt es einen Lockdown auf unbestimmte Zeit in Schanghai.

Ein bisschen lag dieser Tage in Schanghai so etwas wie ein Déjà-vu von Walter Ulbrichts ……………………..



Politiker mahnen zum Maskentragen – und benutzen selbst keine

Di, 5. April 2022

Ausgerechnet die schrillsten Warner und Mahner lockern die eigenen Regeln: Karl Lauterbach und Bayerns Gesundheitsminister Klaus Holetschek.




Lauterbachs letztes Gefecht

Von Marco Gallina Di, 5. April 2022

In den Tagen vor dem Impfpflicht-Gesetz gibt der Gesundheitsminister noch einmal alles: Drohungen, Erpressungen, Aufruf zum letzten Aufgebot. Es ist ein Kampf gegen den ……………………..



„Einrichtungsbezogene Impfpflicht”: Ein krankes Gesetz

Von Marcel Templin und Dr. Justus Hoffmann.

Seit dem 16. März 2022 wird die sogenannte „einrichtungsbezogene Impfpflicht“ umgesetzt. …………..



The Gaslighting of the Establishment Has Reached A Critical Point

By Vasko Kohlmayer April 5, 2022

“Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser to the U.K. government, has warned of a potential COVID variant that could ‘escape immunity’ and take the world by surprise and …………………




China Mocks US Demand

Beijing posted a cartoon suggesting Washington wants to bulldoze Beijing into taking its side on Ukrain

RT News April 5, 2022

Thanks, Vicki Marzullo




US Military Doctor Testifies She Was Orderes by Govn Administration to ‘Cover Up’ Vaccine Injuries

Dr. Theresa Long, medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following the Biden regime’s mandate. By ……………….



Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Warns That the Coming Technocracy is More Dangerous Than Communism




FOOD HYPERINFLATION begins in Germany… RIOTS in Sri Lanka… currency collapse and STARVATION coming worldwide

Monday, April 04, 2022 by: Mike Adams



Dr. Robert Malone v WEF

Dr. Robert Malone, one of the initial founders of mRNA vaccines, turned into the most prominent critic, plans to expose everyone in the World Economic Forum (WEF). “They’ve …………………



Bucha – the False Flag to Cross the Rubicon

We are crossing the Rubicon but this time it is not to free society from a corrupt Senate, it is the Corrupt Senate determined to create a New World Order by destroying everything familiar about the society we now know. As always, it is difficult to separate truth from sheer hatred ……………….



Riesen-Pleite für Scholz & Lauterbach Impfpflicht ab 18 Jahre gescheitert!

Artikel von: Julius Böhm und Ralf Schuler 04.04.2022 –

Kanzler Olaf Scholz (63, SPD) wollte sie, Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (57, SPD) wollte sie noch viel mehr – doch sie ist vom Tisch:




16-jährige Schülerin über eine Stunde lang mehrfach vergewaltigt

Nach brutaler Gruppenvergewaltigung in Linz: Vierter mutmaßlicher Täter in U-Haft




Zelensky – The Madman of Ukraine

The bias of the Western Press is just unimaginable. I reported previously that our contacts in both Serbia and Hungary were reflecting overwhelming support for Putin and Russia. The ……………………….



Münchner Jusos wollen Supermarkt-Unternehmen enteignen

„Hat ja in der DDR auch super geklappt“, kommentieren Kritiker

Von: Thomas Gautier 04.04.2022




Zum vierten Mal in Folge: Zweidrittel-Mehrheit für Orban

Orban gewinnt Wahlen klar – Ungarn bestätigen neutralen Kurs in Ukraine-Konflikt




Lauterbach und Medien weiter im Corona-Panikmodus

Maskenpflicht fällt: Trotzige Deutsche wollen Maske freiwillig weitertragen




Our Man in Mykolaiv: Tensions High in Only City Between Odessa and the Front

If we leave, it would confirm suspicions and could be dangerous. So we decide to wait. We hear a low rumble of what sounds like rocket artillery. We are standing out in the open and quickly look at each other. ‘It’s outgoing,’ Mikhail reassures us.  Caleb Larson, 3.4.22




Bitcoin: ein Freiheitsprojekt in Gefahr

  1. April 2022 –Peter Bistoletti

Seit einigen Jahren herrscht ein Machtkampf zwischen Bitcoin (BTC) einerseits und dem Staat, den Banken und Zentralbanken andererseits. Die größte Gefahr für BTC ist der Staat …………………..



The Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party Will Continue

By J.B. Shurk

Being a Republican voter is no easy thing.  Social media censor you.  Companies fire you.  The Department of Justice persecutes you.  Democrats assault and harass you.  And all ……………….




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