Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Es gibt drei Arten von Menschen, diejenigen, die sehen, diejenigen, die sehen, was ihnen gezeigt wird und diejenigen, die nicht sehen.

— Leonardo da Vinci

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Macron & the April 10th Election

On April 10, the election in France will take place, and Macron is ahead for now with 27% of the vote. But Macron has been using his position as the European Union bloc’s president for six months. Macron has cleverly used this position as a powerbase toward a reelection bid by ……………



Die Vaccinated

A reader shared this story from last year, highlighting the stupidity of vaccinations. Germany permits legal euthanasia for those suffering from terminal illnesses who meet specific …………..



Breaking Humanity’s Back with Needles, Bombs, and Starvation

By Dr. Mark Sircus DrSircus.com April 6, 2022

What you are about to read about what is happening in the world is tedious, depressing, terrifying, and infuriating. The world is falling apart at the seams, and it’s not all Russia’s …………………..



How to transform FEAR into CONFIDENCE as we face an uncertain future of food scarcity and dollar devaluation

Tuesday, April 05, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Many people find this odd, but those who talk the most about the coming “doom and gloom” scenarios are usually the very same people who have the least fear about ………………



A Theory of the Case

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com April 6, 2022

There was Scott Pelley of CBS’s 60-Minutes show on Sunday night — the prime-time slot of the new week — all cued up to run interference for the US State Department (and other Deep State “actors”) in the propaganda war over Ukraine. Let’s be brutally frank and get this out of ……………



The Worst Generation

April 5, 2022

For the most part, generational politics are a self-defeating enterprise, because you end up attacking your allies. It is hard to attack people about whom you know little, but it is easy to ………………



Exclusive Interview With Jack Maxey on Status of Hunter Biden Laptop Investigation

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV April 6, 2022

Information Operation host, L Todd Wood speaks exclusively with Jack Maxey on the status of the investigation into the Hunter Biden ‘Laptop from Hell’.




Compromised Biden Cannot Lead America or The World

By Vasko Kohlmayer April 6, 2022

Last week the Russian government held a press conference where it aired accusations of breath-taking corruption on the part of Joe Biden and his family.

Unfortunately, this event was no fake news Russian propaganda. The incriminating evidence ………………



The Great Russian Energy Scam

Russian ‚Dark Money‘ Funding ‚Green‘ Groups in West

by Giulio Meotti April 6, 2022 „Germany and several other European countries have largely banned fracking. This has transformed European leaders into the equivalent of 16th-century naval explorers, praying for favorable winds and weather as energy prices rise and fall …………………….



The War Propaganda Changes Its Shape

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org April 6, 2022

If the Russian army has won the war against the Banderites in Ukraine, Nato has won the cognitive war against its own citizens in the West. The Atlantic Alliance has developed a new ………………



Dr. Faustus To Visit Woodrow’s University

By Steve Berger April 6, 2022

The email link to The Daily Princetonian’s March 18, 22 headline “Princeton announces Dr. Anthony Fauci as Class Day 2022 Speaker” had to be a spoof from The Onion or Babylon Bee. Alas, truth was stranger than fiction. Princeton’s Class Day co-chairs gleefully ……………….



Nach “Plusminus”-Beitrag über Impf-Nebenwirkungen: Realitätsschock bei der ARD

5. April 2022 Über 200 Kommentare: ARD schließt Kommentarbereich "aus technischen Gründen"




What Causes Exceptionally Low Inflation in Japan and Switzerland?

04/02/2022 Taiki MuraiGunther Schnabl

Recently, many industrialized countries such as the United States and the euro area have experienced high and further rising inflation, whereas in Japan and Switzerland inflation has ……………………



What’s Wrong with Economic Growth?

04/04/2022 Antony P. Mueller

Economic growth serves as the prominent standard for measuring the performance of an economy. However, what is published as the gross domestic product (GDP) does not represent production but reports overall spending. The calculation of economic growth is …………………



Mask Wearing Has Left a Generation of Toddlers Struggling With Speech and Social Skills

Infants have “been unable to see lip movements or mouth shapes as regularly.”

4 April, 2022 Paul Joseph Watson

Lockdown restrictions, including adults wearing face masks, has left a generation of babies ……………….



Read, Obey, and Conform: U.N. to Release Climate Orders for Societies and Economies

4 Apr 20221

Climate experts commissioned by the U.N. will release what is claimed to be the definitive guide to “halting global warming” on Monday, in a report ordering how societies and ………………….



“Dann tötet der Staat vorsätzlich Menschen”

Achgut.com dokumentiert einen Brief des Netzwerks Kritische Richter und Staatsanwälte an die deutschen Parlamentarier zur der morgigen Abstimmung zur Impfpflicht. Er ist konzilliant im Ton, aber hart in der Sache.

„Sehr geehrte Mitglieder des Bundestages,




US-Wahlaufsicht verhängt Geldstrafe gegen Clinton-Kampagne – wegen Russland-Intrige gegen Trump

Von Sebastian Thormann Fr, 1. April 2022 Trump Kritik bestätigt

Die Kampagne von Hillary Clinton und die Demokratische Partei der USA mussten eine …………………..



Quelle des Steele-Dossiers wegen Verbindungen zur Clinton-Kampagne festgenommen

Von Sebastian Thormann Fr, 5. November 2021

Langsam kommen die Methoden ans Licht, mit denen Trumps Wahl 2016 verhindert werden sollte. Das FBI wurde mit Falschaussagen zu Ermittlungen gebracht, offenbar mischte die ……………….



Krempelt Elon Musk Twitter um?

Tech-Milliardär Elon Musk hat 9,2 Prozent der Anteile an Twitter erworben und ist nun der größte Einzelaktionär des Kurzmitteilungsdienstes. Das dürfte die von ihm kritisierte linke Twitter-Führungsebene nachhaltig aufschrecken.



The resurrection of Marine Le Pen

Anne-Elisabeth Moutet is a Paris-based journalist and political commentator. Macron has enabled her remarkable comeback. April 6, 2022

Three months ago, Marine Le Pen’s political future seemed smashed into irrelevance by the rise of Eric Zemmour. She was past it, a tired war horse with no project and a quasi-bankrupt ………………



As Le Pen Surges in Polls, France Faces Danger of a Red-Black Coalition in Its National Assembly

What is emerging in France is a wide Resentment Coalition that pits the ‘peripheral nation,’ Right and Left, against the ‘elites,’ and which, potentially, might attract more than 60 percent of the vote.

Michel Gurfinkel April 6, 2022




Die Wahrheit über die Ukraine

uncut-news.ch April 6, 2022

Von Wolfgang Bittner: Der Schriftsteller und Publizist Dr. jur. Wolfgang Bittner lebt in Göttingen. Von ihm erschienen 2014 „Die Eroberung Europas durch die USA“, 2019 „Die Heimat, der Krieg und der Goldene Westen“ sowie „Der neue West-Ost-Konflikt“ und 2021 „Deutschland – verraten und verkauft. Hintergründe und Analysen“.




The Shining II: Impfabos und Herzschäden

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Schwere Erkrankungen in hoher Zahl als Impffolgen sind längst nicht mehr zu leugnen. Die verantwortlichen Politiker negieren trotzig die Gefahr, und so nimmt der Horror seinen Lauf.




Why It’s Looking More like the 1970s than the 1950s

04/04/2022 Joseph Solis-Mullen

Last July when a team of White House economists issued their analysis of the predicament the US economy was mired in, the historical parallel they landed on was the immediate years …………



Pathologen setzten in Brandbriefen dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut kurze Frist, das Impfen unverzüglich zu stoppen

Das für die Impfsicherheit zuständige staatliche Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) verharmlost in ………………



Ukraine and the Zombiefication of America

By Boyd D. Cathey  My Corner April 6, 2022

Increasingly I despair of this country. The more I read and see, the more I am confirmed in my view that the “American Empire” is reaching a final phase and that our “shelf life” is …………………..



Danish Politician Advises EU Residents to Avoid Long Showers

Danish Politician Margrethe Vestager is utterly uninformed about the true factors surrounding rising inflation among the 19 counties in the European Union (EU). According to EU ………………



The Global Order Has Cracked

April 3, 2022

Nations that fail to adapt to the end of financialization and globalization will unravel.
We all sense the global order has cracked. The existing order is breaking down on multiple fronts. Those who have benefited from this arrangement are doing everything in their power ………………….



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