Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die eine Hälfte der Grünen ist beim Staat angestellt, die andere Hälfte lebt vom Staat.

— Guido Westerwelle.

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Living in the Past – Stalin v Lenin

Hi, I live in Finland/Helsinki. The Soviet Union attacked Finland in 1939, Stalin was one who arranged a false flag in Manila. A lot of Finnish soldiers and civilians died. But we survived. We Finnish people know Russians extremely well. It is a historical fact that Russians always …………….



Canada Begins Eugenics Program

While people always point to Nazi, Germany, Canada is no stranger to eugenics. The Sexual Sterilization Act in 1928 forced Indigenous women to undergo sterilizations to diminish their population. Canada provided these women with a skewed “mental deficiency” test in an ……………



COVID Outbreak on 100% Vaccinated Cruise Ship

Princess Cruises requires all passengers and crew members to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Yet, a ship of only vaccinated individuals recently docked in San Francisco after ……………….



PLANNED STARVATION: Grain deliveries by rail to be partially HALTED, devastating dairy herds and meat operations nationwide

Wednesday, April 06, 2022 by: Mike Adams



DHS says border surge will delay other immigrants’ applications

By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times – Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The worse the border surge, the more it will hurt other immigrants trying to come to the …………..



Destroying America to „Save“ It? Biden’s Nihilistic Destruction of the Energy Industry

04/05/2022 William L. Anderson

One of the saddest quotes from the Vietnam War came from journalist Peter Arnett, who wrote in a dispatch in 1968 about an American attack on a Vietcong-held village: “It became ………………..



The Wrong Elites

Jeff Deist

„To mount an effective response to the reigning egalitarianism of our age, therefore, it is necessary but scarcely sufficient to demonstrate the absurdity, the anti-scientific nature, the …………….



Inflation Isn’t What the „Experts“ Say It Is. The Confusion in Terms Is Deliberate

04/05/2022 Manuel Tacanho

Inflation, monetary inflation specifically, is as desired and necessary by the state as food is necessary for human nourishment. Inflation, more so than taxation, is the main nourishment ………………..



Is Biden also a War Criminal Bringing Civilization to a Complete Collapse?

Biden has declared that “major war crimes” are now being discovered in Ukraine as Russian forces retreat from areas around Kyiv. In a total propaganda move where he just takes whatever Zelensky says at face value who is a puppet intended to create World War III because the ability of government to continue to …………………



If The Fed Starts a Digital Currency, It Had Better Guarantee Privacy

By Andrew M. Bailey & William J. Luther  April 04, 2022

President Biden’s latest executive order calls for extensive research on digital assets and may ……………



Why Renewables Can’t Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis

By Irina Slav – Apr 04, 2022, Europe has been aggressively pursuing a clean energy future and the end of fossil fuels, but Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the shortcomings of renewables.




Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has always been guarded when it comes to questions over his family.

In 2015, during one of his marathon news conferences, he dodged questions about his daughter’s identities.




Ukraine Unlikely to Take Back Crimea–Donbass Corridor Through Military Means: Zelenskyy

By Allen Zhong April 5, 2022




The Warfare State’s Infinetly Mendacious Echo Chamber

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner April 7, 2022

It all starts with the number $813 billion, the Biden national defense budget for FY 2023. That number is so hideously – nay, grotesquely – large that it is the inherent fount of the war ………………



Dangerous Attacks on Freedom

By Andrew P. Napolitano April 7, 2022

In the give and take at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on President Joseph R. Biden’s nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, and in ………………



Predicting the Future in Ukraine

By Karen Kwiatkowski April 7, 2022

If facts are more powerful than beliefs, the war in Ukraine would have never happened, there would be no fantasies of NATO membership, pushed by the US or demanded by a US proxy …………………



World War III

April 6, 2022

The war that the Global American Empire has launched against Russia is just the beginning of a global war it believes will bring about the end times. That sounds extreme but the top ……………….



Impfzwang ab 60 ist erst recht unsinnig

Wenn man so denkt und argumentiert wie die „Fremdschutz“-Freunde der Zwangsimpfung, dann kann man logisch keinen faulen Kompromiss ab 60 eingehen. Es geht dann nur alles oder nichts, hü oder hott.




Widerruf der Zulassung statt Impfpflicht

Unsere Parlamentarier sind verpflichtet, die Interessen des deutschen Volkes zu vertreten. Sie dürfen kein Gesetz erlassen, das dazu führt, dass noch mehr Menschen durch die „Impfstoffe“ getötet werden oder zu Schaden kommen.




Coronapolitik: Der Ethikrat setzt sich schon mal ab

Der Ethikrat unter seiner Vorsitzenden Alena Buyx lässt aufhorchen. Man will sich offenbar rechtzeitig von dem Jahrhundert-Wahnsinn absetzen, den man zuvor willfährig mitbefördert ……………..



Have the Republicans gone too far?

Oliver Wiseman is the deputy editor of The Spectator World and author of the DC Diary, a daily email from Washington. He is a 2021-22 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow.  Sarah Palin …………..



The week the trans spell was broken

Hadley Freemanis a staff writer at The Guardian. She was recently named Columnist of the Year by the British Society of Magazine Editors. Her last book, House of Glass, was published by 4th Estate in 2020. Her next will be published by 4th Estate in 2023. It’s finally ………………..



‚When Will Biden See That His Mistakes Are Harming America’s Interests?‘

by Khaled Abu Toameh April 7, 2022 „The UAE has allocated the bulk of the investments of its huge sovereign funds in the American markets, even excluding Asian and European …………………



Die von Putin und Biden angestrebten Regimewechsel verlaufen weder in Kiew noch in Moskau plangemäß

Von Roland Springer Do, 7. April 2022

Mit dem russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine und dem westlichen Wirtschaftskrieg ………………..



Parlament und Kanzler müssen wissen: Die Zwangsimpfung zerstört die Impfkultur

Von Mi, 6. April 2022

Ein von Anfang an zum Scheitern verurteiltes Projekt soll mit allen Mitteln durchgeboxt werden, um das Gesicht zu wahren. Die Impfkultur in Deutschland wird mit der Etablierung ………………….



Abrechnung mit Lauterbach bei Maischberger: „Er ist ein bisschen verrückt“

Von Mario Thurnes Do, 7. April 2022

Den Krieg in der Ukraine konnte keiner kommen sehen. Darin waren sich die Gäste von „Maischberger. Die Woche“ einig. Nun schätzen sie ein, wie er enden wird. Und wie die ………………



Frontstadt Donezk – Die unerwünschte Republik (kompletter Film)



Florida Governor DeSantis Emerges as an American Leader

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org April 7, 2022

As I reported on April 4, Disney, once upon a time a respected and trusted company, is today a lobby for sexual perversion.  The Florida legislature passed the “Parental Rights in ……………….



Bucha, Budapest and the Multiplying Problems of Real War Criminals

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns April 7, 2022

Fungal President Joe Biden openly declared Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal” in a recent outburst while speaking at NATO. He’s repeated this in the wake of the …………………




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