Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Europa wird christlich sein oder es wird nicht sein.

— Otto von Habsburg

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

US Spies Admit Running Anti-Russia ‘Info War’

Releases to the press were intended to “deter” Russia, even if the intel was flimsy, NBC has revealed RT News April 8, 2022

US intelligence officials have leaked information about the Ukraine conflict that wasn’t “rock ……………….



The British are now officially hiding Covid vaccine data

As of today, they have stopped releasing it, and they are lying about the reason why.

Alex Berenson, 7.4.22




The Praetorians

April 7, 2022

The video of former president Obama visiting the White House recently made clear that the current president is not really in charge. Joe Biden was seen staggering around the reception looking for anyone to acknowledge him. It was possible he had no idea where he was at the …………………..



Whistleblower who handed Hunter’s abandoned laptop to congressmen and DailyMail.com reveals he has 450 gigabytes of DELETED material including 80,000 images and videos – and has fled to Switzerland fearing retaliation from White House

Whistleblower Jack Maxey gave DailyMail.com a copy of the hard drive from Hunter Biden’s  abandoned laptop in the spring of 2021




Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda

Iain Davis

Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine has been presented to us, in the West, as unprovoked and unjustified.




Long Live Orbán!

By Paul Gottfried

When Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz-KDNP alliance swept to victory on Sunday, thereby guaranteeing the Hungarian premier a fourth term with a large parliamentary majority, it …………………..



Pelosi Suddenly Tests COVID Positive Conveniently Cancelling Taiwan Trip

In a stunningly convenient announcement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tested positive for COVID-19, thereby postponing her trip to Taiwan after China threatened retaliation for trying to turn Taiwan into the next Ukraine. Pelosi’s top staffer just tweeted that his lord and ……………….



Impfzwang gescheitert – Blamage für Kanzler Scholz und Noch-Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach

Von Max Roland Do, 7. April 2022

Olaf Scholz hat alles versucht: Baerbock musste den Nato-Gipfel schwänzen, Abstimmungstricks sollten den Weg ebnen. Das nützte alles nichts. Nach 120 Tagen ist die ………………….



Mises the Revolutionary

04/05/2022 Ralph Raico

It is said that a number of years ago, when Bill Buckley was at the beginning of his career of college-speaking, and somewhat more tolerant of libertarians than he is today, he once wrote two names on the blackboard thereby nicely dramatized the point that students in his audience ……………….




By Egon von Greyerz April 5, 2022

“There is gonna be a new world order out there and we’ve gotta lead it!
And we gotta unite the rest of the world in doing it!”

That is what Biden proclaimed in a recent speech.




NYT: Despite Claims of Privacy Improvements, Big Tech Is Still Tracking Your Every

Lucas Nolan 6 Apr 202239

Despite recent advances in privacy measures that have disrupted online tracking, new highly effective tracking methods have been deployed by the Masters of the Universe, who have …………..



Biden Administration Stops Shipments of COVID-19 Treatment to All States

By Zachary Stieber

April 6, 2022

The U.S. government on April 5 immediately halted all shipments of a COVID-19 treatment ……………………



The „Rules-Based International Order“ Is Dead. Washington Killed It.

04/05/2022 Ryan McMaken

The lack of self-awareness among the many American officials who are striking a moralistic pose in opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is striking.




Ouster of Russia From UN’s Human Rights Council Emerges as a Pyrrhic Victory

There is a sense among some at the UN that America would have done better quitting the Geneva-based body — and taking the rest of the democracies with it.

Benny Avni, 7.4.22




Das Wunder von Berlin und die Logik der Schnapsidee

Impfpflicht für über 60-Jährige gescheitert. Man könnte von einem historischen Tag sprechen. Irgendwie ist es aber auch schade. Ich habe schon auf die Jagdszenen im Seniorenheim spekuliert, die die ganze Lächerlichkeit der Idee bildhaft gemacht hätten.




Wohin mit Karl?

Trotz aller versuchter Tricks ist der Impfpflichtplan von Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach im Bundestag krachend gescheitert. Eigentlich müsste er gehen, wird aber als …………..



Biologisches Geschlecht, soziales Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentität – offenbar drei Paar Stiefel

Von Josef Kraus Fr, 8. April 2022 Keine Realsatire, sondern demnächst EU-Recht!

In Kürze rechnen wir damit, dass Parken auf Frauenparkplätzen allen geschlechtlichen Identitäten erlaubt sein muss. Denn auch der alte, weiße Mann kann sich ja gelegentlich als ………………



„Allgemeine Impfpflicht“: Verplauderte sich Karl Lauterbach auf Twitter?

Fr, 8. April 2022 Tarnen und Täuschen

Eine Kurzmitteilung des Bundesgesundheitsministers wirkt rätselhaft. Möglicherweise rutschte ihm aus Versehen ein Plan heraus, den er und die Koalitionsmehrheit insgeheim ……………



Die wahren Helden von heute

Von Peter Hahne Fr, 8. April 2022

Die wahren Helden, die den Sieg der Demokratie, der freien Entscheidung der Bürger gegen das Diktat einer Polit-Schickeria erkämpft haben, sind diejenigen, die unbeirrt Montag für ………………..



Red Hot Rentals

Rentals are soaring across the US to unsustainable levels. Gone are the days when people stuck to the tradition of spending less than one week of income on housing. According to a ……………….



Canada Bans Foreigners from Real Estate Market but Misses Loopholes

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced on Thursday that most




And Now for a Really Bad Response to Political Calamity: Autarky

04/06/2022 Daniel Lacalle

The invasion of Ukraine, the spike in inflation and the risks of supply shortages have made some politicians dust off some of the worst economic ideas in history: autarky and ……………..



The Commodity Currency Revolution

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney April 8, 2022

We will look back at current events and realise that they marked the change from a dollar-based global economy underwritten by financial assets to commodity-backed currencies. We face a change from collateral being purely financial in nature to becoming commodity based. …………………



War Against Conservatives

People are leaving Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and are moving to Parlar. Google and Apple removed the Parlar APP and then Amazon kicked thm off of AWS. This is a complete purge ………………….



The #1 most important thing you can do to STOP the COVID insanity

We need to ensure that Senator Ron Johnson is reelected and that the Republicans control the Senate so that Johnson can hold the CDC, FDA, and NIH accountable for their actions. Steve Kirsch, 5.4.22




Democrats Now Also Poking China The Covert Destruction Ahead

China has bluntly warned that it would take strong measures if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. They have warned that such a visit ……………….



Ensuring Election Integrity

by Lawrence Kadish April 7, 2022 Congratulations to Alabama and Ballotpedia for their invaluable role in protecting our democracy.

In the age of Covid, with absentee voting now widespread, only one state, Alabama, has safeguards that „explicitly allowed only the voters to return their ballot“, to prevent third …………………….



Verfassungsschutz ermittelt: Dubioser Verein wirbt Selenski-Söldner für Ukraine-Krieg

  1. April 2022

“Tritt der Legion bei und hilf uns die Ukraine, Europa und die ganze Welt zu verteidigen”: Mit diesen Worten wirbt das ukrainische Außenministerium auf der ganzen Welt um freiwillige Söldner. Verlinkt auf diese Netzpräsenz wird unter anderem auch in der …………………….



Gas gegen Rubel ist kein Problem: Für Orban kommt eigenes Volk zuerst

  1. April 2022

Während die anderen Staaten versuchen, sich mit Sanktionen gegen Russland zu überbieten und sich der Forderung Putins, dass Gas nur noch mit Rubel gezahlt werden soll, widersetzen, geht der frisch wiedergewählte ungarische Premierministerminister Viktor Orban einen ganz ………………..



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