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To totalitarians truth is as the cross is to the devil.

— Thomas DiLorenzo

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

The End of Western Domination

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org April 20, 2022

The Western sanctions against Russia, decided unilaterally by Washington, are presented as a just punishment for the aggression against Ukraine. But, without mentioning their illegality …………………..



Americans Should Put a Stop to the ‘Biomedical Security State’: Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

By Tammy Hung and Jan Jekielek April 17, 2022Updated: April 18, 2022

During the COVID-19 pandemic, stringent measures such as mandatory masking, …………………



My New Podcast: Inside the Den of Thieves

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog April 20, 2022

As you know, I’ve launched weekly podcasts on my new substack page. Go over there and ………………..



The Enemy of My Enemies

Contemplating a moral dilemma in our multipolar world.

Good Citizen, 15.4.22

We are forbidden to speak of Vladimir Putin at all these days without wrapping both sides of his name with sufficient admonishments of venomous slander. Anyone who does not pledge …………………



The Nationalities Question

04/18/2022 Murray N. Rothbard

Upon the collapse of centralizing totalitarian Communism in Eastern Europe and even the Soviet Union, long suppressed ethnic and nationality questions and conflicts have come rapidly to the fore. The crack-up of central control has revealed the hidden but still vibrant ……………..



UFOs – Real or Fake?

I’m just curious. President Jimmy Carter said that he saw a UFO which was reported by the Associated Press in January 1978. There are countless reports of UFOs for decades. Some say they have been around for thousands of years. Does Socrates have any ability to confirm or deny such things? FG




Easter Bunny Comforts POTUS

The President of the United States needed the Easter Bunny to prevent him from putting his foot in his mouth. You read that correctly. Biden began rambling about Pakistan and …………………..



The Ukraine Is Still Losing So What Is Its Plan?

Moon of Alabama April 20, 2022

Russian and Donbas forces have cleared the city of Mariupol except for the giant metallurgic complex of Azovstal which is held by some estimated 4,000 men, including many from the fascist Azov battalion.




Ist der Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes befangen?

Von Thorsten Schleif. In seinem neuen Buch „Wo unsere Justiz versagt“ rechnet der aktive Richter Thorsten Schleif mit dem Justizversagen in Deutschland ab. Dabei scheut er auch nicht vor dem Vorsitzenden des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zurück und liest Stephan Harbarth ………………



Ehemaliger UN-Folterbeauftragter Nils Melzer: „Die Politik hat eine große Verantwortung“

Von Max Roland Di, 19. April 2022

Der ehemalige UN-Sonderberichterstatter für Folter erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen Deutschland. Er beklagt die entgrenzte Polizeigewalt auf Coronademos – und attestiert der …………………



Twitter-Gründer Jack Dorsey attackiert CNN und Twitter-Vorstand

Von Sebastian Thormann Mi, 20. April 2022

CNN, der Vorzeige-Sender des linken Spektrums in den USA, kommt in die Kritik. Angeführt wird sie von Ex-Twitter-CEO Jack Dorsey, der auch schon den aktuellen Twitter-…………………



Inflation, Blackout, Hunger: Die Welt wird zum Prepper

Wir erleben eine rapide Geldentwertung, und die hat nur zum Teil etwas mit dem Krieg in der Ukraine zu tun.  Die Wirtschaft verliert das Vertrauen und agiert längst wie ein Prepper.

Nikolaus Kopernikus hatte einen für damalige – und vielleicht auch für heutige – Verhältnisse ……………….



Olaf Scholz und der Kreml

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz verhält sich in Sachen Ukraine auffallend wortkarg und zaudernd. Sein Zögern könnte auch mit seiner politischen Vergangenheit zu tun haben.

Dass Vertreter einer Regierungskoalition den eigenen Bundeskanzler öffentlich kritisieren, ist ………………..



Bill Gates: Math is Racist

You may have heard the insane notion that math is fundamentally racist. Equitable Math, a group aiming to make numbers less prejudiced, has noted that its largest founder is none other ………………



Judge Rules CDC Mask Mandate Unconstitutional

US District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle has determined that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) violated the law by forcing travelers to wear masks — …………………



Musk Says Twitter Board Will Be Paid Nothing If He Takes Over

By Tom Ozimek April 19, 2022

Billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk said that, if his Twitter takeover attempt is successful, the company’s Board of Directors will go from being paid millions per year to zero.




Keynesians and Market Monetarists Didn’t See Inflation Coming

04/18/2022 Robert P. Murphy

The government’s latest report puts the twelve-month official consumer price inflation rate at 8.5 percent, the highest since December 1981:

As economists debate the causes of, and cure for, this price inflation, it’s worth recounting ………………



Jordan Peterson on Austrian Economics: Free Markets Are „Profoundly Equitable“

04/18/2022 Joakim Book

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian psychologist, lecturer, and intellectual with a comparative advantage in enraging the left-establishment elites. That’s a valuable trait on its own, but Peterson’s more profound contributions to cultural and intellectual life in the 2010s and 2020s ……………….



Information Warfare From Pre-History of Ukraine

By Joe Lauria Consortium News April 20, 2022

The first thing to keep in mind is that information warfare is war. War by other means, but war nonetheless. The object is to win. To defeat your opponent. Information Warfare, as it is …………………



Tweet This: Will The Real Elon Musk Please Stand Up?

Posted By: Patrick Wood April 18, 2022

The title is the conclusion of the old TV game show To Tell The Truth, after several contestants would try to convince you that they were the real person in question. Like a ………………..



How Palestinians Desecrate Everyone’s Holy Sites, Including Their Own

by Bassam Tawil April 19, 2022 „We salute every drop of blood spilled for the sake of Jerusalem. This blood is clean, pure blood, shed for the sake of Allah. Every martyr will be placed in Paradise, and all the wounded will be rewarded by Allah.“ — Palestinian Authority …………..



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