Atkuelle Artikel und Videos

Der Deutsche gleicht dem Sklaven, der seinem Herrn gehorcht ohne Fessel, ohne Peitsche, durch das bloße Wort, ja durch einen Blick. Die Knechtschaft ist in ihm selbst, in seiner Seele; schlimmer als die materielle Sklaverei ist die spiritualisierte. Man muß die Deutschen von innen befreien, von außen hilft nichts.

— Heinrich Heine

Atkuelle Artikel und Videos

Trilateral Commission Members Serving In Biden Administration

Posted By: Patrick Wood April 20, 2022

The Trilateral Commission started in 1973 to create a New International Economic Order and was the fountainhead of modern globalization. Their members have dominated every …………………


America in the 2020s: Its Most Dangerous Decade

By Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD April 21, 2022

We face turbulent times. The 2021-2030 decade is stacking up to be the most dangerous one in America’s 32-decade history.



Weaponized Dollar May Explode in America’s Face

By incentivizing foreign governments to seek currency alternatives, U.S.-led sanctions could end the dollar’s global dominance and cause havoc at home Brian McGlinchey, 10.4.22



The Monopoly On Your Mind, Part 1: Consolidation Craze & Illusion of Choice

Six companies control 90% of what you read, watch, and hear. Here's why that's dangerous.

Rebecca Strong, 12.4.22



Using War to Assault Freedom

By Andrew P. Napolitano April 21, 2022

Most judges and lawyers agree that the war on drugs in the past 50 years has seriously diminished the right to privacy guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment.

Now a small group of legal academics is arguing that the war in Ukraine should be used to …………………


Expect Washington to Throw a Fit over China’s New Deal with the Solomon Islands

By Ryan McMaken April 21, 2022

Over the past twenty years, the United States has increasingly tried to claim that Washington does not believe in spheres of influence, and that only supposedly imperialist states like …………………


Deadly: COVID Vaccine  Smoking Gun; AstraZeneca CEO Reveals the Secret

The usual destructive effects of the vaccine are not enough—there must be greater destruction

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog April 21, 2022




China, Galileo, and the Heavens

By Bionic Mosquito April 21, 2022

Over recent decades, however, the Ministry of Rites had made a succession of embarrassing ……………….


The Vaccine Injury Compensation System for COVID has Failed

The national system for compensating the COVID-19 vaccine injured has not paid out a single claim. Robert W. Malone, 20.4.2022



Does Zuckerberg Belong in Prison?

We cannot even donate $10,000 to a political candidate, but if you are Mark Zuckerberg, you can help to manipulate elections. He was able to prevent the break up of his company by ……………………


Global Digital Identity of Persons and Objects

The World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published a report that encourages the use of a global digital identity program for persons and objects. The report centers on global trade but is the first step toward introducing global AI ………………..


America is RUNNING OUT of military munitions and can’t replace them FOR YEARS due to industrial decline and supply chain collapse

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 by: Mike Adams


Are Equal Pay Arguments Based upon the Labor Theory of Value?

04/19/2022 Connor Mortell

Following the 2019 Women’s World Cup, the issue of women’s pay moved even more to the …………………


To Fight Russia, Europe’s Regimes Risk Impoverishment and Recession for Europe

04/19/2022 Ryan McMaken

European politicians are eager to be seen as „doing something“ to oppose the Russian regime following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Most European regimes have wisely concluded—……………….


Bundeswehr-Vize erteilt Lieferung von schweren Waffen Absage

Epoch Times 20. April 2022

In der Debatte um die Militärunterstützung für die Ukraine hat der stellvertretende Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr, Markus Laubenthal, einer Lieferung von schweren …………………


Stones into Bread: The Keynesian Miracle

03/18/2022 Ludwig von Mises

The stock-in-trade of all Socialist authors is the idea that there is potential plenty and that the substitution of socialism for capitalism would make it possible to give to everybody “according to his needs.” Other authors want to bring about this paradise by a reform of the …………………


Tennessee Republican Party Removes Three Candidates From Ballot for US House Seat

By Zachary Stieber April 20, 2022

The Tennessee GOP has voted to remove three candidates who were vying for a seat representing the state’s 5th Congressional District.



Auch das noch: Deutsche Entwicklungspolitik wird feministisch

Mit einer „feministischen Entwicklungspolitik“ will Svenja Schulze, Ministerin für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, „für alle Menschen auf der Welt ein gutes Leben ermöglichen“. Inklusive Gender-Ansatz, der Afrika sicher entscheidend weiterbringen ……………….


Schweden: Allahu-Akbar und Molotow-Cocktails

In Schweden reagierten vornehmlich muslimische Migranten auf angekündigte Koranverbrennungen mit tagelangen Ausschreitungen. In einen mit Fahrgästen besetzten Bus wurde ein Molotowcocktail geworfen.



Macron blieb Antworten zu Terror und Verbrechen schuldig

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 21. April 2022

Vor den Augen der französischen Fernseh-Nation traf ein raumgreifender Amtsinhaber Emmanuel Macron auf eine Marine Le Pen, die erst allmählich Punkte machen konnte – mit ………………..


Unter dem Teppich – Impfschäden in den USA

Der amerikanische Informatiker und Unternehmer Steve Kirsch, Kritiker der COVID-Impfstoffe, wendet sich mit einem Offenen Brief an Christi Grimm, Generalinspekteurin des …………………


Mises in Defense of Edgeworth

04/19/2022 Ludwig von Mises

Introduction by Joseph T. Salerno:

Mises’s review of Francis Ysidro Edgeworth’s collected papers was published in German in 1926. It was translated by JoAnn Rothbard and appears here in English for the first time.



Former Intelligence Officials, Citing Russia, Say Big Tech Monopoly Power is Vital to National Security

When the U.S. security state announces that Big Tech's centralized censorship power must be ………………


Six Media Giants Control 90% Of What You Read, Watch, Hear

Posted By: Rebecca Strong via Down the Rabbit Hole April 20, 2022

Directors of these 6 media giants also sit on over 500 other giant corporations and 30 percent of those interlocks are within the same 6 companies. This is nepotism of the most ……………….


Biden’s Middle East: Saudi Arabia Embraces China; Will They Topple the Dollar?

by Judith Bergman April 20, 2022 If Saudi Arabia were to break the tradition of pricing its oil in US dollars, as it is contemplating doing, others could well start to price oil in Chinese yuan or other currencies — negatively affecting the US dollar’s status and potentially the entire US ……………….


Der neue Antikapitalismus von Rechts

  1. April 2022 –Rainer Zitelmann

Kapitalismuskritik verbinden die meisten Menschen vor allem mit linker Gesinnung. Doch zunehmend gibt es auch einen Antikapitalismus von rechts. Die AfD hat bekanntlich vor ………………


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