Expertenhearing zur Impfpflicht im Gesundheitsausschuss: Das Statement von Dr. Strasser I Teil 1
US Asks Germany to Hold Off on Russian Energy Sanctions Until Midterm Elections
Reports are circling that the Biden Administration has begged Germany to ……………………
$4 billion and counting: the D.C. war machine feasts on Ukraine
Step aside, COVID Mania. The military industrial machine is back in the saddle.
Jordan Schachtel, 27.4.22
Glenn Greenwald Says There’s no Downside to Elon Musk Buying Twitter
April 28, 2022
Pushback Against Wokeness at Stanford
By Vasko Kohlmayer April 28, 2022
A truly heartening piece of news comes out of Stanford: The Stanford Review, the school’s independent newspaper, is taking a bold stand against [the] unhinged progressivism that has …………………
The Hard Questions You Should Be Asking Your Heroes
By Allan Stevo April 28, 2022
A reader writes:
You may have heard of Ian Miller, the guy who produces all the graphs on Twitter showing ………………….
Nuclear War?
By Walter E. Block Ron Paul Institute April 28, 2022
The Russians are a weird people. For some reason, known only to their bizarre selves, they object to German invasions of their country. And not only that: they have the inexplicable habit of strenuously opposing another such eventuality.
How Did CNN+ Get Canned by Netflix? Austrian Economists Might Have an Answer
04/26/2022 Mark Thornton
Days after Netflix reported bad earnings and an “unexpected” hit to their subscriber base, CNN announced that it had pulled the plug on its own brand-new streaming service, CNN+.
Elon Musk’s Twitter Gambit and What It Means to the „Clique in Power“
04/26/2022 Michael Rectenwald
Elon Musk’s bid to take over Twitter and turn it into a private company has apparently been successful. Now the real action begins. Musk’s buyout exposes the Big Digital media …………..
Decentralized and Neutral
04/26/2022 Hans-Hermann Hoppe
States, regardless of their constitution, are not economic enterprises. In contrast to the latter, states do not finance themselves by selling products and services to customers who voluntarily pay, but by compulsory levies: taxes collected through the threat and use of ……………………
A white band to show support against political despotism and medical tyranny
A bit of string, a ribbon or a silicon band to recognize likeminded freedom fighters. Robert W. Malone
The Real Threat in the Ukraine Conflict
By Paul Craig Roberts April 28, 2022
I still have forebodings about the manner in which the Kremlin is conducting the Ukrainian operation. There is no doubt that the Russians had to come to the defense of the Donbass …………………..
In the Beginning Was the Word
By Bionic Mosquito April 28, 2022
This “meaning crisis” conversation will eventually come to a natural law ethic, or it will never resolve.
Russia’s Gazprom HALTS gas flows to Poland and Germany; Europe in PANIC as rolling blackouts are inevitable unless Europe finds RUBLES
Wednesday, April 27, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) In the bombshell news of the week, Russia’s Gazprom natural gas exporter, exactly has promised, is shutting off gas flows to nations whose gas importers refuse to pay …………………
Dänemark: Weg für Abschiebehaft im Kosovo frei
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 28. April 2022 Bald auch Asylverfahren in Ruanda?
Dänemark bleibt bei seinem eingeschlagenen Kurs einer stringenten Asylpolitik. Zwar lässt das Asylabkommen mit Ruanda auf sich warten. Der Vertragsabschluss der Briten könnte die ………………….
Na, sowas: Anderswo geht Politik anders
Ein interessantes Ergebnis der Frankreich-Wahlen: Sie erinnern uns daran, dass in anderen Ländern andere Sitten herrschen. Auch andere Wahlsitten.
Das hat uns jetzt Frankreich vorgeführt, davor England und davor Amerika. Man kann das als ……………………
Mit Elon Musk der Schwerkraft trotzen
Während wir in Deutschland meinen, für den Frieden frieren zu müssen, bringt Elon Musk bereits Weltraumtouristen ins All. Machen wir es wie Musk und trotzen der Schwerkraft – der ……………….
Bericht zur Coronalage: Vor dem Gesundheitsausschuss
Gestern fand eine öffentliche Anhörung des Gesundheitsausschusses des Bundestages zur einrichtungsbezogenen Impfpflicht statt. Ich war als Experte geladen und dokumentiere hier ………………..
The Useless Class
Yuval Noah Harari, a self-described historian and one of Schwab’s loudest mouthpieces, believes that we will see the rise of the “useless class.” Harari noted how during the industrial ………………..
Socrates & the Ruble
Marty; I just wanted to comment that I am amazed that Socrates forecast the ruble through this mess showing a directional change in April leaving the March low intact. The ruble turned with your ECM target of March 14. Congrats. Your accomplishment is worth a Noble ……………………
Foreign Money To Stop Fossil Fuels Pouring into Canada
Frage nach dem „ob“ eines Angriffs stellte Hitler nicht
„Masseneinsatz von Luftwaffe und Panzern“: Am 30. März 1941 teilte Adolf Hitler seinen Generälen mit, wie er sich den Vernichtungskrieg gegen die Sowjetunion vorstellte. Widerspruch gab es nicht.
30.03.2016 Von Sven Felix Kellerhoff Leitender Redakteur Geschichte
Two Ways to Fight Progressive Jurisprudence
By Ken Masugi April 26, 2022
Often, concurring opinions by thoughtful justices can shed light on possible improvements to American jurisprudence. The concurring opinions by Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil …………………