France Is Catching Up to Japan, but Not in a Good Way
05/06/2022 Karl-Friedrich Israel, Tim Sepp
Inequality and social mobility are hotly debated issues. One important indicator of social mobility are wealth-to-income ratios. If a country’s wealth-to-income ratio is high, the ………………….
The Chinese Slowdown: Much More Than Covid
05/07/2022 Daniel Lacalle
The most recent macroeconomic figures show that the Chinese slowdown is much more severe than expected and not only attributable to the covid-19 lockdowns.
Kritischer Bericht zum Cum-ex-Skandal »Zeit«-Herausgeber warnte befreundeten Banker
Mit Cum-ex-Geschäften brachten Finanzakteure den Staat um Milliarden. Als die Warburg-Bank ins Zentrum von »Zeit«-Recherchen rückte, wandte sich Herausgeber Joffe an den Miteigentümer der Bank. Von Ansgar Siemens 06.05.2022,
Why Social Issues Dominate
Tags Decentralization and SecessionMedia and CulturePolitical Theory
05/06/2022 Jeff DeistThomas E. Woods, Jr.
Clarence Thomas Delivers a Message to Roe v. Wade Leaker
By Tom Ozimek May 7, 2022
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Friday defended judicial independence, arguing that government institutions mustn’t allow themselves to be strong-armed into delivering outcomes that people demand, according to news outlets.
Deutlich mehr schwere Komplikationen als bekannt
Von Sandra Simonsen Aktualisiert am 05.05.2022
Schwere Nebenwirkungen nach Corona-Impfungen gibt es offenbar deutlich öfter, als Medizinern bisher bekannt war. Eine Studie deutscher Forscher beschäftigt sich mit der Thematik und kommt zu bedeutenden Erkenntnissen.
Wer an sich nach einer Corona-Impfung Nebenwirkungen bemerkt, kann dies an das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut …………….
Lying Biden
Biden has been lying to the public since he entered his political career decades ago. Yet, he allegedly received more votes than any US president in history. Trust no one.
An Important German Documentary on Ukraine
This is a MUST-watch Documentary from a German journalist who has been on the ground. It is important to see the other side of events for anyone who only listens to one side, is denied ……………….
Ukrainian Agony – The Concealed War (Documentary 2015)
The Ministry of Truth is Deeply Sinister and Orwellian
It is no secret that other nations see the president of the United States as a joke. In this video, Australian reporters are shocked that Biden openly laughed at a joke about record-high ………….
Latest intel: Biden using Ukraine theater of war to DISPOSE of America’s munitions arsenal … FEAR the “thermobaric” bomb
Friday, May 06, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) During the recent military withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Biden regime left behind $10+ billion in US military hardware, including aircraft, helicopters, armored …………………….
Noninterventionism Is Not Isolationism: The US Government Should Stop Arming Ukraine
05/05/2022 Daniel Martin
Libertarians, liberty-wing Republicans, and other opponents of nondefensive wars are popularly misconceived as having an “every man for himself” approach to both economics ………………….
Cultural Traits and Work Ethic: Human Capital Matters
05/06/2022 Lipton Matthews
Countries are in an economic arms race to surpass competitors by accelerating levels of human capital. It is crucial that schools and universities not only graduate students with ………………….
Bill Gates‘ neues Buch zeigt: Der weltgrößte Pandemie-Prediger hat keine Ahnung von Biologie
- Mai 2022
Es sollte hinlänglich bekannt sein, dass Bill Gates – trotz seiner offenkundigen ………………….
Monetary Madness Among the Central Bankers
By David Stockman International Man May 7, 2022
Here is the combined balance sheet for the four most important central banks in the world: the Fed, the European Central Bank (ECB), the Bank of Japan (BOJ) and the People’s Bank of ………………….
Davos Man, his World Economic Forum, and his Servants
Who are the ones trained to serve the self-appointed globalist overlords?
“All for ourselves and nothing for other people” seems in every age of the world to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.’
Adam Smith. Chapter IV, p. 448. – The Wealth of Nations (1776) – Book III
U.S. Pushes Fake Stories To Goad Russia Into Escalation
Moon of Alabama May 7, 2022
The geniuses (not) at the National Security Council want to goad Russia into direct attacks on U.S. forces or interests. That would give the U.S. an excuse to further escalate the war in Ukraine into an open confrontation. It would also divert the attention away from domestic ………………….
We Must Find a Way to Prevent Bill Gates from Preventing the Next Pandemic
A book review. Eugyppius, 6.5.22
For days now, I’ve been fighting my way through Bill Gates’s disturbing new book on How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, and I’ve found myself wondering about one question above all:
How are we to explain Gates, exactly?
8 Mistakes That Keep Even Smart People Masked
By Allan Stevo May 7, 2022
1.) Thinking your decisions do not matter
The number one lie that modernity can tell you about yourself is that your decisions do not matter. Every moment, of every day, allows you an unlimited number of decisions. They matter deeply, as those actions show who you are and what you are made of. They also set the ……………..
‘MAGA Is Saving America’: Trump in Response to Biden’s Criticism
By Frank Fang May 5, 2022
Former President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden for being “very divisive” when he referred to the “MAGA crowd” as the “the most extreme political organization that’s existed” in recent American history.
Russian Oil Ban Will Be Like „Droppimg Atomic Bomb On Hungary’s Economy“: Orban
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge May 7, 2022
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has again loudly expressed his country’s firm rejection of the proposed EU ban on the import of all Russia oil currently being mulled by the ………………..
Gold: Timeless Chaperone to Openly Drunk Currencies
By Matthew Piepenburg Gold Switzerland May 7, 2022
In this recent “Wiggins Session” with Consilience Finance’s Addison Wiggins, Matterhorn ………………….
The Vaccine Passport: Gaslighting of an Egregious Kind
By Vasko Kohlmayer May 7, 2022
“New York City could bring back Covid mask mandates, vaccine checks if hospitals come under pressure,” reads a recent headline from CNBC.
China’s Technocracy In Full Bloom: Packs Of Drones Hunting Humans
Posted By: Adrian Zorzut via The Sun May 6, 2022
The faux cover for advanced drones that can fly and hunt in packs is that they will be used in rescue operations. However, there is no technology in China that has not ultimately been used ……………….
Breggin: The Global Kidnapping of American Medicine Turns Hospitals into Killing Fields
Posted By: Ginger Ross Breggin and Peter R. Breggin MD via Substack May 6, 2022
It is imperative for Americans to recognize that global Technocracy is the clear and present ………………….
From El Salvador to Africa, the Next Currency War Pits Populists against Bankers
05/05/2022 Tho Bishop
The global monetary system is facing historic challenges.