Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Hardly anyone talks of the table of virtues and vices anymore — which includes the Seven Deadly Sins — but in reviewing them, we find that they nicely sum up the foundation of bourgeois ethics, and provide a solid moral critique of the modern state.……….we do need to observe that vices and virtues — and our conception of what constitutes proper behavior and culture generally — have a strong bearing on the rise and decline of freedom.

— Llewellynn H. Rockwell Jr.

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ex-Geheimdienstkoordinator: Warum er Marsalek getroffen hat

Weltweit wird nach Marsalek, Ex-Vorstand von Wirecard, gesucht. Schon lange wird über seine Verbindungen zu Geheimdiensten spekuliert. In report München erklärt der Ex-Geheimdienstkoordinator Schmidbauer, warum Marsalek für Agenten interessant war.

Von Josef Streule Arne Meyer-Fünffinger




The Joys of Gun Control

“Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Castro, Pol Pot… All these monsters began by confiscating private arms, then literally soaking the earth with the blood of tens & tens of millions of their people. Ahh. …………………..



100 Years of Fascist Propaganda: The Lincoln Memorial’s Centennial

By Thomas DiLorenzo June 1, 2022

The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. turned 100 on May 30, so I thought I’d add my two cents to all the tributes being paid to “America’s most beloved monument,” as one …………………..



The Good Guys Just Won Big For a Change

By Tom Woods June 1, 2022

From the Tom Woods Letter:

Throughout the two-year lockdown/mask/mandate regime, we barely heard a peep out of the national Libertarian Party.




We Won!

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV June 1, 2022

George Webb is currently on the ground, in Geneva, Switzerland and he corroborates the reports of James Roguski, that the WHO’s attempt to usurp the national sovereignty of all UN …………………..



C.S. Lewis predicted medical tyranny in this exquisite sci-fi trilogy

The third installation presents a scenario most analogous to today’s world. In it we find a global conspiracy largely led by academics and scientists, who are hell-bent (literally) on ushering in a world that is overtly sanitary and free of any intellectual or biological germs. May 30, 2022 – 8




The Anti-White Racism of Leftist Whites

Behind all the frenzied virtue-signaling and ritualistic condemnations, it is hard not to discern loads of malice; and it is directed mostly by white people against other white people.

By Paul Gottfried May 30, 2022




‘Accidental Fires’ Continue To Happen At Food Processing Facilities All Over The United States

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse June 1, 2022

We are supposed to believe that what we are witnessing is just one “tragic accident” after another.  We aren’t supposed to see any sort of a pattern, and we aren’t supposed to ask any …………………



More people are shot and killed in Chicago each day, weekend than what happened in Uvalde Texas; most black Americans; why are the democrats & republicans playing bull shit politics? lets be serious!

This is about games and politics, if you care about gun violence, why have you not done anything in ……………………



The Game

31.5.22 There is an argument that we live in a novel political environment in which the mass media is the political authority. They get on an issue and the political and corporate classes respond to ……………….



Europäische Ratingagentur gescheitert

Drei Jahre Roadshow und die späte Umkehr beim Geschäftsmodell haben nichts genutzt: Das Projekt, eine neue europäische Ratingagentur aufzubauen, ist tot. Das hat der Gründer und Ex-Roland-Berger-Manager Markus Krall vor wenigen Minuten bekanntgegeben. Am Ende …………………



Scapegoat Sussmann’s Biased Jury

The Michael Sussmann trial is completely corrupt and biased to favor the Clintons. Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI under 18 U.S.C. 1001 for claiming there were ties between ………………..



Ukraine Bits: Russian Artillery – Counter Attacks – New Missile Systems

The amount of copium available for Ukraine fans seems to be dwindling.

More mainstream media now report on the huge damage the Russian artillery is causing to the Ukrainian frontline troops. Even the New York Times joined in:




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