Erzbischof Viganò im Corona-Ausschuss
Juni 1, 2022
Interview Teil I vom 27. Mai 2022, Interview Teil II folgt am 3. Juni 2022
Corona-Ausschuss: Eure Exzellenz, viele Menschen kennen und schätzen Sie sehr dafür, dass Sie auch während Ihres Dienstes im Vatikan ein aufrichtiger Mann in einem oft ……………………
Bayer Head Admits COVID-19 Vaccine is Gene Therapy
Stefan Oelrich, head of Bayer’s pharmaceuticals department, admitted at the World Health Summit that the COVID-19 vaccine is gene therapy. He smugly stated that the drug …………………….
The Personal Savings Rate is at Great Recession Levels
Saving money has become impossible for many amid 40-year high inflation. According to data from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, the personal savings rate reached 4.4% in ………………….
Yellen & Inflation
Marty; I have been a follower for years. Your model has correctly forecasted every major trend from civil unrest to disease. But your forecast that this wave would be commodity inflation based on shortages years in advance, proves that you deserve the Noble Prize. ……………………..
VIOLENCE IN HOSPITALS: Mass shootings barely compare to the medical violence routinely inflicted by many surgeons and doctors
Thursday, June 02, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) In light of the Tulsa medical center shooting this week, a lot of attention is being placed on violence in hospitals. Any act of mass violence against innocent people is ……………………..
Police Identify Tulsa Hospital Shooting Suspect, Reveal Likely Motive
By Jack Phillips June 2, 2022
A 45-year-old man shot and killed four people and himself at a medical office in Tulsa, ……………………
Mastercard CEO: SWIFT Payment System May Be Replaced By CBDCs In Five Years
by Tyler Durden Tuesday, May 31, 2022 –
There has been a long list of revelations coming out of the recent World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, but one issue that might have gone under the media radar involves ………………………
WHO Forced Into Humiliating Backdown On Global Health Takeover
Posted By: Stephen Andrew Mirani via OneNation June 2, 2022
As Technocrats seek to take over the world, many national leaders are pushing back, notably those from the southern hemisphere. This highlights the total failure of Sustainable …………………….
Politicizing Mass Shootings Only Guarantees There Will Be More of Them
06/01/2022 William L. Anderson
American life is thoroughly politicized, to the point where there seems to be a talking points template to discuss anything that occurs. Thus, in the aftermath of the
The Inherent Strength of a Democracy
by Lawrence Kadish June 2
In the movie Juarez, a 1939 film that dramatized the life of Benito Juarez, Mexico’s „George Washington,“ a screen writer drafted words for the freedom fighter that send a message to every democracy today, „If a Monarch misrules; the people change… If a Presidente misrules; the people change the Presidente…“ The film debuted on the eve of World War II when 20th ………………….
You Don’t Have to Give Your Life for Freedom
By Allan Stevo June 3, 2022
In our culture, we have a romantic notion of dying for freedom.
I am not asking you to die for freedom.
I am asking you to stand up in calm conversations.
Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice
Reject S.3737 (Promoting Public Health Information Act) and All Other Legislation, Tools, & Infrastructure Targeting Free Speech. Margaret Anna Alice, 30.5.22
“In 1946 the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution reading in part, ‘freedom …………………..
Most All That Is Rational, Good, Beautiful, and Moral Has been Destroyed in Favor of Collective Idiocy
By Gary D. Barnett June 3, 2022
“Collectivism holds that the individual has no rights, that his life and work belong to the group (to “society,” to the tribe, the state, the nation) and that the group may sacrifice him at ……………………
Fauci’s Animal Testing Shielded by Censorship and Disinformation
To protect animals, taxpayers, scientific inquiry, and public health, we need more free speech, now more than ever. By Anthony Bellotti June 2, 2022
One might assume that an organization like White Coat Waste Project (WCW)—which unites …………………….
Erdgas – Über einige harte Realitäten
Es gibt die Forderung, das Import-Embargo gegen Russland auf das Erdgas auszudehnen. Und zugleich sieht man sich gezwungen, um jeden Preis fossile Energieträger zu beschaffen, weil sich deren Unverzichtbarkeit herausstellt. Stefan Aust verglich das mit „der Drohung mit einem Hungerstreik“.
Weimarer Richter droht wegen Corona-Urteil eine Freiheitsstrafe
Von Holger Douglas Fr, 3. Juni 2022
Die Staatsanwaltschaft in Thüringen klagt den Familienrichter Christian Dettmar wegen Rechtsbeugung an. Er hatte 2021 in einem Urteil Corona-Maßnahmen an Schulen ………………………«
Erdogan schneidet den Gesprächsfaden mit Athen ab: Beginnt der heiße Sommer in der Ägäis?
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Fr, 3. Juni 2022
Nach einem sehr kurzen Frühling ist zwischen Athen und Ankara eine neue Eiszeit ausgebrochen. Der Grund ist ein Washington-Besuch des griechischen Premiers und Erdogans Frust über entgangene Rüstungsdeals. Die USA rücken deutlich von Erdogan ab, während die …………………
Ausgestoßene der Woche: Russische DJane, Berliner Journos
Ein Berliner Bezirksamt lädt unliebsame Medien nicht zur Pressekonferenz, eine Uni machte einem „umstrittenen“ Professor einen Schauprozess und eine russische DJane wurde gecancelt, weil sie sich nicht zum Ukrainekrieg äußerte.
Another Justice Department Fail: The Flynn Unmasking
Classified information was leaked to the media by several Obama intelligence officials. But no one will be punished. By Julie Kelly June 2, 2022
California Dreamin
By George Hollenback June 3, 2022
In the wake of the heartbreaking tragedy out of Uvalde, emotion runs high, and the subject of gun control comes to the fore with renewed urgency. A recent New York Times article by ………………..
The Great Capitalist Novel
06/01/2022 Greg Davis
I first heard of Garet Garrett when Murray Rothbard mentioned him in What Has Government Done to Our Money? James Grant said he was one of his heroes (James Grant is one of my …………………
Selenski und die Kriegstreiber: Blutvergießen bis zum letzten Mann
- Juni 2022
„Bis zum letzten Mann“ will Selenski zur Not sein Volk verheizen. Seine einzige Devise: „Kämpfen und gewinnen“, um jeden Preis „den Besatzer“ draußen zu halten. Mit der ……………….
Do Soldiers Protect Us?
By Laurence M. Vance June 2, 2022
Perhaps no holiday is accompanied by as many lies as Memorial Day. Just look at the opening paragraph of President Biden’s Memorial Day Proclamation:
Biden’s Energy Inflation Is No Accident
By Jerome Corsi
In a press conference last week following his meeting with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Japan, President Biden praised the escalating price of gasoline as a positive step toward realizing the Democratic Party’s dream of enacting the Green New Deal.
‘Pretend To Work Somewhere Else’: Elon Musk Says All Tesla Employees Must Return To The Office
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge June 2, 2022
As some companies try and delicately walk the line between returning to the office and offering “work from home” benefits to their employees in a post-Covid world, Elon Musk has ………………….
The Big Questions We Should All Be Asking Geopolitically
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns June 2, 2022
To say that current events are ‘messy’ today would be the height of understatement. Everyday the headlines blare at us some new set of contradictory data points convincing us of some lie …………………
The Queen’s secret history
Mary Harrington is a contributing editor at UnHerd. She reigns over the ruins of a collapsed empire.
June 2, 2022 There is no more poignant phrase among the posh and skint than the acronym FHB: “Family
The Great Reset Snakes Are Slithering Together in Davos
By Dr. Joseph Mercola June 2, 2022
In the video above, which is part of a larger “Great Reset” documentary series, Rebel News highlights the origins of the World Economic Forum1 (WEF), its founder Klaus Schwab, and …………………
Turkey, Terrorists and NATO
by Uzay Bulut June 2, 2022 Turkey, reportedly on the verge of yet another military incursion into Syria, appears up to other fun and games as well.
The so-called „terrorists“ to whom Erdoğan is referring are Kurdish politicians, political ……………….
America, Meet Your New Dictator-in-Chief: The President’s Secret, Unchecked Powers
By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute June 2, 2022
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventative wars of ideological containment, usually on ………………..
The Government Culture of Death
By Andrew P. Napolitano June 2, 2022
When the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche proclaimed that God was dead, he didn’t .