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Nennen Sie mir ein Land, in dem Journalisten und Politiker sich vertragen, und ich sage Ihnen, da ist keine Demokratie.

— Hugh Carleton Greene

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Krieg in der Ukraine: Luhansk ist gefallen – wie geht es weiter?



Liste der Länder in der Reihenfolge ihres Bruttosozialprodukts basierend auf der jeweiligen Kaufkraft ihrer Währungen (China Nr. 1, Russland Nr. 6)



Nord Stream 1 – Die Lügen des Robert Habeck und das Hick-Hack um die Turbine

Die Bundessregierung weiß entgegen ihren offiziellen Erklärungen sehr genau, warum Nord Stream 1 weniger Gas liefert. Hinter den Kulissen tobt ein Streit um die Turbine, die von Kanada zurückgehalten wird. 9.7.22




Was the Group Abe was Associated with the WEF?

The official story is desperately trying to explain the motive behind the assassination of ……………………



Boris Johnson Caused Untold Damage to UK, Posen Says



The Brain Dead Fanatic

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. July 11, 2022

The philosopher George Santayana said that fanaticism “consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim,” and by this definition, brain-dead Biden and the gang of neocons who control him certainly count as fanatics. Their policies have failed but they won’t …………………..



The Empire’s Face

By Karen Kwiatkowski July 11, 2022

We hear there are two faces of US foreign policy, and that’s why it appears hypocritical.

There is just one face, one outlook.  It is the face of Avril Haines, current Director of National ……………………



Grundsteuerreform 2022: DAS ändert sich für Eigentümer und Mieter!



The Rise of Hispanic Religious Republicans

This has obtuse woke liberals at the New York Times and elsewhere alarmed.

by George Neumayr  July 9, 2022,

The New York Times is famous for its anthropological studies of conservatives — what wags have called “gorillas in the mist” coverage. The newspaper’s latest anthropological installment is “The Rise of the ………………………….



Reality Can Not Be Canceled

Russian tennis ace Elena Rybakina short circuits Ukrainian Borg. Good Citizen, Jul 9 2022

Reality always has a way of catching up to western intelligence-media-complex propaganda and its programming diktats. Those who allow themselves to be assimilated to these borgs ……………………



Vatican joins Paris Climate Agreement despite inclusion of abortion, population control agendas

The Holy See announced the move on Friday. Fri Jul 8, 2022 –

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – The Vatican announced today that it has formally joined ………………..



The United Nations Scrubbed This Article Heralding ‘The Benefits Of World Hunger’ From Its Website After It Went Viral

By Alicia Powe  Published July 6, 2022

Mounting evidence continues to emerge proving the food shortages and supply chain disruptions are being manufactured by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and ……………………



The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com July 11, 2022

In the interview above, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Mary Holland, president and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense, discuss their new documentary film, “Infertility: A ……………………



The DOJ Wants Illegal Immigrants to Vote

Who will vote for Biden after he destroyed the American economy? Perhaps illegal immigrants from Socialist countries who would have gratitude for even the lowest level of living in this nation. I explained how the election system is rigged with Dominion Voting ……………………….



The Disease Cycle

Marty, You have forecasted that your disease model turned up here in 2022. COVID was exploited, but it was no worse than the flu. Then there is monkeypox. But the latest is the much more lethal Marburg virus in Africa. Is this going to be the real one?




After-Birth Abortion – Really?

The woman army medic who seems to be fighting for the Constitution clearly has no idea what the Constitution is all about. Her rant which gathered 30,000 likes said:




Deutschland im „Multilemma“

Ein Dilemma ist bekanntlich eine Situation, in der man gezwungen ist, eine von zwei gleichermaßen schlechten Lösungen zu wählen. Aus heutiger Sicht würde ich sagen, glücklich der Staat, der ein Dilemma hat. Wir haben davon reichlich, sozusagen Multilemmata.

Das Dilemma beim Thema Energie ist derzeit in aller Munde. Zumindest wird es als Dilemma ……………………..



Wahlwiederholung in Berlin? Der Schwindel geht weiter

Von Max Mannhart Mo, 11. Juli 2022

Der Bundestag will eine Wiederholung der Wahl in Berlin – in Teilen. Es ist das gleiche Muster, das den Umgang mit der Pannenwahl seit einem Jahr prägt: Man tut nur so viel, wie man unbedingt muss und wozu man medial gedrängt wird. Viele Abgeordnete interessieren ……………………



Der grüne Absolutismus und seine Untertanen

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai So, 10. Juli 2022

Mit einem Blick auf Ampel und Oppositionsführer, die anderen Verzicht predigen, während sie selbst in Saus und Braus leben, drängt sich die Schlussfolgerung auf, dass die Regierenden im Bürger inzwischen nur noch den neuen Untertan, vielleicht bald sogar den neuen Leibeigenen sehen.




Uruguay macht es vor: Regierung und Pfizer unter Druck

Zeitlich hinkt Uruguay der Bundesrepublik fünf Stunden hinterher, dafür ist ein Verwaltungsgericht dort dem Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe zumindest in Sachen Corona meilenweit voraus. Jetzt hat man die Impfung von Kindern gestoppt.




Return of the Great American Bubble Machine

Albeit with new wrapping and new jargon, crypto has been infected by the same old problems of insider finance. Matt Taibbi Jul 9 2022

On May 12, 2022, just over fourteen years after the collapse of Bear Stearns, the New York …………………..



Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

In an interview with The Defender, the lawyer representing whistleblower Brook Jackson said Pfizer is arguing the court should dismiss Jackson’s lawsuit alleging fraud in Pfizer’s COVID-19 clinical trials …………………………



What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. ‘Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy’

By Colin Todhunter Global Research July 11, 2022

“And thus it renders more and more evident the great central fact that the cause of the miserable condition of the working class is to be sought, not in these minor grievances, but in the capitalistic system itself.”Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845) (preface to the English Edition, p.36)  




The Agony of the West

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org July 11, 2022

Sergey Lavrov used to compare the West to a wounded predator. According to him, it should not be provoked because it would be taken by madness and could break everything. It is better to accompany it to the graveyard. The West does not see it that way. Washington and London …………………..



Asylanträge in Österreich: Keine Welle, sondern schon ein Tsunami

Asylzahlen steigen – aber Grenzschutz? Fehlanzeige!

Corona und der Ukraine-Krieg haben in der letzten Zeit das Thema Migrationskrise überlagert. Dabei war die Migrationskrise nie weg oder hat gar aufgehört. Auch wenn die …………………….



Gas & Geld: Kalt, kälter, Eiseskälte

Es droht ein eiskalter Winter und wenn’s das Wetter nicht richtet, dann erklärt es diese Pannenregierung samt ihrer Handlanger dafür, dass das Volk schon zittern muss.




JPMorgan Gold Desk Ripped Off Market for Years, Jurors Told

US says three from bank ‘decided to cheat’ with spoof trades

Defense says orders were genuine, didn’t manipulate prices

ByTom Schoenberg and Alex Nguyen 8. Juli 2022




Brussels: Capital of Europe or Eurabia?

by Giulio Meotti July 10, 2022 „Molenbeek would love to be forgotten, because it is the very example of the failure of the multicultural society, which remains an untouchable dogma in Belgium“. — Alain Destexhe, honorary Senator in Belgium and former Secretary General of Doctors Without Borders, Le Figaro, May 3, 2022.




The World in Chaos

Mr. Armstrong, it has become so apparent that sites like _____ always promote gold so they refuse ever to quote you for they are doing the very same thing of creating a cancel culture. It is their commentary or nothing else. I have stopped reading them. Then you said that your …………………..



Inflation IS Money Supply Growth, Not Prices Denominated in Money

Frank Shostak

In the recent Wall Street Journal article “Inflation Surge Earns Monetarism Another Look,” Greg Ip writes that a recent surge in inflation is not likely to bring authorities to reembrace monetarism. According to Ip, money supply had a poor record of predicting US inflation ……………………



The Myth behind the Federal Power to Strike Down State Laws

07/08/2022 Ryan McMaken

For more than a century, the process of political centralization and state building in the United States has entailed convincing a large portion of the population that the federal government must be the final arbiter of the moral righteousness of every law and policy adopted in every …………………………



Big Tech isn’t Woke. It’s Totalitarian

“You are now my Enemy—and I am Yours.”

Michael P Senger, Jul 4 2022

In the mid-18th century, a secretive political group began spreading dangerous conspiracy theories throughout Britain’s colonies. British subjects had long enjoyed the freedom of ……………………..



Auch Scholz war zu Gast – Mehrere Frauen bei SPD-Sommerfest mit K.o.-Tropfen vergiftet

8.7.22, Entsetzen in der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion. Auf der eigenen Sommerparty werden Frauen mit K.o.-Tropfen attackiert. Bis dato sollen sich acht Opfer gemeldet haben. Die Polizei ermittelt.




Joe Biden’s SPR Caper – A Triple Bogey

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner July 9, 2022

Back in the day we were a strong proponent of an aggressive build-up of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). That’s because in the late 1970s the winning argument in ……………………..



Dutch Farmer Protest Update: 16-Year-Old Jouke Freed; Document Reveals Government Plans to Confiscate Farms for Asylum Seekers

By Richard Abelson  Published July 7, 2022

Farmers‘ protests in the Netherlands have reached the royal palace at Dam Square in …………………..



COVID Came from a Lab Said Lancet Chairman



Black market for body parts exists in America… funeral home operator just charged in criminal scheme

Friday, July 08, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson
(Natural News) A black market for human body parts exists in America. A Colorado funeral …………………….



China’s Draconian Lockdown Policies: Major Consequences to Follow

07/08/2022 Mihai Macovei

While most of the world lifted covid-19 restrictions and learned how to live with the virus, ………………….



SCOTUS Attached Indian Tribe Sovereinty in Castro-Huerta, and That’s a Bad Thing

07/07/2022 Ryan McMaken

Indian tribe sovereignty has long been a much neglected, yet important, tool in decentralizing and limiting government power in the United States. Since the early nineteenth century, it has ……………………



Africa’s Entrepreneurs: The Igbos of Nigeria

07/07/2022 Lipton Matthews

The Igbos are one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria and are celebrated for their successes in entrepreneurship and academia. The Igbos’ success extends outside the borders of Nigeria ………………..



US Eyes Direct War With Russia – Belarus

The US wants to launch attacks from Poland and the Baltic states, military intelligence chief claimed RT News July 9, 2022

The US is making plans for a direct war against Russia and its ally Belarus, the head of …………………………



Supreme Court: The Government Cannot Require That Citizens Prove the Need for Self-Protection in Order to Carry a Gun Outside Their Home

The Rutherford Institute July 9, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — By a 6-3 decision in N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. Bruen, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a New York law which allowed government officials to pick ………………….



Keynes vs. the Barbarous Relic

Did Keynes get a bum rap? By L. Reichard White July 9, 2022

There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.” –John Maynard Keynes, 1919




Accused Illinois Gunman’s Dad Says Son Discussed Mass Shooting Day Before Attack

Robert Crimo Jr. sponsored son’s application for a firearm owners card

By Zachary Stieber July 7, 2022




European Scientists Empowering China’s Military

by Judith Bergman July 8, 2022 „Western universities need to understand that Chinese military scientists have only one client, and that is the People’s Liberation Army.“ — Meia Nouwens, researcher at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Politiken, May 19, 2022.




Boris changed the Tories for ever

Matthew Goodwin is Professor of Politics at the University of Kent and Fellow at Legatum Institute. His new book, Values, Voice and Virtue: The New British Politics, is out in 2022. The effect of the Brexit PM will be felt for decades. July 8, 2022




Bolsonaro bedauert Haftungsausschluss für Covid-Impfstoff-Hersteller

  1. Juli 2022

Jair Bolsonaro, seines Zeichens Präsident Brasiliens und selbst nicht mit den experimentellen Vakzinen gegen Covid-19 geimpft, bedauert, dass er die Hersteller wie Pfizer und Moderna von der Verantwortlichkeit für Nebenwirkungen ausschloss. Er kritisiert auch den Druck der …………………………



Österreich steht auf: Widerstandsdemo am 9. Juli in Wien

Auch wenn die Impfpflicht mittlerweile abgeschafft ist, für den Widerstand gibt es noch genügend zu tun. Denn die Verantwortlichen sind noch immer in der Regierung und haben Österreich bereits in die nächsten Probleme manövriert. Am Samstag findet daher ab 16 Uhr in Wien am Heldenplatz wieder eine Groß-Demonstration statt.




Auch Japan schadet sich mit Russland-Sanktionen nur selbst

Russland stellt jetzt auch Japan kalt: Kein Öl, kein Gas, kein Sakhalin-2-Projekt




Bloßes Management des Status quo kann der gefährlichste Kurs überhaupt sein

Stand: 07.07.2022 Von Henry Kissinger

Staatsmänner und -frauen waren immer dann bedeutsam, wenn sie die Umstände überwanden, die sie geerbt hatten, und dadurch ihre Gesellschaften an die Grenzen des Möglichen führten. Ein Gastbeitrag des ehemaligen US-Außenministers Henry Kissinger.




Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship

Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?, Margaret Anna Alice

Jun 24, 2022

This is Part 3 of Anatomy of a Philanthropath. Read Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation …………………



Die Weltherrschaft, das Grab der Menschheit (1814) – Anselm von Feuerbach

  1. Juli 2022 – von Stephan Ring

Die folgenden Zeilen sind eine unkommentierte, chronologische Reihe von Zitaten aus der 50-seitgen Schrift von Anselm von Feuerbach (1775 – 1833) „Die Weltherrschaft, das Grab der ……………….



Exclusive: Ukraine urges Canada not to hand over gas turbine to Russia

By Sergiy Karazy and Max Hunder

KYIV, July 8 (Reuters) – Ukraine opposes Canada handing over a turbine to Russia’s state-controlled ……………….



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