Dürre-Alarm in Europa: Schuld hat nicht der Klimawandel. Die Wassernot ist selbst gemacht
Pierre Heumann, 13.7.22
Die EU warnt vor der «schlimmsten Dürre aller Zeiten» in Europa, Italien beantragt für mehrere Regionen den «Dürre-Notstand», Portugal und Spanien macht eine «schwere Dürre» zu schaffen.
World Bank: The Poor Will Suffer From Carbon Taxes
The World Economic Forum is praising Denmark for implementing the world’s strictest carbon tax laws. Companies will soon be forced to pay $159 for every tonne of CO2 emitted, ………………….
Corona-Chaos oder Betrug? Tausende Covid-Tests wurden falsch abgerechnet – das BAG prüft die Fälle mit einer Task-Force
Joan Meier, 12.7.22
Es will nicht aufhören. Wöchentlich tauchen neue Ärgernisse zur Pandemie-Bewältigung auf: Zuerst ein Gesundheitsminister, der erneut Millionen Impfdosen kauft, dann die Erkenntnis, dass die Impfung doch gefährlicher ist als angenommen.
Taking On The Whole Phony Culture In Which We Live
…And Skewering It From Every Conceivable Angle
By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog July 13, 2022
I’ve got a lot on my mind these days, and I want to share it with you.
The Covid Lockdown, ‘Controlled Demolition of the Air Travel Industry. The Derogation of the
Right to Travel
By Joachim Hagopian Global Research July 13, 2022
This presentation will focus on the apparent controlled demolition of just one highly important, critical industry slated allegedly for sacrificial destruction – the airline industry as part of the elites’ lockdown ……………….
Kiev Uses US-Supplied Rockets to Attack Ukrainian City
The strike on Novaya Kakhovka was carried out with American- supplied weapons, according to the local administration. RT News July 13, 2022
Huge explosions were reported on Monday evening in Novaya Kakhovka, a city in Ukraine’s …………………….
New York Times to Biden – Time to Go!
By Patrick J. Buchanan July 13, 2022
When President Joe Biden retired in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday night, he likely did not expect to find a severed horse’s head under his bed covers.
Bill Gates Admits He Wants To Lower The Population Using Vaccines and Abortion
The New American July 13, 2022
Highly Sensitive DOJ Jan 6. Documents Leaked to The Gateway Pundit – FBI Confidential Human Source INFILTRATED Proud Boys, Ran FBI Operation on J-6, Reported They Were INNOCENT! — See Texts and Documents IN FULL!!
By Cara Castronuova Published July 11, 2022
Will this be the end of Chris Wray? It should be.
China bank collapse under way; Saudi Arabia distances from the petro dollar to join BRICS monetary order
Tuesday, July 12, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Chaos and collapse are spreading. Sri Lanka now has 2-3 days of bread left on …………………..
Mercola: How Face Masks Make You Sick Instead Of Protecting You
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola July 12, 2022
America has been repeatedly warned about the dangers associated with the wearing of face masks. Medical professionals who should know better and politicians exercising their …………………….
Despite Record Prices, California Cities Ban New Gas Stations to Fight Climate Change
Joel B. Pollak 12 Jul 2022
Cities in California are banning the construction of new gas stations in an effort to fight climate change, despite record-high gas prices and the lack of scientific evidence that banning …………………..
More than Sixty Years after „Liberation,“ Cuba Is a Communist Slave State
07/11/2022 Carlos Martinez
In his book Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick has a chapter named „The Tale of the Slave“ in which he explains the nine phases from the most restrictive to more liberating states of slavery. He writes that even though enslaved people have certain forms of self-rule, they ………………………
Money Supply Growth Fell Again in May as More Recession Alarms Ring
07/12/2022 Ryan McMaken
Money supply growth fell again in May, dropping to a three-month low. May’s drop continues a downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during much of the past two years. During the thirteen months between April 2020 and April 2021, money supply growth ………………..
Die Angst der Regierenden vor dem Herbst
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 13. Juli 2022
Grüne Politiker, die als Weltinnenminister die Welt retten und Deutschland durch schwere Zeiten lotsen, kennen keine kognitiven Dissonanzen – für sie ist die Welt ein Sonntagvormittagstraum aus Wille und Vorstellung. Die störende Realität bekämpfen die Medien, indem sie sie zur rechten Erfindung deklarieren.
Warum Deutschland abstürzt
Von Roland Tichy Mi, 13. Juli 2022 Pünktlich nur zur Höllenfahrt
Eine seltsame Stimmung liegt über Deutschland: Man wartet auf den Zusammenbruch im Winter. Und schon heute funktioniert nicht mehr, was bislang selbstverständlich war. Was …………………..
Die Nicht-Einverstandenen – Wie könnten wir sie nennen?
Menschen, die dem sogenannten Mainstream nicht folgen, machen dem Establishment so sehr Angst, dass man sie als „Rechte“ und „Demokratiefeinde“ brandmarkt und in einen Topf mit Verschwörungsgläubigen und Reichsbürgern wirft. Dabei trifft nichts von alledem auf sie zu. ………………….
Fossile Brennstoffe abschaffen? How dare you!
Orit Arfa sprach mit Bestseller-Autor Alex Epstein über die katastrophale Energiepolitik Deutschlands und unseren blinden Glauben auf fossile Energien verzichten zu können. Er sagt: „Das größte Geschenk, das die Deutschen der Welt machen, ist ihr Beispiel des eigenen Versagens. Keiner wird folgen.“
Generalissimo Washington: How He Crushed the Spirit of Liberty
07/11/2022 Murray N. Rothbard
Washington Transforms the Army
In June of 1775, George Washington was appointed Major General and elected by Congress to be commander in chief of the American revolutionary forces. Although he took up his tasks ………………
Current Thing chaos: Biden sanctions collapse, as Ukraine piles up losses & hemorrhages cash
The war in Ukraine may come to an end sooner than expected. Jordan Schachtel, 12.7.22
What was once the Current Thing has become a massive liability.
Europe is staring down the potential for a continental “Dark Winter,” and as each month ……………………
What Does It Really Mean For Twitter To Be Full Of Bots?
By Allan Stevo July 13, 2022
I have had the joy of working in the tech space for about a decade now.
You build, you find a customer, you build some more, and find a customer.
400,000 Chinese Lose Their Life Savings Instantly
Officers in plain clothes disrupted a peaceful protest outside the capital of Henan, as seen in the video above. Depositors were protesting to demand that their savings be returned as ………………………
The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times
With censorship soaring and real reporting all but taboo, the major dailies have just one important function left: being a political signaling system, Matt Taibbi, 12.7.22
Dutch Farmer Protests/Tristate City Network connection?
From what I’ve been reading about, some people (not a majority) are coming to a conclusion that the whole plan for illegally appropriating the Dutch farmers land, comes down to an agenda of the Tristate City Network project.