Wedding auf Sylt
Christian Lindner und die Journalistin Franca Lehfeldt haben geheiratet und auf Sylt eine dreitägige Sause abgeliefert. Angesichts der Lage des Landes und seiner Bürger war es die falsche Feier mit der falschen Botschaft, am falschen Ort. Mehr falsch geht eigentlich nicht.
Achtung Reichelt: Habeck und Baerbock: So radikal regieren sie wirklich
Rente mit 57 für Ukrainer in Deutschland? Es ist viel schlimmer!
America Has Been Flirting With Leftist Disaster – It’s Time To Stop Compromising
By Brandon Smith July 14, 2022
The political left as a movement has proven to be made up of some of the worst people imaginable – The kind of people that thirst for destruction and take joy in the oppression of ……………………….
Biden on Crack and Mass Incarceration
As if we needed more proof that the elites are beyond the law — disgraceful. Listen to the words coming out of Joe Biden’s mouth juxtaposed to a video of his son weighing crack cocaine in a filthy hotel. The sweet “Uncle Joe” image that Obama created for this man is a ……………………
70% of 10-Year-Olds Cannot Read After Lockdowns
Children suffered the worst long-term consequences of the lockdowns.
Freedom Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich’s Bail Revoked
Tamara Lich was one of the Canadian Freedom Convoy organizers. She made a cryptic video in February stating that the Canadian government hunting her down. Lich asked protestors to remain peaceful and said that she knew “this too shall pass.” It has not.
Inflation Hits 9.1 Percent after Months of Empty Talk at the Fed
07/13/2022 Ryan McMaken
The US Bureau of Labor statistics released new Consumer Price Index inflation estimates this morning, and the official numbers for June 2022 show that price inflation has risen to 9.1 ………………………
Turns Out the Elites Like the Administrative State Better than Democracy
07/12/2022 William L. Anderson
If there is a mantra among progressive American political and media elites, it would be “our democracy,” usually preceded by what they believe to be a threat from the Right. For example, progressives deemed the recent reversal of Roe “a threat to our democracy” because it removed laws regulating abortion from Supreme Court jurisdiction and returned the issue to ………………..
Inflation Hits 9.1 Percent in June, New 40-Year High
Surging costs of fuel, housing, and food were major contributors to high inflation last month
By Andrew Moran July 13, 2022
The U.S. annual inflation rate climbed to 9.1 percent in June, reaching its highest level since ……………………
„Searching for an Honest Man“
Legend has it that long ago the philosopher Diogenes walked the streets of ancient Greece with a lamp held high in search of an „honest man.“ His street theater suggested a quiet but dramatic protest against what he viewed as a corrupt society that smirked at government ………………………..
Weedkiller ingredient used in notorious cancer-causing Roundup is found in 80% of US urine samples
A cancer causing ingredient was found in more than 80% of urine samples from kids and adults in the U.S., according to a study
Jetzt spricht der Wärmehallenwart
Im besten Deutschland aller Zeiten leidet die Bevölkerung zwar unter einer beispiellosen Energiekrise, aber dafür sorgt Vater Staat für ein trockenes Plätzchen in der ………………………..
Merkel, Corona und der Ukraine-Krieg
Viele, die mit ihrer Kritik an den deutschen Zuständen an den rechten Rand gedrängt wurden, fragen sich: Wieso sollen wir jetzt denselben Politikern und Medien in Bezug auf die Ukraine glauben? Doch der Feind des Feindes muss keineswegs ein Freund sein. Eine Analyse der ………………………
ifo Institut: Volkswirte erwarten weltweit hohe Inflation für die nächsten Jahre
Do, 14. Juli 2022
Die Inflation wird nach Ansicht von Experten im kommenden Jahr nicht zurückgehen. Die für das Jahr 2022 erwartete Inflationsrate liegt laut Economic Experts Survey (EES) rund fünf Prozentpunkte über den Raten der Jahre 2010 bis 2019.
The Tyranny of the Majority
By Andrew P. Napolitano July 14, 2022
“Which is better —to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away, or three thousand tyrants one mile away?”
Rev. Mather Blyes (1706-1788, regarding the dangers of democracy)
Nokia and LG U+ team up for 5G Advanced, 6G & Open RAN
by Harry Baldock, Total Telecom Wednesday 06 July 22
The South Korean mobile operator said it would co-develop new technologies alongside the Finnish equipment vendor, focussing on the next generation of wireless technologies
The Dutch Farmers’ Protest and the War on Food
Kit Knightly
This week, tens of thousands of farmers have gathered from all across the Netherlands to protest government policies which will reduce the number of livestock in the country by up to …………………
BREAKING: Jan. 6 Committee Cancels Thursday Hearing After Steve Bannon Says He Will Only Testify Live and In Person — And After Release of Explosive TGP Report
By Jim Hoft Published July 11, 2022
The sham House January 6 Committee changed its anticipated schedule of “high-impact ………………………
America’s Retreat by 1,000 Small Steps
by Peter Schweizer July 13, 2022 Thanks to a Treasury Department „interpretation,“ Americans can still own stock in companies that were placed on a blacklist by the Trump …………………….
Harpers Declares It’s Over – The ‚American Century‘ Is Gone
This month’s Harpers title is astonishing.
To declare that the U.S. century is over, without a question mark, is in the mainstream view still heresy. Sure the American Conservative has already done that years ago. But Harpers is …………………..