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If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed.

— Mark Twain

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Ich möchte wieder Kanake genannt werden dürfen

Von Ahmet Iscitürk.

Ich habe viele CSU-Wähler kennengelernt, die respektvoller und anständiger gegenüber Migranten waren als die meisten Toleranz-Trottel aus der linken Ecke. Was tut die ……………………..



Die Verächtlichmachung

Die strafbare „Öffentliche Herabwürdigung“ aus DDR-Zeiten feiert als „verfassungsschutzrelevante Delegitimierung des Staates“ fröhliche Auferstehung. Dabei fallen mir ein paar eklatante Beispiel-Phänomenbereiche ein, in denen die Protagonisten den ………………………..



Klappe zu, Verbrenner tot?

Fr, 15. Juli 2022 Individualmobilität wird zum Luxusgut

Autos mit Verbrennungsmotoren sollen in der Europäischen Union aussterben. Das gefährdet die motorisierte Massenmobilität. Ohne große Diskussion werden die Wünsche der Bevölkerung ignoriert. Von Jörg Michael Neubert




Sri Lanka Is the Future the Global Elites Want for Everyone

By Stacey Lennox Jul 13, 2022

While the culture wars and inflation preoccupy you, several countries worldwide face food insecurity and destabilization thanks to the bright ideas of our global elites. Sri Lanka is in the news this week as the government appears to be toppling, but the nation is not the first to fall …………………..



Unemployment Growing Among Chinese Youth

Unemployment among the youth (16-24) in China has reached a record high of 18.4%. Unemployment is drastically more prevalent in this demographic compared to the nation as a …………………..



Obama Lashes Out at Former White House Physician for Questioning Biden’s Mental Health

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, a former White House physician under the Biden Administration, was reprimanded by former President Obama for admitting that everyone has …………………..



Draghi Out – The Dominos Fall

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi announced his resignation on Thursday after he fell out of favor with the Five Star Movement. Similar to Boris Johnson, once your own people turn ………………………



Like the Old McCarthyism, the New McCarthyism Targets Russia

07/14/2022 Michael Rectenwald

In January 1956, the iconoclastic leftist American poet Allen Ginsberg wrote “America,” a prose poem that laments the state of the country and the poet’s place in it. “America” was …………………………



The Fed Cannot Go Bankrupt; However, It Can Bankrupt the Country

07/13/2022 Patrick Barron

A recent essay on the Mises Wire triggered quite a bit of discussion among a group of Austrian school economists. Paul H. Kupiec and Alex J. Pollock’s “




Technocracy: A Digital Slave System Where No Dissent Is Allowed

Posted By: Jacob Nordangård, PhD July 14, 2022

This article is the succinct view from a European scholar on where the world is headed, namely, straight into outright Technocracy. The evil and twisted religion of Scientism can be ………………………



6. Build Trust – The Ministry of Truth

14 juli, 2022 Agenda 2030, Jacob Nordangård

“We must make lying wrong again,” writes UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in …………………..



“Polycrisis Of Doom”: Technocracy’s Mother Of All Wars To Conquer the World

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola July 14, 2022

This writer first stated in 2015 that Technocracy had declared war on humanity. Today’s “polycrisis” is the expansion of the scorched-earth policy to reduce society to rubble, making ………………….



Is a US-Russia War Becoming Inevitable?

By Patrick J. Buchanan July 15, 2022

At the NATO summit in Madrid, Finland was invited to join the alliance. What does this mean for Finland?

If Russian President Vladimir Putin breaches the 830-mile Finnish border, the United States will rise to Helsinki’s defense and fight Russia on Finland’s side.




The Destruction of the Euro

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney July 15, 2022

The Eurozone is bust. The deterioration of TARGET2 imbalances have been hardly noticed, but in recent months it has been alarming. Despite official denials over the years that it is a matter of concern, it is …………………



‚Cost-Free‘: Biden Admin may soon infuse the IMF with $650 billion ‘for Ukraine’

A globalist plan of action with a truly nefarious agenda. Jordan Schachtel, 13.7.22

Democrats in Congress and their globalist billionaire backers are lobbying the Biden Administration to deploy hundreds of billions of dollars into the International Monetary Fund ………………….



Argentina’s Difficult Political Landscape and Libertarian Prospects for Change

07/13/2022 Octavio Bermudez

Argentina, the mystery of South America. How could a country that was once the most prosperous in the world now rank seventy-third (see figure below)? It is also in sixth place in …………………….



Whilst you were distracted by Boris resigning the UK Gov. published a report confirming Fully Vaccinated Children are 13,633% more likely to die of COVID than Unvaccinated Children

By The Exposé on July 13, 2022

A report quietly published by the UK Government, just hours before Boris Johnson announced he was resigning as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, reveals the Covid-19 ………………….



Korrupte Ukraine: Gelieferte schwere Waffen werden weiterverkauft

  1. Juli 2022

An sich müsste man die Geschäftstüchtigkeit der Ukrainer ja bewundern. Schwere Waffen im Kampfeinsatz bedeuten nur, dass die nicht ausreichend ausgebildete Mannschaft zum …………………….



Ukraine SitRep – Additional Defense Lines, A Failed Counterattack, Weapon Deliveries

On July 2 Lysichansk came under Russian control:

This comes only a week after the cauldron around Lysichansk began to close. Until a few hours ago there was still a chance to flee from Lysichansk but the only passable road was under Russian fire. It is not ……………….



Die 5 Sterne stürzen Italien in die Regierungskrise

Von Marco Gallina Mi, 13. Juli 2022

Die Krise der Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung wird zur Regierungskrise. Am Donnerstag kommt es zum Vertrauensvotum im Senat. Die Partei entscheidet, ob sie die Regierung Draghi in den eigenen Abgrund zieht.




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