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Die Inflation ist die einzige Steuer, die nicht vom Parlament verabschiedet werden muss.

— Milton Friedman

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Unser Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach

„Wäre besser, wenn Lauterbach seine Zunge etwas besser im Griff hält.“

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger von Kries (9.8.22) Epidemiologe der Stiko, zu den neuerlichen Impfempfehlungen des Gesundheitsministers. Lauterbach)



Many senior officials and experts in the Chinese vaccine industry suddenly die



Federal Reserve Crashing Markets, Find out Why | Tom Luongo



How does raising interest rates control inflation? | The Economist



Your Suffering Prevents Inflation, Citizen

By Tom Woods August 11, 2022 From the Tom Woods Letter:

One of the most frustrating things about being a libertarian is how consistently the state gets away with ripping off the people, and the people don’t even realize it.

The public has been trained to think of the people who run the state as “public servants” who “work for us.”




Kari Lake, AZ Candidate for Governor, Has the Right Idea

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog August 11, 2022

Kari was fuming after the Feds raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. And she launched a statement about that. Yup. OK. Fine. But it’s how she moved on from the subject of Trump that really interests me.




Darum erschoss die Polizei den 16-jährigen Mohammed D.

Axel Spilcker, 11.8.22

Nachdem ein Polizist einen 16-Jährigen in Dortmund erschossen hat, kommen immer mehr Details ans Licht. Anscheinend hielt sich der Jugendliche ein Messer vor den Bauch. Und: ……………………..



Democrats Scorched Earth Policy

Hillary Clinton is using the tyrannical Mar-a-Lago raid to sell merchandise. Clinton began promoting “but her emails” clothing only a day after Trump’s personal residence was …………………..



The Rhine Drought

The drought across Europe has caused substantial problems. In Germany, the Rhine has all but evaporated. Freights have been forced to reduce their loads across the river, but some are …………………..



Vaccine Mandates Illegal in Costa Rica

Newly elected President Rodrigo Chaves has outlawed vaccine mandates.




FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago backfires spectacularly as lawmakers call for NULLIFICATION of corrupt federal agencies like FBI, IRS, EPA, ATF, DOJ

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) It took just one FBI raid on President Trump’s private residence to spark an ………………………



Woke Airline Policies Threaten Safety, Workers Say

Hiring practices driven by diversity are ‚a recipe for disaster‘

By Janice Hisle August 9, 2022

Southwest Airlines Co. is basking in accolades for its “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) …………………



FBI Trump raid exposes Washington’s secrecy shams

By James Bovard  August 9, 2022

FBI agents raided Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Monday reportedly looking for boxes of classified material that Trump allegedly removed from the White House when his ………………….



Today, Ukraine Bombed a Donetsk Hotel Full of Journalists – Here’s What It Felt Like to Be There

Another attack from Kiev has hit central Donetsk, targeting a funeral and a hotel where numerous reporters stay and work. By Eva Bartlett RT News August 11, 2022




Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute August 11, 2022

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it ……………………



Governor DeSantis Needs to Kick Federal Agents Out of Florida Immediately

Republicans, Put Up or Shut Up, Dr. Joseph Sansone, 10.8.22

Governor DeSantis needs to immediately eject federal agents from the state of Florida. This action should be immediately followed by a special legislative session placing permanent ……………………



Pfauen der Energiewende – vom ZDF gerupft

Man muss auch mal loben können: Eine ZDF-Doku entlarvt in geradezu genialer Weise führende Protagonisten der Energiewende: Man lässt sie einfach reden und fragt dann ……………………



Why the „New World Order“ Is Impossible to Implement without Creating Mass Chaos

08/09/2022 Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

The events of the last few years have resurrected a recurring worry among people mindful of their liberty, property, and personal dignity. This worry centers around the prospects of the ………………….



„Coup“ Means Whatever the Regime Wants It to Mean

08/09/2022 Ryan McMaken

In the immediate aftermath of the January 6 riot at the US Capitol, many pundits and politicians were eager to describe the events of that day as a coup d’état in which the nation ………………………



„Anything But A Cashless Society“: Physical Money Makes Comeback As UK Households Battle Inflation

by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Aug 10, 2022

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has been pushing hard for a ‚cashless society‘ in a post-pandemic world, though physical money has made a comeback in at least one European …………………..



Wie in deutschen Pflegeheimen geimpft wird

Do, 11. August 2022

Die vierte Runde der Covid-Impfungen in deutschen Pflegeheimen hat begonnen, ob die Beteiligten es wollen oder nicht. Impfteams ziehen durch die Heime, die sicher sind, niemandem etwas Schlechtes zu tun. Die Realität sieht leider häufig anders aus. Der Erfahrungsbericht eines Lesers




Zwei Drittel der Deutschen für Abschaffung der Rundfunkgebühr

Mi, 10. August 2022

Eine aktuelle Umfrage zeigt: Nur noch eine Minderheit ist bereit, die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen wie bisher mit einer monatlichen Abgabe zu finanzieren.




Kanzler Olaf Scholz muss seinen freidrehenden Minister einfangen

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 10. August 2022

Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) schadet mit seinen wirren, sich widersprechenden Aussagen der Bundesregierung massiv. Kanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) muss ……………………



Die Unparteilichkeit des Richters, der die Trump-Durchsuchung absegnete, ist fraglich

Mi, 10. August 2022 Größter US-Polit-Skandal seit Kapitolsturm?

Die Hausdurchsuchung bei Ex-US-Präsident Donald Trump schlägt in den USA weiter hohe ………………………



Asow-Kämpfern soll in Kürze Prozess gemacht werden


Den inhaftierten Asow-Kämpfern soll noch in diesem Sommer der Prozess gemacht werden. Dies sagt der Chef der selbsternannten „Volksrepublik“ Donezk, Puschilin. Dort beklagen ………………….



Roe Haunts From Its Grave

By Andrew P. Napolitano August 11, 2022

The Supreme Court’s recent Dobbs opinion, reversing the court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade opinion, which unleashed 64 million abortions in the United States, is based on the principles of …………………….



Harry Truman and the Atomic Bomb

08/08/2022 Ralph Raico

The most spectacular episode of Harry Truman’s presidency will never be forgotten but will be forever linked to his name: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and of Nagasaki three days later. Probably around two hundred thousand persons were killed in the ………………….



Will ACAM2000 Be America’s New Vaccine Disaster?

By Davis Taylor August 11, 2022

In pre-COVID-19 America, it was widely accepted that being unvaccinated increased others’ risks of infectious disease. Americans were propagandized into holding this notion and it ……………………….



Corona-Warn-App: Impfstatus wird an Farbe erkennbar sein

Karl Lauterbach verrät ein neues Update für die Corona-Warn-App. Unterschiedliche Farben geben künftig unterschiedliche Rechte. In China gibt es dieses System bereits.

10.8.2022 Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach verteidigt seine umstrittenen Corona-………………….



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