Ein bisschen Marx und ganz viel Geld: Thomas Piketty will die Welt wieder einmal besser machen. Mit weniger Privateigentum und einem bedingungslosen Grundvermögen
Ungleichheit ist Thomas Pikettys Lebensthema. Jetzt hat der französische Ökonom ein Buch über Gleichheit geschrieben. Davon möchte er mehr. Und er weiss auch genau, wie das zu machen wäre. Sergio Aiolfi 09.09.2022,
Queen Elizabeth – The Last of a True Constitutional Monarchy?
Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom. Right up to the very last few days, Queen Elizabeth embodied the dignity of the British people and fulfilled her role as the impartial guardian of the people. In reality, the British monarchy represents the Head of ………………….
UK Bans COVID Vaccine for Children Under 12
Big Pharma is continually pushing these vaccinations onto every member of the global population. Yet, the data coming out (eventually) cannot be ignored. UK Health Security …………………..
Consumer demand collapses as global economy IMPLODES, factories closing doors, freight demand plummets
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) We are now watching the whiplash effect of all the mad money printing that took place during covid lockdowns, which provided the world’s central banks an excuse to ………………..
August’s Price Inflation Soared, and That Means Earnings Fell Yet Again
The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released new price inflation data today, and the news wasn’t good. According to the BLS, Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rose 8.3 percent year over year during August, before seasonal adjustment. That’s the seventeenth …………………….
A Debt That Can Destroy a Nation
by Lawrence Kadish September 13, 2022 (Image source: iStock)
For as long as there have been politics there have been deals.
Of course, it is illegal to trade one’s vote for cash, but those with the power to dispense ………………
Impffolgen – und es kommt doch raus
Von Andreas Zimmermann.
Manipulierte und fehlerhafte Zulassungsstudien, immer mehr Opfer und Geschädigte. Die Covid-Impfungen müssten nach Evidenz-Kriterien längst verboten werden, das zeigen weiter aktuelle Studien. Der Politik geht Gesichtswahrung aber offenbar vor Menschenleben.
The Enclosure Movement and the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions
09/12/2022 Phil Duffy
Few technological changes have been criticized as much as the enclosure movement, strongly associated with the British Isles, but actually rooted in the Netherlands. Consider this ……………………
Looking at the Economic Myth of the „Soft Landing“
09/12/2022 Frank Shostak
According to commentators, countering inflation requires monetary authorities to actively restrain the economy, with “experts” believing that higher interest rates need not cause an economic slump. Instead, they believe that the Fed can orchestrate a “soft landing.” It is ……………………..
Creator of first robot artist warns AI is ‚apocalyptic‘ and they will replace humans
Aidan Meller, who created the ultra-realistic Ai-Da robot, thinks within three years we will face unimaginable changes and claims that „we’re all doomed“ unless change happens now
Freeze for Global Agenda: U.N. Demands European Nations Do Not Return to Fossil Fuels over Energy Crisis
Simon Kent, 12 Sep 2022
The world is grappling with the worst energy crisis in generations however the U.N. has warned Europe a return to fossil fuels in response to soaring prices and winter shortages must ……………………
Der wichtigste Unterstützer der Grünen ist Friedrich Merz
Von Roland Tichy Mi, 14. September 2022
Der langgewachsene Friedrich Merz macht sich kurz und die große CDU klein: Die Partei und ihr Vorsitzender putzen sich zurecht für die Grünen – und stärken deren Position in der ……………………
Sievert oder Sauvignon – das Schweizer Endlager
Die Geologie hat gesprochen und die Schweizer haben sie gehört.
„Die Geologie hat gesprochen. Es ist eine eindeutige Entscheidung.“, konstatiert die Schweizer Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (Nagra). Die …………………
States to Ban Gas-Powered Cars Despite EVs’ Human, Environmental Costs
By Katie Spence September 12, 2022
In Chile’s Salar de Atacama, locals watch helplessly as their ancestral lands wither and die, their precious water resources evaporating in briny salars.
Gun Purchases to be Tracked by Global Organization
The far left is eager to repeal 2A. We are not as free as we think. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), an organization headquartered all the way in Geneva, ……………..
Hellseherei oder Planung?
Moderna und Fauci-Behörde schlossen schon 2015 Deal über Corona-Impfstoff
Wussten Moderna und US-Regierungsbehörden schon fünf Jahre vor Corona, dass in Kürze eine “Pandemie” mit Bedarf an gentechnisch entwickelten mRNA-Impfstoffen ihren Lauf ………………….
The truth about Elizabeth’s empire
Dr Remi Adekoya is a Polish-Nigerian writer and political scientist. His book Biracial Britain: A Different Way of Looking at Race, is available now. Colonialism isn’t to blame for all Africa’s ills September 13, 2022
The Palestinians and the World Do Not Need Another Corrupt, Failed Terrorist Arab State
by Khaled Abu Toameh September 13, 2022 The truth, however, is that neither the Palestinian Authority leadership nor the Palestinian people is ready for statehood. And the …………………