Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Der Deutsche gleicht dem Sklaven, der seinem Herrn gehorcht ohne Fessel, ohne Peitsche, durch das bloße Wort, ja durch einen Blick. Die Knechtschaft ist in ihm selbst, in seiner Seele; schlimmer als die materielle Sklaverei ist die spiritualisierte. Man muß die Deutschen von innen befreien, von außen hilft nichts.

— Heinrich Heine

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Psychopathic Leftist Intolerance And The Death Of Cayler Ellingson

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us September 27, 2022

One of the go-to accusations of the political left against conservatives is the notion that we are “intolerant” of others to the point of being hateful and dangerous. There is very little actual ………………….



Judgement Day: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV September 27, 2022

Last week, we heard Jim Jordan talk about 14 FBI whistleblowers who have come forward to him, with complaints about the weaponization of the Bureau against dissidents of the Biden …………………..



Interview with FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin – Part 1 – The Dan Bongino Show

September 25, 2022

In this episode, I talk with the FBI Whistleblower, Special Agent Kyle Seraphin, in a bombshell interview about the inner workings and corruption of the FBI.



Supreme Court Orders NYPD to Rehire Vax Incompliant Officers

New York State Supreme Court Judge Lyle Frank ruled that it was unconstitutional to fire police officers for refusing the COVID vaccine. The Police Benevolent Association (PBA) ……………….



Newsom Begs Illegals and Out-of-State Citizens for Votes

The left is so afraid of a red wave this November that they will do anything to allow illegals to ……………….



Giorgia Meloni – Italy’s Common Sense

I find it unbelievable that the corrupt media is calling her a fascist. They do not even understand what the word means: i.e. “centralized autocratic government headed by a ………………



Seeing the Student Loan Crisis as a Form of Boom and Bust

09/24/2022 J.R. MacLeod

In a market economy, prices are determined by supply and demand: how much of a quantity is being offered and how much value people place on that good relative to other goods. However, with great government power comes potential for great government irresponsibility: …………………..



The Other Immigration Question: Should People from Wealthy Countries Migrate to Poorer Ones?

09/24/2022 Lipton Matthews

The immigration debate has polarized societies across the Western world. Objectors assert …………………..



ANALYSIS: Europe to become “ECONOMIC WASTELAND” as industry dies, banks fail and food production plunges

Monday, September 26, 2022 by: Mike Adams



„Teils ein Schwelbrand, teils brennt die Hütte“ – Habeck warnt vor Schäden für Wirtschaft

„Die deutsche Wirtschaft befindet sich schon in einem Schrumpfungsprozess“, sagt Ifo-Chef Clemens Fuest. Doch was kann die Bundesregierung tun, um gegenzusteuern? Besonders betroffenen Gruppen müsse gezielt geholfen werden, meint Fuest. Eine Verlängerung der AKW-Laufzeiten sei „essenziell“.




Michael Hudson: America’s Real Adversaries Are Its European and Other Allies

Posted on February 7, 2022 by Yves Smith

Yves here. I must confess to remaining mystified about America’s obviously disproportionate interest in and belligerence over Ukraine. Germany needs Russian heating fuel, like it or not. Is it that there are too many Galicians in position of influence? That the military profiteers are ……………..



Interview with FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin – Part 2 – The Dan Bongino Show

In this episode, Dan Bongino continues his talk with FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, who describes in disturbing detail the corruption inside the bureau.



The U.S. Is Winning Its War On Europe’s Industries And People

Disclose.tv @disclosetv – 10:03 UTC · Sep 26, 2022

JUST IN – German economy deteriorated significantly in September. IFO business climate index continues to fall.




Could Mean Chemical Castration for 10-Year-Old Son

Jeff Younger wants to block any attempt to move his son to California, By Darlene McCormick Sanchez

September 24, 2022




Frankfurter Oberbürgermeister widerruft eigene Erklärung

Manfred Köhler 26.09.2022-

Im November befinden die Frankfurter in einem Bürgerentscheid über die mögliche Abwahl von Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann (SPD).

Monatelang ließ der Frankfurter Oberbürgermeister wissen, im Januar 2023 werde er zurücktreten. Jetzt will er davon nichts mehr wissen.




London Banks Prepare For Possible Blackouts

By Tsvetana Paraskova – Sep 23, 2022,

Banking and financial firms in London are closely studying and updating contingency electricity supply plans to protect themselves and their customers in case power outages hit ………….



Giant Food Companies Stampede To Raise Insects For Food

Posted By: Innovafeed via BusinessWire September 26, 2022

Innovafeed has secured big funding to build a bug factory in Illinois and pledges to “place sustainable development and social impact at the heart of its business model and thus ……………….



Will Italy’s Election Foreshadow US Midterms?

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute September 27, 2022

Sunday was an historic election day for Italy. A conservative alliance with a populist flair absolutely trounced the technocrats who had been running the country into the ground for the …………………



The Privatization of Nuclear War, Towards a World War III Scenario

GRTV Report Produced by James Corbett, Featuring Michel Chossudovsky

By James Corbett and Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research September 27, 2022




Giorgia Meloni hat gewonnen – jetzt muss sie liefern

Von Marco Gallina Mo, 26. September 2022

Meloni feiert ihren Sieg, aber ohne triumphalen Gestus. Stattdessen zitiert sie den Heiligen Franziskus. Die Wähler haben ihrer Partei ein starkes Mandat erteilt – das die gnadenlosen ……………….



Italexit Prontissimo

„There’s a war outside raging, you say it isn’t ours anymore to win. No retreat, baby, no surrender!“n Good Citizen, 26.9.22

Every single human being, each one of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country, and family.




Giorgia Meloni is no radical

Thomas Fazi is a writer, journalist and translator. His latest book Reclaiming the State is published by Pluto Press. Italian voters know she won’t change anything. September 27, 2022




China: The ‚Massive‘ Threat

by Judith Bergman September 27, 2022 „The most game-changing challenge we face comes from the Chinese Communist Party.“ – Ken McCullum, MI5 Director General, Joint Address by the heads MI5 and FBI, July 6, 2022.

Both directors emphasized that one of the greatest challenges to Western economies is China’s …………………



Putins nukleare Vorsicht

Putin droht zwar gelegentlich mit dem Einsatz von Atomwaffen, doch wird er ihn wohl nicht befehlen. Nicht weil er Skrupel hätte, sondern weil er weiß, dass er dann nur noch verlieren kann.




EU-Planwirtschaft für den Notfall?

Mit ihrem neuen „Notfallinstrument für den Binnenmarkt“ will sich die EU-Kommission in die Produktionsabläufe von Unternehmen einmischen können.

Die EU-Kommission fügt ihren Zentralisierungs-Bestrebungen abermals einen Baustein ……………



Kein Erwachen der Verlierer

Giorgia Meloni, ihre „Brüder Italiens“ und zwei inzwischen vergleichsweise kleine Parteien im Gefolge haben nun bekanntlich die Wahlen in Italien gewonnen. In der EU gibt es viele Verlierer, allen voran vielleicht Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen. Ob sie aus …………….



Automobilindustrie schlägt Alarm: Jedes fünfte Unternehmen verlagert ins Ausland

Di, 27. September 2022

Deutschland droht der Verlust zahlreicher Betriebe der Autoindustrie. „Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Standorts Deutschland verschlechtert sich in einer dramatischen ………………



Die Zeitungs-Verlage liegen mit der ARD im Clinch

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 26. September 2022

Eine Abmahnung gegen den SWR, ein Schlichtungsverfahren gegen den MDR und Radio Bremen. Die Zeitungs-Verleger werfen der ARD unzulässige Konkurrenz vor. Sie fürchten ………………….



The War On Germany Just Entered Its Hot Phase

Just yesterday I laid out how the U.S. is winning its war on Europe’s industries and people.

That war, hidden behind the U.S. created Ukraine crisis, is designed to destroy Europe’s ………………..



EU Sanctions Have ‘Backfired’ – Viktor Orbán

Hungary should prepare for a prolonged conflict in Ukraine, says PM

RT News September 27, 2022




Less Than $ 200 Million But Also More

By Ron Unz The Unz Review September 27, 2022

I recently spent a couple of hours updating the SimilarWeb traffic metrics of our own webzine and those of nearly eighty others, and the results were reasonably satisfactory, with the …………………..



Italexit Prontissimo

„There’s a war outside raging, you say it isn’t ours anymore to win. No retreat, baby, no surrender!“ The Good Citizen September 27, 2022

Every single human being, each one of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country, and family.

Giorgia Meloni




Italy’s New PM Giorgia Meloni – a Woman, Mother, Italian, and Christian

The Italian people have voted for a conservative prime minister, and the globalists are panicking. Giorgia Meloni has long been skeptical about Italy’s place in the EU, COVID ………………..



Wie Sie mit Handlungslogik die Gesellschaft besser verstehen und Ihre Lebenssituation verbessern können

Praxeologie – Die Lehre vom menschlichen Handeln . Antony P. Mueller

Praxeologie (Handlungslogik) behandelt die epistemologischen Grundlagen und die ……………….



The British Pound & the FX Crisis




Muss Lauterbachs “Pandemie”-Verlängerung abgeblasen werden?

Massive Einschnitte im deutschen Gesundheitsetat 2023 geplant

Dumm für die Impflobby und deren Hauptinteressenvertreter und Corona-Hysteriker Karl Lauterbach: Angesichts der durch Rezession und erwartete Firmenpleiten drohenden …………………..



IT-Pionier übt heftige Kritik an „Scheißegal-Nation“ Deutschland


GFT-Gründer Ulrich Dietz ist besorgt über die wirtschaftliche Lage in Deutschland. Andere Länder meisterten die Folgen des Ukraine-Kriegs oder andere Herausforderungen besser, sagt …………………



John Paulson on Frothy US Housing Market: This Time Is Different

John Paulson on Frothy US Housing Market: This Time Is Different

Michael P. Regan Sun, September 25, 2022

(Bloomberg) — John Paulson became a billionaire after his hedge fund effectively shorted more than $25 billion of mortgage securities at the dawn of the global financial crisis.





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