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Mit der CDU will ich nichts zu tun haben.

— Angela Merkel (Bundeskanzlerin, 1990)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Luisas Welt: Das Mittelalter

Die Autorin Luisa Neubauer hat in einem Interview mit der ARD die Präsenz gewisser Verlage auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse, die sie als inakzeptable „rechte Verlage“ ausgemacht hat, als ein „absolutes No-Go“ bezeichnet. Sie sagte:




Die Pläne des Sergej Surowikin

Nach seiner Ernennung zum Oberbefehlshaber der russischen Streitkräfte in der Ukraine hat General Sergej Surowikin eine Stellungnahme herausgegeben. Im russischen Fernsehen legte er seine Sicht der aktuellen Kriegslage dar – und erklärte, warum die Oblast Cherson in seinen ……………….



Weshalb eine Wagenknecht-Partei reelle Chancen hat

Von Tomas Spahn Mo, 24. Oktober 2022

Sollte Wagenknecht als intellektuelle Frontfrau einer am kleinen Mann orientierten …………………



The Evil Agenda of The World’s Elite I JE SHOW EP 1



Ukrainian Power Outages, the US 101st Airborne, and Russia’s Next Big Move



Why Truss’s gamble failed

Aris Roussinos is UnHerd’s Foreign Affairs Editor, and a former war reporter.

October 20, 2022. Survival is now more important than growth.

Shortly before the Government’s ill-fated budget, I had coffee with a Conservative MP who ……………………..



The Tories were destined for civil war

John Oxleyis a corporate strategist and political commentator. His Substack is Joxley Writes.

October 21, 2022, In a political crisis, everyone is a potential enemy.




The West Turns Back on Persecuted Christians, Embraces Radical Muslims

by Raymond Ibrahim October 23, 2022 Although the U.S. government had acknowledged that ISIS was committing genocide against Christians in Syria due solely to their religious ………………..



COVID-19 Impfschäden



Zensur: Diese Szene aus „Die Anstalt“ wurde nach Ausstrahlung zensiert



Wir sind auch ohne Krieg am Ende

Wochen-BlickNur zwei Tage lang würde die Munition von Deutschlands Bundeswehr im Kriegsfall ausreichen. Dennoch setzt man insbesondere seitens Deutschland alles daran, einen ……………………….



Sweden Will Not Meet Agenda 2030

New Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson is not heeding to the Green agenda. He promptly eliminated the entire Ministry of Climate and Environment, marking the first time in 35 years that Sweden does not have a specific climate ministry. People are crying that the world will ……………………



Iranians Fighting with Russians – This is Not a Test

Reports first circulated that Iranian soldiers were training Russians to operate drones after numerous reports of technical failures. Both Tehran and Moscow denied the allegations, but …………………



Berlusconi and Putin

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has close ties to Vladimir Putin. Berlusconi, leader of the Forza Italia party, now serves as a junior partner under new PM Giorgia Meloni. ………………………



COVID-19 Impfstoff, Fakten und Falschinformationen



A Premonition: Hell is Coming to Ukraine as Europe & NATO Follow „The Wrong Track of History“

The Stuff of Nightmares: -> Remote Viewing Mass Evacuations in Ukraine & the EU

Robert Morningstar Oct 22

There is a well-known saying, attributed to Georges Santayana, stating that:

“Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.”




The Fed Actually Reveals the Way its Own Delusional Thinking Works, and Why That Assures a Worse Crash!

I just came across an internal Fed staff document that shows what a mess their minds are. When you see how seriously they are misunderstanding this economy and the causes of ………………….



The Ugly American Version 2022

By Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers October 24, 2022

What happened to the old saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do?” Well, when it comes to Americans, especially American tourists in Japan, it’s just talk, a silly old wives tale ……………….



How Hans Hoppe Helps Us Understand What’s Going On

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. October 24, 2022

Last September 18, the great philosopher, social scientist, and Rothbardian Hans-Hermann Hoppe gave a vitally important talk to his Property and Freedom Society. This talk gives us ……………….



La. treasury divests from BlackRock over ESG but spares big pension funds

Louisiana joined Texas and West Virginia in booting BlackRock Inc. from its public investment funds, saying the asset manager’s „blatantly anti-fossil fuel policies would destroy Louisiana’s economy.“




Alles gewusst, alles gesehen: In Sachen Selbstgerechtigkeit spielt Merkel in der 1. Liga

Die FOCUS-Kolumne von Jan Fleischhauer




Montage of Washington Claiming Vaccines Prevent Transmission



Interview: Collapsing Global Finance with Martin Armstrong



Sahra Wagenknecht – Von wegen cool und öko – wie die Grünen Wirtschaft und Natur zerstören

Manche halten die Grünen auch heute noch für eine coole Öko-Partei, die für die Rettung des Klimas, für Frieden und Menschenrechte kämpft, und deren hochmoralische Aktivisten am liebsten jeder Kröte beim ……………..



Die 20 heftigsten Benachteiligungen im Alltag von Männern



Desaster für Biden: Republikaner führen bei Umfragen für “Midterms” und 2024

Schock für US-Präsident Joe Biden und seine Demokraten-Schickeria! Würde die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2024 heute stattfinden wäre sein republikanischer Vorgänger, Donald …………………..



Secession: Coming to a State Near You?

10/21/2022 David Gordon

Those of us who think that there should be no state at all, or at most a very limited one, must view all existing states with dissatisfaction, though some are better than others. In assessing ………………….



The Hardheaded Thought of Ludwig von Mises: Ever Attacked and Ever Triumphant

10/20/2022 Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

Such is the intellectual stature of Ludwig von Mises that even many decades after his passing the opponents of classical liberalism and laissez-faire capitalism continue to attack his life’s …………………



Russland und die Ukraine – Vortrag von Gabriele Krone-Schmalz



Myth versus Ideology: Why Free Market Thinking Is Nonideological

10/21/2022 Michael Rectenwald

I’ll begin with a provocative thesis: socialism is ideological and free market thinking, while involving myth, is nonideological. I will show why socialism is ideological and why free market thinking involves myth but is nonideological by defining the terms myth and ideology …………………



The Interview of Lukashenko The West Refuses to Listen

The very question posed to Lukashenko demonstrates how biased the media is. There is ZERO independence and certainly ZERO effort by any investigative journalist to challenge ……….



Kartell, Deckel, Korridor und kein neues Geld: wie die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU die hohen Strom- und Gaspreise senken wollen

Nur mit Not und Mühe haben sich die 27 Staats- und Regierungschefs an ihrem Gipfel in Brüssel auf einen Konsens im Kampf gegen die hohen Energiepreise einigen können. …………………….



The Dollar’s Global Wake of Destruction

10/21/2022J oseph Solis-Mullen

While whispers of the current emerging market debt crisis, the result of the rapidly ………………….



Student Loan Debt: The Financial Time Bomb Politicians Want to Ignore

10/20/2022 Kevin Van Elswyk

Media reports claim this debt prevents economic recovery. Chuck Schumer would erase it ………………………



The Need for Beauty in Economics

10/21/2022 Jeff Deist

Free Markets are often criticized for producing ugly, dystopian, consumer-driven landscapes, but is this true? Jeff explains how we need more than intellectual appeal to advance the cause of liberty—we need an appeal to beauty.



95 Percent of Corpses Had Received COVID Vaccination Within 2 Weeks of Death: Funeral Director

Enrico Trigoso Oct 20 2022

A funeral director from New Zealand says that 95 percent of the corpses he has been seeing ………………..



What is Behind the Growing US-China Crisis Over Taiwan?

As the US wages proxy war against Russia through Ukraine, it is attempting the same process through Taiwan against China. However, there are some major differences that make America’s hostility and ……………..



Starlink signals can be reverse-engineered to work like GPS—whether SpaceX likes it or not

Elon said no thanks to using his mega-constellation for navigation. Researchers went ahead anyway. By Mark Harrisarchive page October 21, 2022




Fürs Foto aufs Rad, aber … Berlins scheinheilige Umwelt-Senatorin

Berlins Umwelt-Senatorin Bettina Jarasch (Grüne) kam im Dienstwagen zum Termin

Von: Stefan Peter 21.10.2022




Russia, Iran’s Mullahs Deepen Ties to Crush Ukraine: Why Is Biden Administration Silent?

by Majid Rafizadeh October 22, 2022 In August 2015, Obama spelled out what his deal would accomplish. It is worth a look at it with the benefit of hindsight….




The Authorities Are Our Enemies

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com October 22, 2022

The people who run things in this country don’t deserve your respect or allegiance. They are at war with you. They want you and your children dead.





The Possibility of Saudi Arabia Joining the BRICS Shows the World Is Moving on From Western Dominance

Two decades on from its emergence as a marketing ploy, the concept has enjoyed an unlikely upturn, By Fyodor Lukyanov RT News October 22, 2022




Satanism Is the Religion That Runs the World

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV October 22, 2022

Satanism is the religion that runs the world, according to Mark Passio. “That’s what people have to truly wake up to and then they have to wake up to True Morality, because aggregate ……………………..



Soros and the Kiev Regime … Supping With the Devil

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture October 22, 2022

A Jewish-born billionaire funding a Nazi regime in Ukraine to do his bidding is not beyond cynical calculation. It’s what capitalism is all about.




I Am Not Nostradamus!

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation October 22, 2022

On September 8, 2022, I wrote an article entitled “




The Mysterious Disappearance of Influenza

A review of the reasons to believe that the flu really did vanish during the pandemic.

eugyppius 21.10.2022





Biden Has an ‘Off Ramp’ on Ukraine

By Ray McGovern  AntiWar.com October 22, 2022

A Rose has bloomed In the Blinken/Sullivan/Biden desert of ideas on Ukraine. I refer to Rose ………………….



If Trump Had Been Sworn in Instead of Biden, Would There Be a War in Ukraine?

By L. Reichard White October 22, 2022

I’m not a Trump fan — and I’m not fond of Biden either. In fact, following the advice of U.S. founding father James Madison – – – “All men having power ought to be mistrusted” – – – I ……………………



Impfen – Die ganze Geschichte

Das Thema Impfen wird seit der Corona-Pandemie kontrovers diskutiert, wobei die Grenze zwischen wissenschaftlichen Fakten und Falschinformationen zunehmend verschwimmt. Der Dokumentarfilm lässt Fachleute zu Wort kommen und beleuchtet den Stand der Forschung ………………..



Peter Schiff: Inflation Insanity Continues

October 17, 2022 by SchiffGold   0   0

As Peter Schiff put it in a recent podcast, the inflation insanity continues.

We got the September Consumer Price Index (CPI) data and it once again came in hotter than expected. Month-on-month, CPI was up 0.4%. That was double the 0.2% expectation. On an …………………..



The Tories were destined for civil war

John Oxley is a corporate strategist and political commentator. His Substack is Joxley Writes.

October 21, 2022 In a political crisis, everyone is a potential enemy.




ISIS Terrorists Living in Turkey – with Yazidi Captives

by Uzay Bulut October 21, 2022 In Ankara’s Sincan district, a 24-year-old enslaved Yazidi woman was rescued after her relatives in Australia (who themselves are asylum-seekers) …………………..



Braucht Klimaschutz die Diktatur?

Andreas Freytag  Die Klimaschützerinnen Greta Thunberg und Luisa Neubauer fordern in einem offenen Brief die Aufgabe von Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft zum Ziele des Umweltschutzes. Das ist in grotesker Weise naiv. 31. Juli 2020




Macheten-Attacke von Ludwigshafen: Weltwoche enthüllt, Brutalo-Somalier kam während Flüchtlings-Krise 2015 nach Deutschland

Annabel Schunke, 21.10.2022

Der Somalier, der am vergangenen Dienstag zwei Männer in Ludwigshafen mit einer Machete getötet und eine weitere Person schwer verletzt hatte, kam 2015 nach Deutschland. Dies ……………………..



Julian Reichelt, Wenn wir diese Politik der Regierung weiter hinnehmen, sterben noch mehr Menschen



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