Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wenn es ernst wird, muss man lügen.

— Jean-Claude Juncker

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Florida: United We Stand – Europa hat im Ahrtal kolossal versagt

Von Susanne Heger Do, 27. Oktober 2022

Am 28. September 2022 schlug Hurrikan „Ian“ auf der Höhe von Fort Myers/Cape Coral auf die Westküste Floridas. Schwerste Überschwemmungen und flächendeckende Zerstörungen von Bauten und Infrastruktur waren die Folge. Ein gutes Jahr zuvor, in der Nacht vom 14. auf ……………



Davos in the Desert

Some of the biggest players have gathered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the annual …………………



Fetterman v Oz – Another Case Against Mail-In Voting

The Pennsylvania Senate debate between John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz was a complete disaster for Fetterman. I think everyone felt secondhand embarrassment for John. Fetterman seemed incoherent for most of the debate. He struggled to form logical sentences or stay on ………………..



The vaccine “Berlin Wall” is finally being TORN DOWN as NY Supreme Court strikes down “capricious” NYC vaccine mandate

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 by: Mike Adams



Us Citizens Were Tracked Via Secret ‘Covid Decree Violation’ Scores

Data was used to help Democrats win elections. 26 October, 2022 Paul Joseph Watson

Tens of millions of US citizens were given a “COVID-19 decree violation” score as a result …………….



It’s Time to Abandon America’s Fetish for ‘Unconditional Surrender’

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org October 27, 2022

On Monday, thirty members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus called on the Biden administration to pursue a negotiated peace settlement or cease-fire with Ukraine. The letter …………….



The War in Ukraine: Made in Washington Not Moscow

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review October 27, 2022

“Your people do not yet feel an impending sense of danger. That worries me. Can’t you see the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?




Bush, Guantanamo and the Rule of Law

By Andrew P. Napolitano October 27, 2022

Last week, the government announced that it does not want to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four of his colleagues whom it claims are the remaining conspirators of the attacks on ……………



Judge Orders New York City to Reinstate Workers Fired Over “Arbitrary and Capricious” Vaccine Mandate

by Michael Tennant October 26, 2022

A New York State Supreme Court judge on Tuesday ordered New York City to reinstate — with back pay — sanitation workers who were fired for failing to get vaccinated for Covid-19, ……………



The Ever Widening War Grows Wider

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 27, 2022

Now the Kremlin is faced with the threat of a false flag “dirty bomb” that would serve, as “Assad’s use of chemical weapons was intended,” as an excuse for US military intervention in ………………



If Red States Want Protection From Collapse They Will Have To Build Alternative Economies

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us October 27, 2022

Economic centralization is the ultimate form of organized conspiratorial power, because it allows a small group of people to dictate the terms of trade for a society and therefore dictate ……………



Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

By John W. Whitehead The Rutherford Institute October 27, 2022

“You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. ……………………..



Biden Is Destroying Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve

By William Duncan

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is a national treasure. Frighteningly, Biden is rapidly despoiling this treasure.

The Reserve consists of four sites (Bryan Mound, Big Hill, Bayou Choctaw, and West ………………….



Bericht zur Coronalage: Tagesschau-Faktenfinder in Panik?

Nachdem die diversen Faktenfinder in Sachen Corona dramatisch versagt haben, bricht jetzt die große Panik aus. Gerade versuchten die sogenannten Faktenfinder der Tagesschau gegenüber meiner Person nachzutreten. Sie entlarven sich dabei




Volksverhetzungs-Paragraf im Schweinsgalopp verschärft

Von der Öffentlichkeit nahezu unbemerkt, ohne Ankündigung und nach ultrakurzer Debatte zu später Stunde hat der Bundestag Ende voriger Woche überraschend eine Verschärfung des ……………..



Western Media Smear President Xi’s ‘Aggressive China’ As CIA Front Holds Secessionist Summit in Taiwan

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture October 27, 2022

Beijing might be better taking Taiwan now – once and for all – before it festers anymore ………………



Skandalöse Kinderarztpraxis – nur noch geimpfte Kinder und Säuglinge werden behandelt

  1. 10. 2022 Wie weit es mittlerweile mit dem, nicht zuletzt durch Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach getriebenen Impf-Wahn gediehen ist, zeigt in erschreckender Weise, eine




Can Sunak end the new class war?

Mary Harrington is a contributing editor at UnHerd. A deep divide exists between Virtuals and Physicals. October 26, 2022

Will Rishi Sunak hang the paedos and fund the NHS? This is, after all,




Leben wir in einem Lügenstaat?

Die Zensur der privaten Meinungsäußerung wird umso heftiger, je mehr der Staat die offiziellen Lügen verbreiten will. Herrschaft durch Lüge

Um sich zu behaupten, muss eine tyrannische Herrschaft ihre Untertanen geistig verwirren und ihren ………………….



Ukraine & its Horrible Dark Past is Taking the World Down With It

Hi Marty,

  1. Deep seated hatred
    You have written frequently how hate in a country keeps on running deep as result of intense …………………….



America’s ‚Acute‘ Foreign Policy Disarray

by Pete Hoekstra October 26, 2022 Saudi Arabia is deeply concerned… that the Iran agreement will soon be back on the table…. The Saudis quite correctly believe that that the ………………..



Meloni: Absage an harte Covid-Maßnahmen

Di, 25. Oktober 2022 Antrittsrede im italienischen Parlament

In ihrer Antrittsrede vor dem italienischen Parlament erklärt die neue italienische Premierministerin Giorgia Meloni überraschend klar, dass die Corona-Maßnahmen der …………………



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