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Der vorherrschende Glaube an ‚soziale Gerechtigkeit‘ ist gegenwärtig wahrscheinlich die schwerste Bedrohung der meisten anderen Werte einer freien Zivilisation.

— Friedrich A. von Hayek

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Twitter and the Democratic Party, Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/2/22 FULL | BREAKING FOX NEWS December 2, 2022



Globally Controlled Trade

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. December 5, 2022

Murray Rothbard supported free trade. “The best way to look at tariffs or import quotas or other protectionist restraints is to forget about political boundaries.




Tucker Carlson: The real criminals are getting richer (SBF, Selensky….)



Klima-Kleber: Für diese Rede bekam Beatrix von Storch einen Ordnungsruf! AfD-Fraktion im Bundestag



Trading v Forecasts

Marty; you should not be so hard on yourself. Nobody has tried harder than you to alter the outcome. Socrates is just unbeatable. I shared your hope that gold would have just cracked $1000 and that would have been a sling-sot up. But it stopped at $1045 and the reversals were ………………


The End of Freedom & Our Right to Even Vote

Naturally, I have received emails from those on the left and Elon Musk appears to be rising to that coveted spot of hatred once monopolized by Trump. Musk has outright suggested that ……………



“This Changes Everything”

By Karen Kwiatkowski December 5, 2022

The unveiling of the new Northrup Grumman B-21 “Raider” long-range bomber, with its stealthy design, app-style updates, and $2 Billion price tag, was pure Hollywood.  If you want ……………



America’s Fate: Revolution or Fascism?

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture December 5, 2022

Daniel Lazare is a journalist, author and commentator who specializes in critically analyzing the politics and Constitution of the United States. He has authored several books, including ……………..



How Mainstream Media is Destroying the United States

It is becoming clear day by day why the mainstream media has been so against




NATO’s Handling of Ukraine Crisis May End in Disaster – MEP

The bloc’s strategy has already led to devastation in Libya, Clare Daly argued

RT News December 5, 2022

Irish MEP Clare Daly accused NATO of bringing “terror, death, lawlessness [and] rape” to ……………..



Multinational Agrichemical Corporations and the Great Food Transformation

By Birsen Filip Mises.org December 5, 2022

In July 2022, the Canadian government announced its intention to reduce




The War on Words- Great Propaganda Tricks of Today: changing the Meaning of Words (The Sly Mind Games Of Lying Manipulative Bastards Explained)

Milan Adams Uncategorized December 3, 2022

Propaganda by the redefinition of words is a basic much-used device used by dishonest ………………



Stopping Murderers

By Walter E. Block The Postil Magazine December 5, 2022

There has been a spate of even more unusually horrendous mass murders in recent days, topped off by the monstrousness that occurred in Uvalde, Texas to school children and ………………



Nationalism Against the Total State

12/02/2022 Tho Bishop Ryan McMaken

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look at the topic of nationalism and the role it can play in political decentralization. In his recent book, Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Small Polities, Ryan notes how ……………..



How Joe Biden suckered Europe

Boxed in, the European Union is failing the test of the war in Ukraine. Marwan Bishara Senior political analyst at Al Jazeera Published On 29 Nov 2022Europe is lost for answers.




Vom Vorzeigeunternehmer zur Persona non grata

Von Alexander Wendt Mo, 5. Dezember 2022

Knut Löschke wurde zum Vorzeigeunternehmer in Sachsen und wirkte in zahlreichen öffentlichen Gremien mit. Im Herbst 2021 machte er seinem Frust Luft – und wird seitdem …………………



Zweistellige Inflationsraten sorgen für rapide sinkende Reallöhne

Von Alexander Horn So, 4. Dezember 2022

Entlastungspakete und Abwehrschirm sind Augenwischerei. Der mit dem Steuergeld finanzierte „Wumms“ heizt die Inflation an. Löhne und Gehälter können nicht mehr ……………..



Chaos in Brazil

There are no coincidences in politics. The Brazil election was also rigged by the international accord seeing to seize global power for the Great Reset and hand jurisdiction to the United …………….



Germany Ordering Farmers No Fertilizer

Germany is to comply virtually immediately with the EU directive to end fertilizer following the same path as the Netherlands. There is just no support in the data for Climate Change ……………..



Lockdown-Proteste in China: Gute Diktatur, böse Diktatur?

Zwei Winter lang faselte die Systempresse über die bösen Schwurbler, die sich partout nicht dem weisen Diktat der Eliten fügen & mit Demos alle in Geiselhaft nehmen. Egal wohin man ……………..



Economic Progress and Economic Decay: North versus South

12/03/2022 Stephen Apolito

They read like Civil War battlefields: Chattanooga, Tennessee; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Greer, South Carolina; West Point, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Tupelo, Mississippi; Smyrna, ………………



Kari Lake Doesn’t Concede After Maricopa County Certifies Results

By Jack Phillips November 29, 2022

Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake did not concede on Monday after ……………..



January 6 Trials Remind Us Why We Must Abolish Seditious Conspiracy Laws

12/03/2022 Ryan McMaken

On Tuesday, a District of Columbia jury convicted Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs of seditious conspiracy in relation to the January 6, 2021 riot at the US Capitol building. Three ……………..



Der Sonntagsfahrer: Lastenfahrräder zu Autos!

Wie der Leser hoffentlich bemerkt, wohnt mir das Konstruktive von Natur aus inne, weshalb ich mal ein paar Schlagzeilen der letzten Woche durchgehen will, um sie dann konstruktiv zu …………..



New US B-21 Raider Illustrates Waste in Western Defense Spending Giving Russia-China the Edge



Musk Provides Twitter Censorship Files

In October 2020 the New York Post published private porn and business details it had retrieved from Hunter Biden’s laptop. Emails found on it proved that Joe Biden, despite his ………………



The Bad Economics of Twitter

12/02/2022Jeff DeistRobert P. Murphy

Jeff and Bob break down the good, bad, and ugly behind Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter.



Newsbits On Ukraine – Swamp Trenches, Short Training, Out Of Ammo

Realistic reports from the Ukrainian frontline are rare. Yesterday the British Express had this (@7:30, also here) from Bakhmut / Artemovsk in its Live coverage. One wonders how it has ………………..



Human Potential Is Illimitable

By David Deming December 3, 2022

With information and energy, anything allowed by the laws of nature is possible. The …………..



The Misinformation Policy Was Just Lifted

By Tom Woods December 3, 2022 From the Tom Woods Letter: Well, how about this:




How’s the War on Truth Going?

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com December 3, 2022

“I have had enough of this insanity and lack of national media attention or regulatory attention to this clear and present danger and tragedy.” — Ed Dowd




We Are Trapped in a Truman Show Directed by Psychopaths

By Jim Quinn The Burning Platform December 3, 2022

“Whether in actual fact the policy of the boot-on-the-face can go on indefinitely seems doubtful. My own belief is that the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power, and these ways will resemble those which I ……………..



WEF reveals agenda for Davos 2023 ruling class gathering

January confab will focus on the climate hoax and Putin, among new action items. Jordan Schachtel, 2.12.22

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has released the major themes for its upcoming January …………..



The Lost World of the Barbarous Relic

By George F. Smith December 3, 2022

It’s one of the greatest ironies of history that gold detractors refer to the metal as the barbarous relic, when in fact the abandonment of gold has put civilization as we know it at ………………




Mark Oshinskie Dec 1 2022




Global News: Stories that Mainstream Mostly Missed

Around the world and back again. Robert W. Malone, 1.12.22




Winter in Central Europe and for the Dollar

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney December 3, 2022

In this article I examine the current state of the fight for hegemonic control between America on the one side, and Russia and China on the other. It is being fought on two fronts. Ukraine, ………………



The Fed Is Not „a Good Idea that Became Corrupt“: It Always Was Corrupt

12/01/2022 George Ford Smith

There’s an idea rooted among some libertarians that the Federal Reserve was originally a ……………..



Who Has Better Ethics, the Social Security System or Bernie Madoff?

12/02/2022 Patrick Barron

According to Wikipedia, Bernie Madoff ran the world’s largest Ponzi scheme. The losses were estimated to be as high as $65 billion. Madoff had promised to invest his customers’ …………..


Der weiße Europäer als Bösewicht der Geschichte? Da sagen die Fakten aber was anderes

FOCUS-Kolumnist Jan Fleischhauer Samstag, 03.12.2022,

Unhold Nummer eins der Weltgeschichte ist der weiße Mitteleuropäer, Postcolonial Studies sind das Lehrfach der Stunde. Aber wie verträgt sich das mit den historischen Fakten? Die ………………



Europe accuses US of profiting from war

EU officials attack Joe Biden over sky-high gas prices, weapons sales and trade as Vladimir Putin’s war threatens to destroy Western unity.

By Barbara Moens, Jakob Hanke Vela and Jacopo Barigazzi November 24, 2022 7:09 pm CET

Nine months after invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is beginning to fracture the West.





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