Felix Zulauf: „Wir sind im Endspiel unseres Systems“
Understanding the Neocons
I saw you on TV here in Russia. I think you are more respected in Russia than in the United ……………….
Serbian President Vucic faces Neocon/NATO ultimatum
Party Politics
Thoughts regarding your “Trump and 2024” comments. I’ve been following your blog for well over 10 years and signed up on your basic Socrates program months ago. I’m 67 and ………………….
Treason from The Deep State?
I have received a lot of emails asking why just five days after the New York Post revealed the Hunter Biden laptop story that went all the way to the top involving his father, now …………………….
Twitter und Co zensierten Corona-Kritiker auf Druck der Regierung
Von Mario Thurnes 27. Dezember 2022
In den USA klärt Twitter darüber auf, wie der Staat seine Pandemie-Politik über soziale Medien durchsetzte. In Deutschland will die Ampel das Medium, das darüber aufklärt, unter ……………….
Why is Russia Conducting its Special Military Operation this Way?
Banking, Large Corporations, and Government Pawns Have Taken All the Wealth for Themselves at the Expense and Death of the Duped Masses
By Gary D. Barnett December 28, 2022
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great …………………..
The Risk of Nuclear Armageddon
Posted byBrandon CampbellDecember 26, 2022
All things related to Russia and Ukraine were made-in-the-USA.
Puppet Zelensky — a detached from reality buffoon — was a US creation, installed as an ………………….
Rate Hikes, Recessions and the Death of Spiritual Boomerism
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ‘n Guns December 28, 2022
I hate to gloat but, screw it. I’m gloating. With every FOMC meeting this year, Jerome Powell …………….
The Price Of Sophistry
Posted on December 26, 2022
In modern usage, the terms sophism and sophistry are used interchangeably with “inaccurate” or “deliberately misleading.” A sophist is someone who relies upon fallacious arguments or ………………….
US bishop: Biden, Pelosi serve ‘godless agendas’ of same-sex ‘marriage,’ abortion
(LifeSiteNews) — Note: This week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show was recorded several days before Christmas. On this episode, Bishop Joseph Strickland condemns the many ……………….
Namibia – Ein Reality Check
Autor Vera LengsfeldVeröffentlicht am 27. Dezember 2022, Gastautor Hans Hofmann-Reinecke
Viel Sonne und stetiger Wind
Namibia soll der Joker in der deutschen Energiewende werden. Viel Sonne, stetiger Wind und ………………….
Is War with Russia Worth the Sacrifice? It depends…
Dr. Joseph Sansone 27.12.2022
Media generated hysterics over the war with Russia appear to be wearing off. The initial spell seems to have run its course. Remember all the stand with Ukraine slogans and the ghost of Kiev nonsense? Even as public support for World War III is waning, Congress and fake …………….
EU-Emissionshandel macht auch vor Eigenheimen nicht Halt
Der neue EU-Emissionshandel (ETS II) betrifft nicht nur Unternehmen, sondern alle Bürger. Ihnen werden zur Erreichung der Klimaziele kostenintensive Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen wie ………………..
Der Pandemie-Zirkus ist nicht vorbei
Von Andreas Zimmermann.
Um Corona wird es allmählich ruhiger – doch an der nächsten Panik wird schon gearbeitet. Aktuell stehen die gute alte Grippe (Influenza) sowie das Respiratory Syncytial Virus, kurz RSV, am höchsten im Kurs.
How Capitalism Made Christmas a Holiday for Children
12/24/2022 Ryan McMaken
During the 1980s, millions of American children pored over the Toys ‚R‘ Us catalog, daydreaming about what toys we hoped to receive in a few weeks on Christmas morning. After all, by the mid twentieth century, Christmas—for countless middle-class households …………………
Russia Now Says Ukraine Losing 2 Battalions per Day in Donbass, 2nd Ukrainian Drone Attack on Engels
Dr Kulldorff ‘Not Surprised’ About Being Censored by Twitter, Says Trust in Science Has Been Undermined
By Mimi Nguyen Ly and Jan Jekielek December 27, 2022
Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a prominent epidemiologist, biostatistician, and former Harvard School of Medicine professor, said he was “not surprised” after seeing concrete evidence that a post ………………….
Putin readies MASSIVE offensive with 3 goals | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Biden Opens Door to China Sabotage in North Dakota
by Gordon G. Chang December 27, 2022 The Biden administration just cleared a Chinese company to own 370 acres of land within 12 miles of Grand Forks Air Force Base in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
Tensions rise in northern Kosovo, Serbia puts army on alert
MITROVICA, Kosovo, Dec 27 (Reuters) – Protesting Serbs in the ethnically divided city of Mitrovica in northern Kosovo erected new barricades on Tuesday, hours after Serbia said it had put its army on the ………………….
Moscow to Kyiv: Meet Russia’s demands or we will impose them
By Pavel Polityuk and Oleksandr Kozhukhar
KYIV, Dec 27 (Reuters) – Russia’s foreign minister accused Ukraine and the West of seeking to destroy his country and said Kyiv must accept Moscow’s demands for ending the war or else watch as the Russian ………………