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To totalitarians truth is as the cross is to the devil.

— Thomas DiLorenzo

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Der Geheimdienstchef, dem die Linken vertrauen

Kein deutscher Beamter kämpft so entschlossen gegen Rechtsextremisten wie Thomas Haldenwang, der Chef des Verfassungsschutzes. Und keiner hat zugleich so viel Verständnis ……………..



Why it isn’t mad to oppose the World Economic Forum

31 December 2022

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its long-serving founder and Executive Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, are the subjects of many insane conspiracy theories. This NGO, ……………….



28% Of All Americans Know Someone Who Died From mRNA Injections

Posted By: Patrick Wood January 3, 2023

The wheels of the biomedical cartel’s bus are coming off. Shout it from the rooftops. Look around to see how many hands are being held up. The evidence of death is all around and ………………….



Defining a Good: The Intersection of St. Thomas Aquinas and Carl Menger

01/02/2023 Connor Mortell

While the average person thinks economics begins with Adam Smith and his Wealth of Nations, readers of the Mises Wire know that the story goes back much further than that. ……………..



We’ve Reached Peak Zelensky. Now What?

by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Jan 04, 2023

Authored by Robert Freeman via Common Dreams,

When the president of the poorestmost corrupt nation in Europe is feted with multiple ………………….



War Against Conservatives

People are leaving Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and were moving to Parlar. Google and Apple removed the Parlar APP and then Amazon kicked then off of AWS. This is a complete ……………….



The Uni-Party of Capitol Hill

This speech by Congressman Matt Gaetz is actually very important. Listen carefully to what he is saying – he and others will not vote for this “uni-party” candidate Kevin McCarthy …………………



Money-Supply Growth Turns Negative for First Time in 28 Years

01/02/2023 Ryan McMaken

Money supply growth fell again in November, and this time it turned negative for the first ……………………



Paradise Valley, Montana: A Study in Free Market Land Conservation

01/02/2023 Dusty Wunderlich

I first became aware of the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) after moving to Montana and was immediately intrigued by their work. The more I dug into PERC’s ……………………



Santos Can’t Touch the Democrats’ Duplicity

It would take considerable doing on the New York Republican’s part even to approximate the dishonesty of the party he ran against. By Paul Gottfried January 3, 2023




Damar Hamlin: What You’re Not Allowed To Say

By Tom Woods January 4, 2023

I’m writing to you today from the U.S. Virgin Islands — St. John, to be precise, where I’ve spent time for three Januarys in a row.




Covid Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com January 4, 2023

In August 2022, provisional life expectancy estimates1,2 for 2021 were released, showing …………………..



Why it isn’t mad to oppose the World Economic Forum

31 December 2022,

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its long-serving founder and Executive Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, are the subjects of many insane conspiracy theories. This NGO, ………………..



An Insider’s View of Benedict’s Resignation

I worked at the Vatican’s Secretariat of State from 2007-2017. I’ll never forget the surprise on February ………………….



Systems Dynamics Follow Their Own Rules – and Not Groupthink

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture January 4, 2023

While America’s cultural and economic ascendency is portrayed as an End of History …………………..



Money-Supply Growth Turns Negative for First Time in 33 Years

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org January 4, 2023

Money supply growth fell again in November, and this time it turned negative for the first …………………..



Der unterschätzte Kältetod

Vielleicht weil es gut zur Klimapolitik passt, wird im Sommer viel über Hitzetote geredet. Vielleicht weil es zum drastischen Energiesparen nicht passt, will im Winter niemand über die …………………..



Der Generalverdacht der Herkunft-Leugner

Mit verbalen Ablenkungsmanövern wollen viele Akteure verschleiern, dass ein ganz bestimmtes Milieu für die Silvester-Unruhen in Berlin und anderswo verantwortlich ist. …………………..



Presslufthammer vorm Verkehrsministerium: Die „Letzte Generation“ radikalisiert sich

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 4. Januar 2023

Extremisten der „Letzten Generation“ versuchten, eine Straße vor dem Verkehrsministerium zu zerstören. Man kann sich vorstellen, wie es weitergeht, denn die bisherigen Taten seien …………………



The Changing Relationship between Trade and America’s Gold Reserves

May 04, 2020 By  Yi WenBrian Reinbold




Misunderstanding War, Money and Prosperity

January 2, 2023

If the consensus of experts misunderstand money, credit and prosperity, how are we going to ……………….



Ukraine & Fake News

Marty, I am impressed. Your contacts are unsurpassable. You put out two months ago that Ukraine lost 100,000 soldiers. Some did not believe you. It turns out that was classified ……………….



The United Nations for Empowering Terrorists

by Bassam Tawil January 3, 2023 Hammouri’s affiliation with the PFLP and his involvement in planning terror attacks against Israelis, does not, however, seem to concern the UN Human Rights Office. Instead of condemning the convicted terrorist, the UN Human Rights Office ………………



The Top 10 Conspiracy Theories That were True in 2022



Bild – Wie der Staat an Silvester vor jungen Männern kapituliert



SILVESTER-ESKALATION: „Die Ursachen liegen in patriarchalen Strukturen und Desintegration“ – Mansour



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