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In Deutschland gilt derjenige, der auf den Schmutz hinweist, für viel gefährlicher als derjenige, der den Schmutz macht.

— Kurt Tucholsky

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Böller-Randale: Du wirst nicht glauben, was dieses SPD-Mitglied sagt!



The Ghost of ‚Covid‘ Returns Once Again: Awakening the Dead?

By Gary D. Barnett January 7, 2023

“If you aren’t destroying your enemies, it’s because you have been conquered and ……………………..



She’s exposing the TRUTH in Ukraine and they don’t like it | Redacted Conversation with Eva Bartlett



Latest US Arms Shipment to Ukraine Cannot Solve Kiev’s Fundamental Problem



Eva Bartlett: Western Silence As Ukraine Targets Civilians in Donbass



It BEGINS! This is how Putin and China’s New World order unfolds in 2023 | Redacted w Clayton Morris



Zelensky’s Holy War – Seizing Russian Churches

Marty, I just read that Ukraine seized control of a Russian Orthodox Church that has been there for a century. You were correct. Zelensky has also made this a holy war. The Ukrainian ………………….



Schuld und Sühne nach Corona

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Die „Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen“ haben sich als ebenso sinnlos wie schädlich entpuppt. …………………..



Twice as Many Civilians Always Die v Military

War is never a ONE-SIDED affair. People get frustrated and will often seek revenge personally on both sides of any conflict. These people who point to Russians as killing ………………….



Die journalistische Bankrotterklärung der Tagesschau

Von David Boos Mo, 9. Januar 2023

Der TE-Bericht zum Schweigen der öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien zu den Twitter-Files zeigte Wirkung. Die Tagesschau beauftragte ihren „Faktenfinder“ und drei politisch genehme …………………..



Ukraine Admits Heavy Losses, As Russia Takes Podgorodnoye, Most Soledar, Encircling What’s Left



TE legt wegen Berlin-Wahl Wahlprüfungsbeschwerde beim Bundesverfassungsgericht ein

So, 8. Januar 2023

Der Bundestag will in Berlin nur eine Wahlwiederholung in überschaubarem Rahmen – trotz …………………



Corona-Politik: Nur wer zurückblickt, erkennt die Fehler

Von Alexander Wendt So, 8. Januar 2023

In dem Sammelband „Pandemiepolitik – Freiheit unterm Rad“ sezieren siebzehn Autoren aus unterschiedlichen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen die deutsche Corona-Politik – und deren …………………….



Stirring the Pot For War

Many people have written in and asked why have I been unable to convince governments to avoid war. Quite frankly, they think they can win and more importantly, they need this ………………….



US-Hängepartie? Nein, Demokratie!

Dass jetzt eine Wahl in den USA, nur weil sie sehr häufig wiederholt wurde, Ausdruck mangelnder Demokratie sein soll, ist schwer nachzuvollziehen. Wir sollten lernen, manche ……………………..



Privacy & Freedom Lessons from Andrew Tate

Gabriel Custodiet, 6.1.23

Andrew Tate is a multimillionaire adventurer (approaching a billion according to himself) who has set up a life of maximal freedom. He blew up on social media in August of 2022 in ……………………



Technology and Transhumanism

Dr. Joseph Sansone, 6.1.23

Technology wins wars. The technologically advanced civilization generally wins out over the less advanced civilization. The almost cliché example of this is the Spanish Conquistadors ………………….



Turkey’s Erdogan Flips Syria on Its Head

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns January 7, 2023

While we are all, rightfully, worried about what’s going on in Ukraine, those sneaky Russians ………………….



The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary

“The Real Story of January 6,” a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people. While a narrative has been set that what took place …………………..



2023: You Wanted Endless Stimulus, You Got Stagflation

01/05/2023Daniel Lacalle

After more than $20 trillion in stimulus plans since 2020, the economy is going into ……………………



Mexico: A War That Actually Matters To Americans



Ukraine Says Russia Shifting Away From Bakhmut



Again the Government Is Taking Antitrust Action against Microsoft. Again This Is Wrong

01/06/2023 Benjamin Seevers

Once again, after two decades of silence, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is cracking down on Microsoft. For what? Microsoft is accused of monopolistic tendencies in their recent ………………….



A Short Essay on Sound Monetary Policy

6-1-2023 George Ford Smith

This will be brief, appropriate to the topic at hand. It consists of a quote from Milton ……………………



Iran Deepens Its Presence Inside Latin America

by Majid Rafizadeh January 7, 2023 „Initially, my colleagues and I thought these were embassy employees, though we noticed their car number plates didn’t belong to any embassy. ……………………



Injecting Vaccines into the Food Supply – Why?

We must really start to look at what the hell is going on. There are proposals to ………………



Rome’s Runaway Inflation: Currency Devaluation in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries

01/05/2023 David Serrano Ordozgoiti

By the beginning of the fourth century, the Roman Empire had become a completely different economic reality from what it had been at the beginning of the first century. The denarius …………………….



Spelling Out the Problem with W-o-k-e-n-e-s-s

01/06/2023 David Gordon

Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America by John McWhorter Portfolio/Penguin, 2021, xv + 201 pp.




How The Military Will Fight Using 5G In Electromagnetic Spectrum

Posted By: Mikayla Easley via National Defense January 6, 2023

As noted below, one of the most powerful features of 5G is the ability to “slice” the spectrum ……………………



When It Comes to National Prosperity, Don’t Forget the Culture

01/06/2023 Lipton Matthews

The late Douglas North was correct to assert that institutions are a determinant of long-term …………………..



Zahlen, zahlen, zahlen, aber alles ist kaputt: Wir sollten in den Steuer-Streik treten

07.01.2023 Kolumne, Jan Fleischhauer

Deutschland bewegt sich mit großen Schritten auf das Niveau eines Dritte-Welt-Landes zu. ………………….



911 & Putin

When 911 took place, Putin visited the site in New York. He laid a wreath. Later he offered to join with the United States to fight terrorism. The US rejected that cooperation.



Is There an Economic Bomb Cyclone Ahead?

By Christopher Chantrill

First of all, nobody knows what will happen next with the economy. On the one hand our Democratic friends seem to think that their supercalifragilisticexpialidocious omnibus …………………….



GOP leader McCarthy elected House Speaker on 15th vote in historic run

The U.S. House of Representatives elected GOP leader Kevin McCarthy of California as speaker in a dramatic 15th vote early Saturday, after a contentious four days and 14 failed …………………….



The Democrats and their FBI Gestapo Have Brought Nazism to America

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 7, 2023

There is no doubt about it




Europe at the Mercy of Qatar?

by Drieu Godefridi January 6, 2023 The stadiums for the FIFA World Cup in Qatar were built in conditions described as slave-like and hellish. For ten years, armies of Asian workers were ………………………



Leih- und Pachtgesetz 2022 zur Verteidigung der Demokratie in der Ukraine

Der Land-Lease-Act sieht Waffenlieferungen in Milliardenhöhe an die Ukraine vor, allerdings in Form von Darlehen, die am Ende wohl von der EU zurückbezahlt werden. Ähnlich wie im Zweiten Weltkrieg, an dessen Ende viele Länder hochverschuldet waren und die Amerikaner über einen großen Teil der weltweiten Goldvorräte verfügten. Ob die Rechnung der Amerikaner auch dieses Mal aufgehen wird?



McCarthy & the Real Political Crisis

Marty, you said 2023 will be chaotic in politics. What is going on with McCarthy I guess is ………………..



Ron Paul: The Mother of All Economic Crises on the Horizon

January 3, 2023 SchiffGold

For the last several years, we’ve enjoyed the fruits of an economic bubble blown up by easy money and debt. But ultimately, that debt is going to be the economy’s undoing. Simply put, …………………..



Florida Supreme Court rules Gov. Ron DeSantis can impanel grand jury to investigate COVID-19 vaccine makers

By  Victor Nava  December 22, 2022




Lend-Lease 2022 gegen Putin

Vor gut 80 Jahren entschied der US-Kongress für Waffenlieferungen an Verbündete im Kampf gegen Hitler. Heute gilt die Hilfe der ukrainischen Armee.




Turkey, Syria coming together. Bolton fumes, wants Turkey out of NATO



Kevin McCarthy struggles to find path towards House Speaker



Fünf Punkte entscheiden in Ukraine – „Hinter dritter Verteidigungslinie wäre offenes Land“ | ntv




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