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Menschen, die korrupte Politiker wählen, Betrüger, Diebe und Verräter – sind keine Opfer, sondern Komplizen.

— George Orwell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Quote: Grüne machen Sachbearbeiterin zur Justizministerin


Weil er als weißer Mann keine Quote erfüllt, erzwingen die Grünen die Entlassung ihres thüringischen Justizministers. Nachfolgerin wird eine afrodeutsche Frau ohne Politik-Erfahrung.

ERFURT. Thüringens Ministerpräsident Bodo Ramelow (Linke) hat auf Drängen der Grünen den Minister für Migration, Justiz und Verbraucherschutz, Dirk Adams (Grüne), entlassen. ………………….



Ukraine And Russia Agree – Russia Is Fighting NATO

Russia and Ukraine have publicly agreed on a fundamental and important issue.

The question is who Russia is fighting in Ukraine.




Gold v Dollar

Marty, Thanks for your interesting post about gold and China.
Which do you think will perform better this year, gold or the dollar?



Hoards in History

I find it fascinating how you bring much more detail to life in your work. I have read your latest book Plot to Seize Russia. I knew many of those events took place but never the ……………………….



What (more reasonable) Western Analysts Say Comes Next for Ukraine



The Fed & the Misinformation

Marty, I was there at your Berlin conference when one of the attendees openly admitted he was from the Bundesbank. He was very open about it. There have been other central bankers at your WEC. I suppose they have to attend just to get a whiff of the trend. Powell has come …………………..



Minister-Rauswurf: Grünes Eierlegen

Politiker, die sich extremer Verfehlungen schuldig gemacht haben, bleiben im Amt, gerne auch bei den Grünen. Jetzt gibt’s ein Novum: Ein grüner Minister wird in Thüringen ……………………..



Die Bundeswehr ist nicht verteidigungsfähig – aber Deutschland auch nicht verteidigungswillig

Von Ferdinand Knauss Di, 10. Januar 2023

Die Zahl der Kriegsdienstverweigerer hat sich fast verfünffacht – auch ohne Wehrpflicht. Wie leichtfertig Olaf Scholz über seine eigene Kriegsdienstverweigerung spricht, ist bezeichnend ……………………



Why Economic Stimulus Can’t Work

01/09/2023 Stephen Apolito

President Barack Obama returned from the 2010 G20 Summit held in Toronto having failed to convince world leaders that more “economic stimulus” was needed to cure what ails the …………………



Biden Is Lying about the Jobs Data

01/09/2023 Ryan McMaken

The personal savings rate is near seventeen-year lows. Credit card debt is at record levels. Millions of prime-age workers have quit the job market, and full-time employment continues ………………….



Does Anyone Else Not Give a Damn About a Speaker of the House, or Is It Just Me?

By Gary D. Barnett January 11, 2023

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” Mark Twain




If McCarthy’s Concessions Enable the Next Debt Crisis – Bring It On!

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner January 11, 2023

Yes, 15 votes and the slings and arrows of MSM opprobrium were well worth it. That’s because the GOP’s anti-McCarthy insurrection obtained concessions which just might slow …………………….



No Doubt It’s a Bioweapon, Not a Vaccine – Globalists in Plain Sight with Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watt

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV January 11, 2023

Christine Dolan from CD Media was joined by Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova and she ……………………..



The Cycle of Freedom

By Jeff Thomas International Man January 11, 2023

Periodically, I offer up a statement by Scottish economist Alexander Tytler, who, in 1787, was reported to have commented on the then-new American Republic as follows:




Bei Sandra Maischberger: Franziska Giffey gibt Scheitern zu

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 11. Januar 2023

Berlin ist gescheitert. Nicht nur in der Silvesternacht. Auch in der Integration. Entsprechend …………………



Scott Ritter: Russia is WINNING in Ukraine as Zelensky BEGS for Weapons



This Is How the Fed Will Seize Your Money in 2023: Gerald Celente

January 10, 2023



Obesity and the End of the Vaxxing Debate?

By Ron Unz The Unz Review January 10, 2023

Over the last couple of years, our alternative media website has been flooded by a vast number of zealous anti-vaxxers, promoting their fears of the Covid vaccines with tremendous …………………….



U.S. Strategic Aim: Break and Dismember Russia, or Maintain U.S. Dollar Hegemony? Or a Muddled ‘Both’?

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture January 10, 2023

The West cannot relinquish the sense of itself at the centre of the Universe, albeit no longer in a racial sense, Alastair Crooke writes.




‘Markets and Civil Society Are Win-Win Institutions, Government and Politics Are Zero-Sum’

Interview with Jeff Deist, President Mises Institute, Auburn, USA , By Claudio Grass

ClaudioGrass.ch January 10, 2023




Twitter Files Show How The Deep State Conquered Social Media

Moon of Alabama January 10, 2023

Matt Taibbi provides a summary of the recent revelations of Twitter manipulations in service of partisan government entities. The publication of the ‘Twitter files’ came in several Twitter ………………….



Trump’s Tax Returns Show Evil of the Income Tax

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute January 10, 2023

The final act of the Democrat majority on the House Ways and Means Committee was to make public several years of Donald Trump’s tax returns, which the Committee obtained after …………………



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