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Nimm vom Staat das Recht weg, was bleibt dann als eine große Räuberbande?

— Hl. Augustinus von Hippo (Kirchenlehrer)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Messerattacke in Zug von Kiel nach Hamburg: Zwei Tote

Mi, 25. Januar 2023 Syrer festgenommen

Bei einem Messerangriff wurden zwei Menschen getötet, mehrere verletzt. Der mutmaßliche ………………



Can You Smell What the Year of the Rabbit Is Cooking?

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture January 26, 2023

The New Silk Roads, or BRI, as well as the integration efforts of BRICS+, the SCO and the ………………………



Wielers verspätetes Eingeständnis: Schulschließungen waren unnötig

Von Ferdinand Knauss Wer wird zur Verantwortung gezogen? Mi, 25. Januar 2023

Kaum hat Lothar Wieler sein Ende als Präsident des Robert-Koch-Instituts eingeleitet, trifft er ……………………



Spain Debunks Russiagate like New York Times Letter Bomb Story

Just three days ago I mocked a New York Times story that used ‚Russiagate‘ like claims by ‚U.S. officials‘ to tie a number of letter bomb incidents in Spain to some ‚Russian terrorist ……………………



US to Send M1 Abrams to Ukraine + US-backed Terror Targets Myanmar’s Upcoming Elections



Politiker und Prominente verweigern Zwangsgebühr an ARD und ZDF

Längst treten nicht mehr nur einzelne rebellische Bürger in den Zahlungsausstand gegen ARD und ZDF: Auch immer mehr deutsche Prominente und sogar Politiker haben von der Tendenziosität und ……………………



US-General blamiert Biden und NATO: Ukraine kann Krieg nicht gewinnen

Der höchste Militärvertreter der USA, General Mark Milley, glaubt nicht, dass man die Streitkräfte Russlands in diesem Jahr aus der Ukraine vertreiben und die Ukraine den Krieg ……………………



Treason in America – Again

by Lawrence Kadish January 25, 2023 As Benedict Arnold cynically realized centuries ago, treason may be the most threatening weapon our enemies can aim at the heart of a democracy, especially the one that leads the free world to keep it safe from tyranny.




Why Chairman Xi Promotes Technocrats To Top Positions

Posted By: Aadeil Brar via The Print January 25, 2023

India views China as a Technocracy and is much more able to see the facts and analysis than is America. The U.S. is stuck on partisan politics and views the world through that lens, even ……………………



Deals mit Schutzmasken – CSU-nahe Lobbyistin in Untersuchungshaft

Stand: 24.01.2023 Von Anette Dowideit, Ulrich Kraetzer

Zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie waren Schutzmasken Mangelware

Die Tochter eines einstigen CSU-Generalsekretärs fädelte zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie Geschäfte mit ………………….



Wholesale Price Inflation Is Slowing as Economy Worsens

01/24/2023 Ryan McMaken

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics released new Producer Price Index (PPI) data on Wednesday, and it looks like the rate of increase in price inflation is slowing. Nonetheless, …………………….



The TRUTH is coming out in Ukraine and Zelensky is in deep trouble | Redacted with Clayton Morris



NATO the Greatest Threat to Civilization

Hi Marty,

I wonder if the downside of the US occupation of Europe since WW2 and US subsidization of military aid has produced a culture of pacifism. Germany’s reluctance to supply tanks to ………………..



The Farce and Consequences of the Debt Limit and the Debt

Ray Dalio, Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board, January 25, 2023

We all know that there is no real debt limit because what is called a debt limit never actually limits the ……………………



WHO-Richtlinien: Menschenwürde gestrichen

Die WHO überarbeitet aktuell ihre „Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften“. Die bislang vorgeschlagenen Änderungen lassen sich leicht zusammenfassen: Einschränkung der ……………………



Muss alles schlimmer werden, bevor es besser wird?

Die Wucht der demographischen Veränderung wird immer spürbarer. Immer mehr Stadtviertel kippen vollständig um und haben deutsche Bevölkerung – meist Arme und …………………..



German Foreign Minister Just Said The Quiet Part Out Loud On Ukraine

by Tyler Durden Jan 25, 2023 –

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock bluntly stated in fresh remarks that Western allies are fighting a war against Russia. The remarks came during a debate at the …………………



„Keine Zeit verlieren“: Frankreich baut 14 neue AKWs

Während bei uns Ideologen den Ton angeben, wird in Frankreich seriös über Energiepolitik diskutiert. Dort will die Regierung Macron 14 neue Kernkraftwerke bauen und kann über den fatalen deutschen Sonderweg nur den Kopf schütteln.




Grünen-Schnösel klagt Putzfrau (68) aus ihrem Zuhause! Historische Wohnungsnot!



Peter Schiff: Easing Price Inflation Is Transitory

SchiffGold.com January 26, 2023

Last week, the Producer Price Index data finally showed some cooling of wholesale prices. ………………….



Our Liberal Friends Have Learned Nothing

By Christopher Chantrill

The New York Times is anxious for us to believe that the classified documents scandals attached to Presidents Trump and Biden are Not The Same, Hey, Chuck: are we up to „six …………………



A Dollar Collapse Is Now in Motion – Saudi Arabia Signals the End of Petro Status

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us January 26, 2023

The decline of a currency’s world reserve status is often a long process rife with denials. ………………….



Germany Has Declared War on Russia?

The German Federal Foreign Minister has actually come out and bluntly said: “We are at war with Russia.” I have been warning from the outset that the West has been the aggressor and ………………



Mastering the Future: The Megalomaniacal Ambitions of the WEF

01/24/2023 Michael Rectenwald

The fifty-third annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) brought together fifty-two world leaders, seventeen hundred corporate executives, sundry artists, and other




Governments Will Make You Poorer Again

01/21/2023 Daniel Lacalle

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned about the optimistic estimates for 2023, stating that it will likely be a much more difficult year than 2022.




Ukraine Claims Orderly Retreat From City It Lost Days Ago

This is currently at the top of the Yahoo homepage.




Direct ATGM hit: Kurdish female fighters destroy invading Turkish Leopard 2 tank in Afrin region



Russiagate FBI official who investigated Trump arrested for ties to oligarch



Hoards Are Vital to our Understanding of History




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