Ukraine Update

Ohne den Goldstandard gibt es keine Möglichkeit, die Ersparnisse vor der Enteignung durch Inflation zu schützen. Es gibt dann kein sicheres Wertaufbewahrungsmittel mehr.

— Alan Greenspan

Ukraine Update


Military Reality vs. Political Reality. Putin vs. The West


Size Matters – On A U.S. Ground Intervention In Ukraine

A European financial research company has sent me one of their quarterly research letters. It is a ‚contrarian review of political and military ramifications‘ of the war in Ukraine. It analyzes ‚winners and losers‘ of the war.


WSJ Admits Bakhmut Almost Cut Off, Russia Pushes Forward Vuhledar; US Military Wants End Ukraine War



This Time It’s Different

Neither we nor our allies are prepared to fight all-out war with Russia, regionally or globally.

Douglas Macgregor  Jan 26, 2023

Until it decided to confront Moscow with an existential military threat in Ukraine, ………………….



Ukraine, Tanks & Putin – w/ Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter is a former Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD.


The Other America (Or the Three Missed Chances to Avoid World War III)

By Matthew J.L. Ehret Strategic Culture January 31, 2023

Something worse than anything seen even amidst the dark years of the Cold War has awoken, Matthew Ehret writes.


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