NATO is Already in Ukraine
I want to apologize. I did not believe you that the West had been the aggressor. It turns out, NATO has troops already there because Ukraine has lost so many men. You were right. ………………………..
Er plant im Exil ein neues Russland – Ex-Oligarch Michail Chodorkowski (59) im Blick-Interview
«Kompletter Neuaufbau nach föderalistischem Modell – ähnlich wie die Schweiz»
Michail Chodorkowski kämpft mit anderen prominenten Russen gegen Putin. Er sieht vor allem eine …………………
Digital Dollars – the Real Agenda
I know we have a lot of people expressing their opinion that the dollar will crash because when the government converts it to digital, it will be like spy wear tracking everything we do. ………………….
Does Government Create a „Level Playing Field“ or Does It Make the Field More Uneven?
02/08/2023 George Ford Smith
Bernie Sanders and other politicians have made socialism attractive to voters, especially young ones, because it promises to eliminate the injustices of capitalism. As to what socialism ………………….
The Downfall of the Ivy League
By Jordan B Peterson
February 10, 2023
Does Government Create a „Level Playing Field“ or Does It Make the Field More Uneven?
02/08/2023 George Ford Smith
Bernie Sanders and other politicians have made socialism attractive to voters, especially young ones, because it promises to eliminate the injustices of capitalism. As to what socialism …………………
Why Libertarians Should Support the Multipolar World
02/07/2023 Finn Andreen
Current international tensions have intensified a debate that has existed for at least a decade between two radically different views of the world and international relations: the unipolar ……………………
Biden Survives the State of the Union
02/09/2023 Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop feel obligated to discuss the State of the Union address. Was anything of value learned? Tune in to find out.
Propaganda in the Ukrainian Proxy-War, w/ Noam Chomsky, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen
Systemmedien verschweigen irische Massenproteste gegen Einwanderung
Seit Anfang November gibt es in Irland in zahlreichen Städten Großdemonstrationen gegen …………………….
Setting the Record Straight, Stuff You Should Know About Ukraine
By Mike Whitney The Unz Review February 10, 2023
On February 16, 2022, a full week before Putin sent combat troops into Ukraine, the Ukrainian Army began the heavy bombardment of the area (in east Ukraine) occupied by ……………
Defending Yourself Against Wealth and Health Destruction
By Michael McKay February 10, 2023
There’s an old saying that 90% of wealth is health. Of course we’ve all heard “you can’t take it with you.” But let’s be frank, we sure need it while we’re here. A full life needs both health …………………
The Final Chapter of Slavery Hinges on Widespread Implementation Central Bank Digital Currencies
By Gary D. Barnett February 10, 2023
“We don’t know, for example, who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a $1000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBCD the central bank will have ……………………
Yuri Maltsev: Freedom Fighter, 1950–2023
Thank you, Yuri, for all you did for our country.
by Mark W. Hendrickson February 1, 2023,
Last week, economist, professor, and adventurer Yuri Maltsev passed away. Yuri’s passing is ……………….
What Was That Biden Said About ‘Ending the War’?
By Barbara Nimri Aziz Global Research February 10, 2023
Commentators are busy speculating how the American president’s promise – endorsed by the ……………..
Quake Delivers Earth-Shattering Blow to U.S.-Led NATO Hypocrisy
By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture February 10, 2023
When a real-world emergency happens, all of NATO’s pious and self-regarding talk implodes ……………….
Accountability for the mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Murders Has Begun
By Paul Craig Roberts February 10, 2023
Of the Utmost Importance:
Accountability for the mRNA “vaccine” Murders Has Begun
Why People Move from Blue States: It’s Not Just High Taxes
February 8, 2023
Simply put, people are moving not just to escape unaffordable housing and high taxes. ……………………..
Northstream: Sprengstoff in jeder Beziehung
Hat die US-Armee mit Hilfe Norwegens die Northstream-Pipelines gesprengt? Diese These stellt Seymour Hersh, journalistischer Investigativ-Veteran, in einer detaillierten ………………………
Ausgestoßene der Woche: Gronkh, Ganser, Godot
Weil Aktivisten Harry-Potter-Autorin J. K. Rowling für „transphob“ halten, rufen sie zum Boykott des Computerspiels „Hogwarts Legacy“ auf. Und in Groningen wartet man vergeblich auf Godot: Das Theater hatte nur Männer zum Casting eingeladen – im Sinne des …………………….
Elon Musk just shutdown Ukraine’s military with this one move | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Die Corona-Abrechnung – Kritiker behielten Recht, doch Aufarbeitung und Entschuldigung fehlen
Do, 9. Februar 2023
Corona war nicht nur ein Virus – Corona wurde zum politischen Programm und zur Verpflichtung. Wer den medizinisch umstrittenen und grundgesetzfeindlichen Maßnahmen ………………….
Scientism: The Technocratic Worship Of Science
Scientism: Worshipping science
Posted By: Ben Bartee via The Daily Bell February 9, 2023
Others also recognized Scientism as not just a religion, but THE religion of the Technocrat ……………………
Some Small Corrections To Seymour Hersh’s New Nord Stream Revelations
Seymour Hersh is a legendary investigative reported who has revealed dozens of crimes the ……………………
Japanese Researchers Sue the Government for Hiding Inconvenient Truths About The Jab
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV February 9, 2023
Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, along with fellow scientists …………………….
China Rejects „Shoot First, Talk Later“ Attitude
Here is demonstration of typically childish-arrogant behavior of the U.S. government towards …………………..
The Assassination of Archduke Shinzo Abe
When the Globalists Crossed the Rubicon, Emanuel Pastreich, 7.2.23
July 8 was a muggy day in the ancient capital of Japan. Shinzo Abe, the most powerful figure ……………………
Geleakte Emails der EMA: Politik verlangte Freigabe der Corona-Impfstoffe praktisch ohne Prüfung
- Februar 2023 Peter F. Mayer
Die Zulassungsverfahren für die Corona Impfstoffe wurden im Eiltempo durchgezogen, ohne ………….
Independent Video Evidence Confirms Key Part of Sy Hersh’s Report on the Attack on Nord Stream 2
8 February 2023 by Larry Johnson
Ever heard of Monkey Werx? He hosts a You Tube channel that focuses on tracking U.S. …………………..
Food Shortages Are Starting To Become Quite Serious All Over the Planet
By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse February 9, 2023
The worst case scenario that many of the experts feared is starting to play out right in front of our eyes. Throughout 2022, I repeatedly warned my regular readers that there were all sorts ………………..
Are You Prepared For 19th Century Living? (You May Not Find Yourself Living In The 19th Century Tomorrow, But What If?)
Milan Adams February 8, 2023
Those that are aware of the EMP commissions report have probably also heard the statement ……………………