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Die Inflation ist die einzige Steuer, die nicht vom Parlament verabschiedet werden muss.

— Milton Friedman

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Karl Lauterbach darf man gar nichts verzeihen

Schwerer Fehler der deutschen Corona-Politik: Für die monatelange Schliessung von Kindergärten gab es keine wissenschaftliche Rechtfertigung. Doch der deutsche ………………….



Ehemaliger Oberst Wilkerson: Ukraine, Nord Stream & der Kalte Krieg mit China



COVID Scam & The Lack of Journalism

Besides Fauci should be prosecuted on every possible statute and all the small businesses that went bankrupt because of him should file a class action suit against him personally and the …………………..



We Are on the WRONG Side of History With Ukraine

We Are on the Wrong Side of History Supporting Ukraine. We absolutely MUST end all support for Ukraine and demand the Minsk Agreement be enforced by the United Nations. …………………….



Denmark cancels public holiday to finance higher military spending

Denmark scraps public holidays in order to fund higher military defense spending when behind closed doors, the EU is anticipating sending in troops to fight Russia in Ukraine. The ………………..



Anlagetipps & Inflationsschutz: „Dr. Doom“ Nouriel Roubini warnt vor „Megabedrohungen“ – Goldpreis dürfte profitieren

Ökonom Nouriel Roubini ist bekannt dafür, weniger optimistische Wirtschaftsprognosen aufzustellen. In seinem neuesten Buch machte „Dr. Doom“ nun jedoch auf zehn drohende Herausforderungen ……………………



Col. MacGregor: Ukraine has been DESTROYED and there’s nothing left






Secession Is Inevitable. War to Prevent It Is Optional.

02/28/2023 Ryan McMaken

Never is a very, very long time in politics. Yet whenever the topic of secession or so-called national divorce comes up, how often do we hear that “secession will never happen.” It’s difficult to tell if people using the term “never” actually mean it. If they mean “not in the next ………………………



Loss of Religious Belief Is a Greater Loss for a Civilized Society

02/27/2023 Lipton Matthews

There has been a noticeable decline in the percentage of Americans identifying as religious. Some perceive this seismic shift as evidence of a secularizing culture. In some quarters, the secularization of America is viewed favorably as an agent of modernization. But researchers …………………..



Rufmord mit „Spiegel“ und „Tagesschau“

„Spiegel“ und „Tagesschau“ zeigen mit zwei aktuellen Beiträgen im Rahmen der „MeToo“-Debatte, wie man Journalismus tunlichst nicht betreiben sollte. Affären, Streitigkeiten und schmutzige Wäsche zwischen streitenden Parteien, in diesen Fällen im Medienbetrieb, werden …………………



Elon Musk Allegedly Forming New AI Venture To Take On ‚Woke‘ ChatGPT

by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023

The first indication Twitter and Tesla CEO Elon Musk might be taking on a new project to develop a ’non-woke‘ alternative to OpenAI’s ChatGPT artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot was ………………….



Das komplette Chaos der Pandemiepolitik – erstmals in London enthüllt

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 1. März 2023

Mehr als 100.000 Nachrichten zwischen britischen Ministern und Experten bieten Einblick in die Pandemiepolitik, wie man ihn nicht kennt – aber ahnt. Sie zeigen das Schwanken …………………….



Schwesigs Klimastiftung: Interessenkonflikte, Freundchenwirtschaft und Schuldzuweisungen

Von David Boos Mi, 1. März 2023

Kaum ein Tag vergeht ohne ein weiteres Kapitel im Skandal um Manuela Schwesigs Klimastiftung: ein Geschäftsführer, der eigene Beratungsunternehmen anheuerte, US-Firmen, ………………….



Fahndungssache Boris R.

Der populäre Journalist Boris Reitschuster, der unter anderem mit seiner kritischen Corona-Berichterstattung auffällig wurde, sah sich über viele Monate einer obskuren Polizeifahndung ausgesetzt. Jetzt erfuhr er endlich die Hintergründe – und welche Rolle dabei der Öffi-Sender WDR spielt. Hier sein Bericht.




Umsturz von oben (1): Erleuchtete und Schuldige

Was die Menschheit über unzählige Generationen gelernt und geschaffen hat, soll plötzlich nichts mehr gelten, wird ins Gegenteil verdreht. Ein Muster dabei ist das Denken in „Unterdrücker gegen Unterdrückte“ – übernommen von Karl Marx.




Top Pentagon Official Warns Ukraine About Paying for Arms

Kiev eventually needs to foot the bill for some weapons shipments, a US assistant defense secretary has said. RT News March 2, 2023




The Problems With Disney and Florida

By Andrew P. Napolitano April 28, 2022

The core of the problems with Disney and Florida is the American addiction to corporatism. This is the use of government power for the benefit of the government’s patrons. Stated …………………..



China arms sale panic



Did We Just Start a Revolution?

Dr. Joseph Sansone, 1.3.23

Last week I presented our Ban the Jab resolution to the Lee County Florida Republican Party and it passed with 80-90% of the vote. Although, the Lee County GOP has thus far been ………………



The Horrifying Endgame in Ukraine

In yesterday’s issue, I addressed the biggest and most complex topic on the geopolitical landscape today — China.

But today I’m discussing what is by far the most alarming topic on the geopolitical landscape today. That’s the war in Ukraine and the dangers of escalation.




Repbulicans, Foreign Policy, and Federalism

By Laurence M. Vance March 2, 2023

Although the Republicans regained control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the …………………..



Secession Is Inevitable. It’s about When, Not If

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org March 2, 2023

Never is a very, very long time in politics. Yet whenever the topic of secession or so-called national divorce comes up, how often do we hear that “secession will never happen.” It’s ………………….



Washington Post Lets Hersh’s Dangerous Cat Out of the Bag

By Ray McGovern AntiWar.com March 2, 2023

Bombshell No. 1: Seymour Hersh’s Feb. 8 report that President Joe Biden authorized the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines built to carry cheap Russian gas to Europe.




The Stage Is Set for Hybrid World War III

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture March 2, 2023

The strategists of Russia and China are now working full time on how to return all strands of ………………….



The Attack of the Subversive Elites

Michael Rectenwald, 1.3.23

It is tempting, as Naomi Wolf has done recently, to ascribe the breakdown of Western civilization to the debasing of “Judeo-Christian” ethics and the reemergence of malignant ………………………



Russo-Ukrainian War: Schrodinger’s Offensive

A ramble about force design, Moldova, and a fortress on the steppe, Big Serge, 1.3.23

Where is the big Russian offensive? This is, at the moment, the million dollar question that ……………..



The World Economic Forum’s ‚AI Enslavement‘ is Coming for YOU!

by J.B. Shurk March 1, 2023 [F]or every peaceful religious community seeking separation from modern civilization, there is a power-hungry tyrant seeking to impose his will upon ……………………..



Zelensky turns blind eye to Ukraine Army’s cries? Putin intensifies Bakhmut onslaught | Watch



Jan Schäfer nimmt Robert Habecks Heizungsverbot auseinander | BILD-Kommentar



Losing Bakhmut, losing Donbass




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