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Menschen, die korrupte Politiker wählen, Betrüger, Diebe und Verräter – sind keine Opfer, sondern Komplizen.

— George Orwell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

ACHTUNG: Habeck plant VERBOT (Öl- und Gasheizungen)



2032 & the Real Great Reset

Marty; A lot of people are concerned that you may just say the hell with it all and move to your island in the Caribbean. A lot of us always stood by you and many more are joining the ranks. There are so many who claim to be brilliant analysts but it is just their opinion. ……………………..



Nero the Antichrist – Deep State & Fake News

Many in Antiquity were claiming that Nero was the AntiChrist. No doubt, there was even an academic consensus that Nero should be identified with the various Antichrist figures in the bible. I seriously doubt that any of that analysis was correct. Nero was really slandered in …………………



Die materialistische Geschichtsauffassung als Methode der „erkenntnistheoretischen Kriegsführung“ gegen das eigene Denken im Ringen um die Meinungshoheit

Hundert Jahre „Die Gemeinwirtschaft“ von Ludwig von Mises, Teil 8

Antony P. Mueller 3. März 2023 –




China’s Turn

Americas Hyper-Financialized Economic System Is No Match for China’s Government-Directed Investment Model. Regrettably, China’s Explosive Growth Is Pushing a Desperate Washington Closer to War. By Mike Whitney The Unz Review March 3, 2023




The Antiwar Movement Roars Back to Life

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute March 3, 2023

On February 19th, the National Mall in Washington, DC saw its largest antiwar rally in 20 years. The speakers list included four former US presidential candidates and a broad and …………………….



Russia Shrinks Bakhmut Exit Route, China Greets Lukashenko, Edges Towards Anti US Alliance



Air Force Relieves Six Leaders at Nuclear Base Over ‘Loss of Confidence’

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge March 3, 2023

Six leaders, including two commanders and four of their subordinates, at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, were abruptly relieved of their duties “due to a loss of confidence,” the ……………………



The 18 Questions Everyone Should Have Asked

By Tom Woods March 3, 2023

Remember how reliably the music industry complied with lockdown demands, such that we can count dissidents on one hand?




At the Brink of War in the Pacific?

The Nightmare of Great Power Rivalry Over Taiwan By Alfred W. McCoy TomDispatch.com March 3, 2023




Interest Rates: The Silent Killer

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney March 3, 2023

This article is about why interest rates and bond yields are rising and why they will continue to rise, threatening to undermine the entire western banking system.




How This US Lie Will Likely Lead to War

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com March 3, 2023

September 26, 2022, massive leaks were detected in two Russian pipelines — Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 — that deliver natural gas from Russia to Europe underneath the Baltic ………………………….



Biden’s ‘Great Economic Recovery’ Narrative Is Built on Deception

By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us March 3, 2023

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group.




Saudi Arabia’s Quandary: The End of the Petrodollar

03/02/2023 J.R. MacLeod

In 1971 Richard Nixon took the US off the last feeble vestiges of the gold standard, otherwise known as the Bretton Woods Agreement. That system had been a bizarre gold-dollar hybrid ……………………..



One Year Later in Ukraine: Washington and NATO Got It Very Wrong

Ryan McMaken, 3.3.23

It’s been a year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In spite of claims from the regime and its media allies that Russia was the next Third Reich and would soon roll through half of Europe, it turns out that was never even remotely true.




Ukraine is DESTROYED, there’s nothing left – Col. Doug Macgregor



The Nationalization of Credit?

03/01/2023 Ludwig von Mises

Arthur Travers-Borgstroem, a Finnish writer, published a book entitled Mutualism that deals with ideas of social reform, and culminates in a plea for the nationalization of credit. A ………………………..



Ausgestoßene der Woche: Dilbert, Guérot, 007

In den USA wird der satirische Cartoonist Dilbert gecancelt, Ulrike Guérot wird von der Bonner Uni entlassen und Ian Flemings James-Bond-Bücher fallen Sensibilitätslesern in die …………………….



Der Wiederholungstäter Nikolaus Blome

Nikolaus Blome hat es schon wieder getan. Von ihm stammt der Satz „Möge die gesamte Republik mit dem Finger auf sie zeigen“, womit er Ungeimpfte gemeint hatte. Nun fordert er „Strafpolicen für Übergewichtige und Trinker“ von den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen.




„Lauterbach ist das freie Radikal dieser Bundesregierung“

Von Mario Thurnes Fr, 3. März 2023 CSU-MdB Stephan Pilsinger:

Eine Million Menschen wären ohne Corona-Maßnahmen gestorben. So etwas haut Karl Lauterbach bei Lanz mal so nebenbei raus. Doch mittlerweile stellen Menschen Nachfragen – …………………..



Robert Habeck will Stromrationierung erlauben – Modell Südafrika für Deutschland?

Von Holger Douglas Do, 2. März 2023 Ergebnis der „Energiewende“

Wirtschaftsminister Habeck will den Netzbetreibern erlauben, den Strom für Verbraucher zu ………………




How Artificial Intelligence Will Radically Transform the World

By Doug Casey International Man March 3, 2023

International Man: Amazing new technologies—once the realm of science fiction—are now an imminent reality.




Stopping the Flood

By Bionic Mosquito March 3, 2023

There is a theme running through many intellectuals and wanna-be intellectuals – those who at least see that without Christian values and culture the West is headed to some version of ……………………….



Sanctions On Russia Come Back To Bite Their Issuers

Unlike ‚western‘ politicians I try to think ahead of the consequences certain foreign relation policies might have.

On March 9 2022 I predicted:




Turkey: Islamist Sex with Children Is Fine; Condemning It Is an Offense

by Burak Bekdil March 2, 2023 As the Turkish government’s topmost religious authority under Erdoğan, Diyanet is giving permission for an illegal act under the pretext of Islamic …………………



„Die Corona-Kritiker hatten Recht!“ | Cornelia Stolze bei Viertel nach Acht



Professor Jefrey Sachs Bombing of Nord Stream is Terrorism



Dr. Hans-Georg Maaßen zu Parteidisziplin




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