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Die Inflation ist die einzige Steuer, die nicht vom Parlament verabschiedet werden muss.

— Milton Friedman

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Bank Failures: Runs and Funds

03/18/2023 Mark Thornton

SVB Bank and Signature Bank failed this week and were bailed out. Mark explains why the banks failed and why it was bound to happen. The minor issue is that the total FDIC bailout fund is actually smaller than either one of the banks.



Russia Claims More Bakhmut, Prigozhin Warns of Ukraine attack; China Russia Go For Full Integration



I told you So

For the life of me, I have stated the obvious that the Biden Administration has been pushing China and Russia together not to mention North Korea, Iran, and perhaps even Turkey. I ………………..



White House Neocon Spokesman Admits – They Do Not Want Peace in Ukraine

I have had two employees from Ukraine – Kiev and Donetsk. The one from Kiev just mouths the standard Ukrainian propaganda. If they give up the Donbas, they will then want all of …………………..



Fauci’s Door to Door Vaccine Campaign Fails

This video is circulating the internet that shows RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE. Dr. …………………..



Soros – Taking Down America

Alvan Bragg in his vendetta against Donald Trump is clearly not just abusing his power, but he is attempting to interfere in the presidential election of 2024 by harassing Trump and trying ………………..



It Turns Out That Hundreds of Banks Are at Risk

03/20/2023 Peter St. Onge

It’s the weekend, but our fresh Financial Crisis does not sleep. And a recent study says we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg.




The Media’s Real Goal

By Tom Woods March 22, 2023

I just heard an excerpt from something called the Full Send Podcast, in which the guest was Tucker Carlson.




The Chinese Document, ‘US Hegemony and Its Perils’, February 20,2023

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org March 22, 2023

Both Russia and China have publicly acknowledged the fact that Washington in pursuit of US hegemony disobeys international law, commits military and financial aggression, and ………………………



Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer’s Secret Collusion With the NIH

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com March 22, 2023

In late February 2023, Moderna agreed to pay $400 million to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for the patent it holds on Moderna’s mRNA shot.1




Arresting Putin – Or Arresting All-Out Western Public Revolt?

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture March 22, 2023

If there were any genuine principles of justice, Biden should be in the dock facing war crime ………………………..



We’ve Forgotten That Business-Cycle Recessions Are Essential

March 20, 2023




10 Expenses You Need to Cut Now for the Upcoming Economic Depression- Coronavirus has turned into a TEOTWAWKI event. Not the kind of “end of the world we knew” event that we all expected, but still one nevertheless.

Milan Adams March 21, 2023

Nobody has said it yet, but the Coronavirus has turned into a TEOTWAWKI event. Not the ………………………



US Studies How to Guarantee All $ 18 Trillion In US Bank Deposits

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge March 22, 2023

After repeated laments by the likes of Bill Ackman, who most recently said that “I continue to …………………..



Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party

By Steve McCann

The Democrat party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a virulently racist president, Andrew Jackson. It was the party of slavery and the Confederacy, it initiated ………………………..



Liebe Kollegen, es ist passiert!

Vor einem Jahr schrieb ich hier einen Beitrag, der sich in Sachen Impfschäden an die Journalisten der vorherrschenden Medien im Lande richtete:




Die exekutive Impotenz der Bundesregierung

Am Neubauziel von 400.000 Wohnungen pro Jahr will die Bundesregierung nicht rütteln lassen. Wie sie das aber schaffen will, verrät sie der Öffentlichkeit nicht. Dieses Muster gilt auch für andere zentrale Politikfelder.




American Dissident: The Legacy of Murray Rothbard

03/21/2023 Cruz Marquis

Murray Newton Rothbard, perhaps the greatest enemy of the state in the second half of the twentieth century, would have recently celebrated his ninety-seventh birthday had he lived.




Grünen-Politiker will „Meshing“ – eine Vermischung zweier Nachnamen

Von Josef Kraus Mi, 22. März 2023

Die selbsternannte „Fortschrittskoalition“ kommt mit einer „erfrischenden Neuerung“ um die Ecke: Statt Doppelnamen soll auch die bindestrichfreie Durchmischen von Nachnamen möglich werden. Dies ist übrigens keine Satire.




ÖRR „vergisst“ mal wieder das Parteibuch des Befragten

Von Marco Gallina Mi, 22. März 2023

Die Tagesschau lässt Gerhard Schick ans Mikrofon und bezeichnet ihn als Vorstand einer Bürgerbewegung. Dass er Mitglied der Grüne ist, bleibt unerwähnt. Es ist nicht das erste Mal.




Geopolitical Rumblings Leave U.S. Behind

Over the last month we have seen astonishing geopolitical developments.




Douglas Macgregor – Specific Targets for Missile Att.acks



Col. MacGregor: The GATHERING storm in Ukraine spells doom for the West | Redacted w Clayton Morris



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