Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wenn unser Land je in eine Diktatur rutscht, wird es durch die Unterlassung derer geschehen, die schweigen. Wir sind noch frei genug, um zu sprechen.

— Ayn Rand

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Prigozhin Says Bakhmut Will Be Taken, Russia Advances; HIMARS Lose Effectiveness; Russia Econ. Grows



Degrowth ist der Weg zurück in die Höhle

Von Mario Thurnes So, 7. Mai 2023

Probleme zu lösen, unterscheidet den Menschen vom Tier. Dieser Geist hat ihn auf dem Weg an die Spitze der Nahrungskette begleitet. Hätte er der grünen Idee des Degrowth angehangen, …………………..



Eine Zeitenwende bald auch in der Migrationspolitik

Von Roland Springer So, 7. Mai 2023

Die Migrations-Konferenz an der Universität Frankfurt macht deutlich, wie dringend eine migrationspolitische Kurskorrektur ist. Je länger sie ausbleibt, desto unumgänglicher wird ………………………



FED NOW Launch July 2023

why no information on CBDC. Need help fast. Feds are suppose to call in the dollar in July.




Was Bill Gates using Epstein to Blackmail People?

I have said before, Epstein was really creating a sophisticated operation for blackmail. Wall Street used Elliot Spritzer to take down AIG head Hank Greenberg because he refused to ……………………..



A Credit Crunch Is Inevitable

05/06/2023 Daniel Lacalle

Federal Reserve data shows $98 billion of deposits left the banking system in the week after the Silicon Valley Bank collapse. Most of the money went to money-market funds, as ………………….



Sächsische Schweiz: Bilder der Verwüstung

Unsere Foto-Galerie zeigt, was das Nationalpark-Konzept „Natur Natur sein lassen“ in der Sächsischen Schweiz hinterlassen hat. Das ganze Ausmaß dieser bewusst in Kauf ……………….



Washington Has No Moral Authority to Ban Guns

05/05/2023 Jason Morgan

After the hate crime against Christians perpetrated by a transgender shooter in Nashville in …………………



Yet another problem with recycling: It spews microplastics

One recycling facility emits as much as 3 million pounds of microplastics a year.

Matt Simon, wired.com – 5/7/2023,




Fauci Claims He Never Mandated Lockdowns or School Closures

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Friday that COVID-19 is no longer a health emergency. The globalists have climate change and a coming world war – COVID is ……………………



New York State to Ban Gas Stoves

New York approved a $229 billion budget plan laced with restrictions.




A Young Biden Said His Opponent Was Too Old for Office

Neither Biden nor his words have aged well. In 1972, over 50 years ago, Biden was on his way to becoming the youngest US Senator. Biden’s main argument against his 63-year-old …………………..



CBDC – The Real Target

A lot of people somehow think that the move to Digital Currency is a completely new monetary system, It is targeted to eliminate cash transactions so everything is taxable and ……………………



The Insanity of Bitcoin & CBDC

Just about every Bitcoin advocate says you are wrong and Bitcoin cannot be stopped. Yet, it seems they are dreaming. Here in Europe, we are already restrained by the maximum cash ………………….



Wirtschaftskrise, Inflation und Energieknappheit sind menschengemacht – eine handlungslogische Betrachtung

  1. Mai 2023 Andreas Tiedtke

Der Titel dieses Beitrages ist die Menschengemachtheit der Wirtschaftskrise, der Inflation …………………



The United States Gets A Major Black Eye in the Middle East Courtesy of the Arab League

7 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

Here it is, short and sweet — the Arab League told Joe Biden and his foreign policy clown show to “go pound sand” as they reversed course and ended Syria’s suspension from the Arab League.




Ukr 3% Bakhmut, Prigozhin Wagner Withdraw 10 May; Zelensky Tours Europe; Putin Security Council Meet



The Hate & Great Divide – Tearing Apart Even Families

I see you are not a 100% diehard Republican or a Democrat. Not sure what that makes you. Perhaps you should run for president.




Chen Xi: the presidential aide who built China’s new technocracy As head of the Communist Party’s Organisation Department, Chen oversaw the emergence of a group of Tsinghua and tech cadres at the very top of Chinese politics




Evgeny Prigozhin — Truth Teller, Mad Man or Maskirovka?

5 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

The Wagner Group’s chief benefactor, Evgeny Prigozhin, had quite a public meltdown this ……………………



You Don’t Like It? Leave! The Telling Sophistry of Tax Apologists

05/04/2023 Jason Montgomery

What better way to “celebrate” tax season than to talk taxes? Stop me if you’ve heard this ………………………..



The Dominion Lawsuit against Fox News Is Part of the War against Free Speech

05/04/2023 Ryan McMaken

In March 2021, Dominion Voting Systems—a company that produces electronic voting equipment and software—sued Fox New Channel for $1.6 billion. Dominion claimed the ………………………..



Libertarian Law by Democratic Means: The Power of Ideologies and Public Opinion

05/03/2023 Fabricio Terán

Previously I explained Ludwig von Mises’s descriptive philosophy of the consent of individuals as the only thing that gives value to norms and authority. Individuals interpret ……………………



Emergency Evacuation of Zaporozhye, Offensive Imminent? – Video Roundup + SITREP

I’m going a little overdrive the last few days, the reason being that events are accelerating, and at least up until the May 9th period, there is a high chance for big things to happen. So I’m going to be covering developments a little more intensely than usual.




Regierungsberater stellt Konzept zur Wohnungsumverteilung in Deutschland vor

Von Alexander Wallasch5. Mai 2023

Prof. Steffen Sebastian schlägt eine Reihe von Maßnahmen vor, wie man ältere Menschen aus ihren Wohnungen bekommt, wenn diese auf zu vielen Quadratmetern wohnen.




Steuerzahler sollen Stromkosten der Industrie übernehmen

Von Mario Thurnes Fr, 5. Mai 2023 Nächster Plan von Robert Habeck

Die Strompreise in Deutschland sind zu hoch, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Wirtschaft ist gefährdet. Das hat sich nun auch bis zu Vizekanzler Robert Habeck (Grüne) rumgesprochen. Der will das Problem mit Steuern lösen.




Steigende Zinsen könnten zum Kollaps des Baugewerbes führen

Von Charlotte Kirchhoff Fr, 5. Mai 2023

Experten befürchten: Die Zinserhöhung der EZB könnte das Bauen neuer Wohnungen noch unattraktiver machen. Eine Studie zeigt, dass das langfristige Folgen haben würde.




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