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Die FOCUS-Kolumne von Jan Fleischhauer -Jan Böhmermann ist Grund genug, den Rundfunkbeitrag zu verweigern

FOCUS-Kolumnist Jan Fleischhauer Sonntag, 21.05.2023, 14:35

Jan Böhmermann steht für alles, was im öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehen falschläuft: maximale Einseitigkeit, laxer Umgang mit journalistischen Standards und bei Fehlern ein ………………………..



How Covid Tyranny Destroys Society

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. May 22, 2023

The dark powers that control the world have used the fake Covid “pandemic” to isolate people from one another and destroy social bonds. This isolation isn’t accidental but is the aim of …………………….



Defeat for Ukraine, Bakhmut Falls, Russia in Full Control; Kiev, West in Denial



John Durham Ignores Role of U.S., U.K., Australian, and Israeli Intelligence Operatives in Setting the Stage for Crossfire Hurricane

21 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

Failed Prosecutor John Durham’s report on the Hillary Clinton campaign plot to convince the ………………….



The Political Circus Worship Is Gaining Ground Quickly: Why?

By Gary D. Barnett May 22, 2023

“The main problem in any democracy is that crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go out on a stage & whup their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy—then go back to ………………………….



The FBI Must Be Held Accountable for Russiagate

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 22, 2023

The long awaited US Justice Department “Russiagate” report by Special Counsel John Durham exonerated President Donald Trump from false charges and performed the important ………………………..


Wait! Washington Post’s Bump Makes the Last Pitch for Russian Collusion

By Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley.org May 22, 2023

Shortly before the release of the Durham report, I wrote about the concern that we have a de facto state media in the United States. The column explored the pattern of false claims ……………………….



Adventures in NATOstan: Sparks Flying in Ibiza, Locked Down Bilderberg in Lisbon

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture May 22, 2023

With G7 “leadership” mired in a sticky swamp of intellectual shallowness, predictably the only agenda in colonized Japan was more sanctions on Russia.




India: Another Demonetization?

By Jayant Bhandari May 22, 2023

In late 2016, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, came on TV at 8 pm to announce that most currency bills would no longer be legal tender after midnight. An individual was allowed …………………………



The Global Reset

Will happen fast, you won’t be warned.

By Dave Jefferson Prepper1cense May 22, 2023

You’ll either be ready in advance or you’ll be subject to whatever crisis unfolds. Whether it be a collapse of the banks, an economic collapse, a war, or all three is anybody’s guess, but it ………………………..



AIDS – HIV – Big Pharma Under NIH & Fauci

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice May 22, 2023

The definition of pseudo = false. The definition of science = the study, observation and ……………………………



Marching to the Beat of The Imperial Machine

By Caitlin Johnstone  CaitlinJohnstone.com May 22, 2023

The problem that underpins most other problems in modern times is that human minds are …………………..



Impeachment Week

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 22, 2023

So much crime. So much fraud. It all blends in together, because it’s all the same Government Gangsters and the same criminal globalist cartel.




Bakhmut Folds: Russia Takes City + Ukraine’s Struggle Against Toll of Attrition



Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine is About to be ANNIHILATED! | Exclusive Interview



Das Luftpumpen-Gesetz: Technologieoffenheit wäre zielführend

Mo, 22. Mai 2023

Als Meilenstein in der deutschen „Klimapolitik“ hat Robert Habeck sein „Energiegesetz“ gelobt, das über Jahrzehnte seine Wirkung entfalten werde. Nach viel Gegenwind aus allen Richtungen rudert Habeck zurück. Von Detlef Brendel




Douglas Macgregor: Horrible COUNTEROFFENSIVE BEGAN



Grünes Waterloo: Die jungen Leute spielen nicht mehr mit

Wenn sich eine so winzige, machtlose Gruppe wie die jungen deutschen Juden mit einer gewichtigen Macht wie Claudia Roth anlegt, mit der hinter ihr stehenden Partei und der ……………………….



Das böse Buch

Spätestens mit Corona steht die deutsche Buchszene Kopf. Die alten kritischen Platzhirsche finden sich als Staats-Claqueure wieder und überlassen mutigeren Verlagen den Markt des kritischen Denkens. Die Achgut-Edition gehört dazu. Bücher wie „Das Staatsverbrechen“ …………………….



The Real Threat to Al-Aqsa Mosque is From Muslims, Not Jews

by Bassam Tawil May 22, 2023 If anyone has been desecrating al-Aqsa Mosque, it is Muslims who have been rioting and using rocks and fireworks to attack police officers and ………………………



Justice Gorsuch Slams COVID Emergency Powers: ‘Greatest Intrusions on Civil Liberties’ in ‘Peacetime History’

The justice opined in a heavy reflection as the high court dismissed a suit seeking to keep Title 42

By Gary Bai May 20, 2023




Hoher Sieg für Mitsotakis und die neue Niederlage der Demoskopie

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 22. Mai 2023

Überraschend konnte der griechische Premier Kyriakos Mitsotakis seinen Stimmenanteil bei den Parlamentswahlen am Sonntag stabilisieren. Wieder einmal irrten sich die Demoskopen, diesmal gewaltig. Zehn Prozent schmierte der linke Syriza gegenüber ihren Umfragen ab. Das ……………………….



2023: Echoes of 1973

May 19, 2023

So what’s changed? Everything, but mostly beneath the surface churn of circus and theater.

2023 is echoing 1973 in potentially consequential ways.. It’s not just one year, of course; the entire era ……………………..



Lauterbach sichtlich angefressen: Ärtzetag in Essen wird zur Generalabrechnung

In seiner Eröffnungsrede zum 127. Ärztetag in Essen nahm der Präsident der Bundesärztekammer kein Blatt vor den Mund und rechnete mit dem amtierenden ……………………..



Starbucks India Scandal – The Real Reason Companies are Going WOKE

Indians are boycotting Starbucks after the company released a new ad normalizing the woke agenda. They sell overpriced coffee produced from cheap labor—what is Starbucks trying to …………………..



30-Tons of Explosive Missing Domestically Highjacked



Western Delusions About Russia and Ukraine Are Genuine

20 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

If you think that the policy towards Russia, which is shaped by the perceptions and beliefs of the Washington status quo, is not seriously screwed up, think again and watch Charles ……………………………



SITREP 5/20/23: Bakhmut Falls, Artemovsk Rises. What’s Next?

Simplicius The Thinker 21.05.2023

Well, the chef has delivered his finest cuisine yet.




Ukr Flank Attacks Stall; Ze Roadshow Hits Saudi, Japan; G7 Agrees F16s, Economic War with China



Zelensky Before He Sold Out to the Neocons

Posted May 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Here is a young Zelensky before he sold his soul to the Neocons. Back then, he spoke out #



Musk, Soros and the End of the Media

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns May 20, 2023

So, Elon Musk sure shook things up the other day with his interview on CNBC where he dared to break the Fourth Wall of media when he took a shot at George Soros comparing him to Magneto from Marvel’s X-Men.




Russia Hoax Coup Increased Chance of Nuclear War

Dr. Joseph Sansone 19.05.2023

The release of the Durham report was a complete vindication of President Trump regarding the silly Russia collusion mind virus that was perpetrated on the American people. The Russia …………………..



The United States Has Been Destroyed by Its Ruling Elites

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org May 20, 2023

Against the backdrop of the United States’ recognition of the investigation against Donald Trump as politically motivated, structural and ideological controversies, and concerns that ……………….



If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com May 20, 2023

Although this may seem to be an article focusing on Chicago, please realize Chicago is only being used as an example of the moral decay and corruption in virtually every major city in the United States. It serves as a stark warning to relocate if you are in one of these areas.




Theft Is Now Costing Retailers in the United States About 100 Billion Dollars a Year

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse May 20, 2023

If we don’t fix this, will the retail industry be able to survive?  There has always been shoplifting, but in the old days it was at a level that made it only a minor nuisance to the big …………………….



Disastrous Proxy Wars by Great Powers Create Military, Monetary, Financial and Economic Chaos in the World

By Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay

„In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex… Only an alert and ……………………



Look Ahead, Not Backwards, to Hold the Justice Department Accountable

The minimal tools to, at the very least, embarrass top officials and expose the existing rot within the Justice Department are in the hands of House Republicans. They would do well to use them. By Julie Kelly May 18, 2023




Bakhmut Has Fallen – Artyomovsk Has Been Liberated

The so far largest battle of the 21st century ended today.

Bakhmut has fallen. Artyomovsk (the Russian/Soviet name of the city) has been liberated. ………………….



Monika Gruber ruft zu Demo in Erding auf – Grüne reagieren auf Ankündigung

Erst watscht die Star-Kabarettistin Monika Gruber verbal die Grünen ab – nun gibt es eine Demonstration in Erding und sie sagt: „Wer Lust hat, bitte hingehen.“ Wie reagieren die Grünen des Kreisverbands Erding darauf? 16. Mai 2023 –  Kimberly Hagen Sven Geißelhardt Merken




Russia Storms Last Bakhmut Positions, Bombards Ukraine; US Seeks Frozen Conflict, West Prepares F16s



The Arabs Are Reunited And Israel Is Out

Just ten weeks ago I was in awe. „This is huge!“ I wrote about the surprising news of the …………………….



More Cowbell For Ukraine While Former U.S. Military Officers and Diplomats Plead for Sanity

19 May 2023 by Larry Johnson

Like a degenerate gambler who has emptied his bank account and is now borrowing from the ………………….



Interview: Martin Armstrong on Why the CBDC Will Fail and a Great Depression is About to Begin



Bank of England Economist: Britons Need to Accept That They’re Poorer

05/19/2023 J.R. MacLeod

Speaking on a Columbia University Law School podcast, the chief economist of the Bank of England, Huw Pill, said Britons “need to accept” that they have been made poorer by the ……………………..



Government Redistribution Is the REAL Trickle-Down Economics

Daniel Kowalski

On April 6, 2023, President Joe Biden’s Twitter account sent the following message: ……………………..



Living by a Premise

05/18/2023 Gary Galles

The 2023 graduation season is now underway. The famous, generous, and politically powerful …………………………



TransHuman/Machine Fusion For Cyborg Soldier By 2050

Posted By: Dr. Robert Malone via Substack May 19, 2023

The military created the Internet and still controls it, hiding in plain sight. The military sparked Transhumanist technologies (NBIC) in the 1990s to produce “supermen” fighting




Warum Freiheit einen freien Markt für Geld erfordert

  1. Mai 2023 – Thorsten Polleit

Dieser Beitrag wurde auf der 10. Jahreskonferenz des Ludwig von Mises Instituts …………………



China’s Return On The World Stage | George Galloway | Alex Reporterfy



The U.S. Should Be a Force for Peace in the World

The Russia-Ukraine War has been an unmitigated disaster. Hundreds of thousands have been killed or wounded. Millions have been displaced. Environmental and economic destruction have been incalculable. Future devastation could be exponentially greater as nuclear powers …………………



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