USA geben grünes Licht für Angriffe auf Moskau
- Juni 2023 von Thomas Röper
Augenscheinlich wenig entspannt in Moldawien: Wladimir Selenskij bei der Präsidentin Maia Sandu
Letzte Woche gab es viele Aussagen aus dem Westen, zum Beispiel aus den USA und aus Polen, die deutlich machen, dass der Westen längst mit Russland im Krieg ist. Auch an der ideologischen Basis für den militärischen Schlagabtausch, der im Weltkrieg münden könnte, weiter munter gebastelt.
The Market Process Is Not a Knowledge Problem
06/05/2023 Per Bylund
Friedrich Hayek’s essay “The Use of Knowledge in Society,” published in 1945 in the prestigious American Economic Review, is often hailed as an important contribution to …………………..
Ukraine Yields to International Pressure and Launches Ill-Fated Offensive
6 June 2023 by Larry Johnson
After months of promising to strike a blow ostensibly to push Russia back to its original border Ukraine is on the March and, as expected, is suffering massive losses in men and ………………..
Troubles Ahead of Ukraine’s Offensive + China Intercepts Nosey US Recon Plane in the South China Sea
There is no Glory in the Grave
“The working class of Europe has nothing to gain from this war and everything to lose,” Irish European Parliament member Clare Daly stated in October 2022. “I find it laughable that those who call for arms to Ukraine never call for arms for the people of Palestine, or for the ………………..
Scott Ritter: New EXPLOSION Changes Everything In Ukraine Russia War
Environmentalism and the Immoral Low Ground
7.6.23 Connor O’Keeffe
Last month, the Biden administration’s Environmental Protection Agency proposed new power plant regulations that would put harsh limits on the amount of carbon dioxide released ………………….
Neues zur Immunschwäche durch „Impfung“
Seit Ende 2020 habe ich hier auf vor der Toxizität der SARS-CoV-2 „Impfstoffe” gewarnt, bald auch vor Immunschwäche durch die Impfung (VAIDS). Nun zeigt sich, dass ich leider recht hatte.
Eine schräge Idee: warum nicht mal vernünftig sein?
Von Alexander Wendt Mi, 7. Juni 2023
Bis jetzt haben die Grünen mit ihrem Heizgesetz vor allem eines bewirkt: die Nachfrage nach Wärmepumpen ist fast genauso eingebrochen wie ihr Wählerzuspruch. Wären sie klug, müssten sie den Plan kurzerhand in die Tonne befördern.
Ein Botschafter auf Abwegen
Von Godel Rosenberg Di, 6. Juni 2023
Merkels ehemaliger Regierungssprecher ist heute Botschafter in Israel – und begeht gleich zweimal einen diplomatischen Fauxpas. Was in Israel für Irritationen sorgt, wird in Deutschland von den Medien kaum berichtet.
Schweden will „strengste Einwanderungspolitik“ der EU einführen
Di, 6. Juni 2023 Migrationspolitische Wende
Premierminister Ulf Kristersson fährt das Gegenprogramm zur Ampel: er will die schwedische Staatsbürgerschaft aufwerten und Schwedisch als Voraussetzung ins Zentrum stellen. Die bisherige Migrationspolitik habe nicht funktioniert.
Warten auf die Wärmepumpe
Von Marco Gallina Di, 6. Juni 2023
Heizungsgesetz, war da was? Bis zum Ende der Sommerpause hat sich wenig getan bei den Nachbesserungen an der berüchtigten Lex Wärmepumpe. Womöglich ist es nur die Ruhe vor dem Sturm.
Wenn Rote rechnen
Wenn 19 Personen 602 Stimmen auszählen und nicht merken, dass sie den – Stand heute – Falschen zum Sieger ausrufen, bist du bei den Sozialdemokraten. So wie die österreichischen Genossen ihren Vorsitzenden wählen, ist das komischer als alle Burgenländer-Witze zusammen.
Welcome To The End Of Western Dominance
We are no longer in the age of liberal democracy’s inevitable triumph. Instead, we are living in a new multipolar world of ideological turbulence in which the West is not the main player.
Juan Manuel Ospina March 08, 2022
Current State of Affairs
Tucker Carlson on Ukraine
All my sources confirm it was the guy who wears the same T-Shirt to pretends he is defending democracy when he is not in his high-heels.
New Nord Stream Cover-Up Story Is Based On Dubious ‚Leak‘
On April 10 some briefing slides for the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff appeared on the internet. …………………..
Postmortem Analysis on Kakhovka Dam Breach
07.06.2023 Simplicius The Thinker
Now that almost a day has passed and the event has settled in, we can draw some conclusions or at least ask some informed questions about the whos and whys, the cui bonos.
Disaster Day in Ukraine: Kakhovka Dam Destroyed, Ukraine Suffers Heavy Defeat, Incl 8 Leopard Tanks
Steps To World Rule: First, Destroy Humanity
Posted By: Todd Hayen via Off-Guardian June 5, 2023
People around the world are picking up on the necessity (inevitability) of a scorched earth ………………….
Democracy and Laissez Faire: the New York State Constitution of 1846
New York’s current financial woes have a precedent, and perhaps a solution, in the pages of the distant past. Well back in its history, in the late 1830s, New York State was spending and ………………….
Nova Kakhova Dam Breach – Updated (12:15 UTC)
Updated throughout (12:15 UTC)
A few hours ago an alleged explosion blew up the Nova Kakhova dam in Ukraine.
Wegen steuerlicher Neubewertung der Immobilien: Erben müssen verkaufen
Seit dem 1. Januar werden die Immobilien neu bewertet. Diese Änderung trifft besonders Bayern, da hier die Immobilienpreise deutschlandweit am höchsten sind. Dadurch steigt die ………………….
Das EU-Parlament als Totengräber der Europäischen Idee
Von Boris Kálnoky So, 4. Juni 2023
Sicherheit und Wohlstand durch freiwillige Kooperation gleichgesinnter Nationalstaaten – das war einst die Europäische Idee. Sie wird derzeit begraben. Ihr Totengräber ist das …………………….
China’s Space Program: Designed to Defeat the United States
by Lawrence A. Franklin June 6, 2023 Far more significant than scoring space spectaculars, however, is the question of which nation will achieve military dominance in the domain of ………………….
Ten Years of American Pravda and The Unz Review
Ron Unz • June 5, 2023
My original American Pravda article was published just over ten years ago and that same mark is rapidly approaching for the website as a whole. With such a double anniversary now upon us, I think it’s worth …………………..
Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Wall Street Journal
By Walter E. Block The Libertarian Institute June 6, 2023
The Wall Street Journal of March 31, 2023 (page A20, if you must know) featured this headline: “Turkey’s Parliament Ratifies NATO bid.” Here is the first paragraph of this entry:
“The Turkish parliament ratified Finland’s entrance into the NATO on Thursday, removing the last ……………………..
Why Countries Must Leave the World Health Organization
By Dr. Joseph Mercola June 6, 2023
Countries that treasure individual freedom and respect bodily autonomy have only one choice: Exit the World Health Organization. It is now beyond clear that the WHO intends to eliminate ……………………
What To Do When Covid Tyranny Returns
By Jeff Thomas International Man June 6, 2023
Recently, a colleague commented: “I am still truly angry about what happened to me and my family because of our refusal to take the vaccine in this country [Canada]. I never believed Nazi Germany was possible again until covid. And now I KNOW it is possible and likely WILL happen again…only next time the gloves will be off, and there will be nowhere to …………………..
What Happens When the Competent Opt Out?
June 5, 2023
By this terminal stage, the competent have been driven out, quit or burned out.
What happens with the competent retire, burn out or opt out? It’s a question few bother ……………….
China Places Country Dangerously Close to US Warship
By Caitlin Johnstone June 6, 2023
The US military has released video footage of a Chinese navy ship cutting across the path of ……………………
The Most Corrupt Country in the History of the World
Hint: It isn’t the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, or Mao’s China 03.06.2023, Donald Jeffries
For the first several decades of my life, every politician would regularly remind the public …………………..
They Are Doing Their Best To Provoke a Nuclear War With Russia
By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse June 6, 2023
Even though most Americans aren’t paying much attention at this point, the way that the war in Ukraine is evolving should greatly concern all of us. Ukrainian President Volodymyr ……………………
Vaccinated Veterans MORE Likely to Die from COVID, VA Study Proves
It is Even Worse to Be Boosted Igor Chudov 03.06.2023
The U.S. Veterans Administration oversees the medical care of the United States Armed ……………………
Republicans Fiscally Irresponsible Act
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute June 6, 2023
The political and financial class breathed a sigh of relief when Congress passed the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. The bill suspends the debt ceiling for two years, thus avoiding the ……………….
Biden PISSED As Obama Admin EXPOSES Major Fraud