Chef hängt Anti-Grünen-Plakat an Firmenzentrale auf
Von: Dimitri Soibel 05.06.2023
Düren (NRW) – „Wenn ein Clown in einen Palast einzieht, wird der Clown kein König, sondern der Palast wird zum Zirkus.“
The Hegemon Will Go Full Hybrid War Against BRICS+
By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture June 12, 2023
The Hybrid War 2.0 against the Global South has not even started. Swing states, you have all ………………..
Veteran Journalist Marianne Klowak Unveiling the Decline of Journalism: Insights from a Former CBC Reporter | Ottawa Day Two | NCI
Apocalypse Lunchtime
Trapped in Surreal Orange Smoke in NYC. Do We Know What Really Happened?
Dr. Naomi Wolf 09.06.2023
Has our species been trained now not to react to catastrophic danger or even extra super ………………………
The Meaning of the Rainbow Revolution
11.06.2023 eugyppius
Across all of human politics, the Western liberal tradition stands out for its ambitions to ………………..
ESG Dystopia: Why Corporations Are Doubling Down on Woke Even as They Lose Billions
By Brandon Smith June 12, 2023
It’s been a bloodbath for the majority of companies that go overtly woke in the new era of …………….
Ukr Offensive Standstill, Rains Clog Attacks; Pentagon „Freaking Out“ over Possible Defeat by China
Viganò: Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order
June 10, 2023
Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order
Who’s the ‘Big Guy’?
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV June 12, 2023
A 49-page federal indictment of 37 counts against President Trump was released Friday afternoon, with a total of 100 years in prison and around $2 million in fines.
Impeach Biden for All the Right Reasons
Bribery harms us far less than Progressives’ business as usual
By James Anthony June 12, 2023
As of now, Biden stands to be keep being granted the privilege of signing for and executing ……………………….
USAID: Fostering Innovation & Global Development Act
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice June 12, 2023
2021-2022 Rep Castro and Kim Young introduced a Bill Fostering Innovation and Global Development Act. The purpose of the Bill is greatly broaden funding and actions of USAID. ……………………
Zur Sache, Schätzchen!
Das Volk ist zornig. Die Gruber, Monika hat diesen Zorn artikuliert schon recht etwas auf die Beine gestellt. Oder anders gesagt: Sie hat die Wut der Normalbürger gegen „die da oben“ kanalisiert, den mundtot Gemachten eine Stimme und den Unsichtbaren eine Bühne gegeben.
Bravo an die Gruberin!
Die EU – das zum Scheitern verurteilte Imperium?
Von Roland Springer Mo, 12. Juni 2023
Der in Luxemburg vereinbarte Asylkompromiss kann noch so stark verwässert werden, dass diejenigen EU-Länder, die die irreguläre Asylzuwanderung wirksam eindämmen wollen, gut …………………..
Ohne Sahra Wagenknecht – die Linkspartei will endgültig ins Siechtum verfallen
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai So, 11. Juni 2023 Die Stunde der Trennung wird kommen, doch nicht dann, wenn es der Vorstand der Linkspartei möchte, sondern wann es Sahra Wagenknecht will. Die Linkspartei ist nicht mehr Herrin des Verfahrens, sie ist die Geisel in Wagenknechts Plänen. Die Linkspartei leidet ……………………..
US and Iran, tanker wars
The Great Betrayal of June 8, 1967
By Timothy Alexander Guzman Global Research June 12, 2023
Fifty-Six Years Ago, June 8, 1967
Wohnungen nur für Lesben: Berlin baut LGBT-Wohnhaus mit Steuergeldern
What Could Russia Demand to Negotiate an End to the War in Ukraine?
11 June 2023 by Larry Johnson
I know that some in the West are suggesting that there may be a way to negotiate and end to ………………..
SITREP 6/11/23: Ukraine Reorients and Makes Breakthroughs on Eastern Axis
Simplicius The Thinker 12.06.2023
Yesterday was a fairly slow day of consolidations so we took a break. But now it’s time to summarize the new developments, which begin with the latest battlefield updates.
The Danger of Propaganda
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. June 12, 2023
In an interview with the journalist Mike Wallace in 1958, Aldous Huxley warned about the danger of propaganda in leading America down the road to totalitarianism. The danger has ………
Sechs Lehren vom norwegischen Staatsfonds für private Anleger
Das Staatsvehikel im Norden macht seit 1995 einiges richtig, wie der gegenwärtige Jahresbericht gerade in turbulenten Zeiten zeigt. Lukas Sustala 04.05.2023
Reality is Settling in for Zelensky and His Failed Offensive
10 June 2023 by Larry Johnson
Word is circulating in Washington that relations between Kiev and the Biden Defense Department has hit a rough patch.
Putin Confirms Ukr Offensive, Big Ukr Losses; Leo2s, Bradleys Destroyed, Realists Call Peace Talks
Dershowitz Says Republicans Should Respond In Kind to Trump Indictment and Target Bidens
Jon Doughterty June 10, 2023
Famed Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz offered some unofficial legal counsel to House Republican leaders on the heels of the Justice Department’s indictment of former ……………………
Dummsteller. Über die Wortakrobaten im Medienzirkus
Ein „Mob“ greift Rettungskräfte an, „Männer im Ausnahmezustand“ messern in Zügen oder vor der Shisha-Bar, „Wohnungsnot“ entsteht durch alte weiße Privilegierte – beim Verschleiern von Sachverhalten halten deutsche Journalisten Spitzenniveau. Sie sind nämlich ……………………..
Bist du jung und hast schon dein Testament geschrieben?
Was passiert mit Sparkonto, Insta-Profil und Plattensammlung – es gibt auch junge Menschen, die schon ihren Nachlass regeln. Du bist einer davon? Dann melde dich bei uns.
Some Sudden Deaths Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines, Autopsies Confirm
Zachary Stieber, Reporter Jun 6 2023
Some sudden deaths were caused by COVID-19 vaccines, autopsies have confirmed.
Eight people who died suddenly after receiving a messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 ………………….
Commodity Prices Debunk the „Blame Ukraine“ Excuse for Inflation
06/10/2023 Daniel Lacalle
Most politicians have used the “Ukraine invasion card” to justify the massive inflationary burst in 2021-2023.
Secession Means More Choices, More Freedom, Less Monopoly Power
06/09/2023 Ryan McMaken
Because of their physical size, large states are able to exercise more state-like power than geographically smaller states—and thus exercise a greater deal of control over residents. This ………………….
To Avarice No Sanction
06/08/2023 Gary Galles
“No point in the field of political economy merits more thought and analysis than where to draw the line distinguishing the functions proper to government from the role assumed by all-………………..
What If Canada do to Quebec What Zelensky is Doing to Donbas?
Imagine Canadians bombing Quebec and outlawing the French language and French-speaking people. My guess is Quebec will eventually use this opportunity to separate from Canada!
„Inflationsprämie“ für Kanzler und Minister
Von Fritz Goergen So, 11. Juni 2023 Das schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus
Die Hammelherde Volk – Unten – soll für den Heizungstausch der „Wärmewende“ wie für alle anderen Wenden-Folgen von sinkenden Einkommen bis steigenden Preisen noch mehr ………………………
Trotz EU-Einigung -Baerbock will weiter Syrer und Afghanen nach Deutschland holen
Sa, 10. Juni 2023
Die EU will künftig Flüchtlinge schon an den Außengrenzen überprüfen. Viele Grüne Partei- und Funktionsträger laufen Sturm dagegen. Jetzt verspricht Baerbock: Es werden weiter Syrer ……………………………
Wie „Made in Germany“ absteigt – und warum wir nicht dabei zusehen dürfen
Ukraine’s Offensive Begins: Burning NATO Equipment vs. Layered Russian Defenses
US Military is NOT PREPARED For What Is Coming | Scott Ritter Exclusive Interview
J.K. Rowling und die Geschichte ihrer Hexenjagd
Die Hexenjagd auf J.K. Rowling begann heute vor drei Jahren. Seitdem wird die Schriftstellerin als transphob diffamiert. Wie infam das ist, wird deutlich, wenn man die ganze ………………..
„Let’s Try This Again!“
Yesterday I posted a picture of a Leopard 2A6 tank, 4 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, and a Soviet era mine clearing vehicle all caught up next to each other in a minefield. There is ……………………
You Can’t Depend on the State to Maintain Public Order
Tate Fagley 10.6.23
Although commonly used, Max Weber’s definition of the state—an entity that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force within a given geographical area—can mislead ……………………….
Is A Negotiated Peace agreement Possible in Ukraine?
10 June 2023 by Larry Johnson
Ukraine’s offensive or counter offensive is running into big problems and my friend, …………………
The Five Events That Will Destroy Earth & Humanity
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice June 10, 2023
UK scientists have declared that based on insurance data the US is losing an excess of 500,000 to 600,000 citizens each year due to the Vax. After the elderly were the initial …………………….
12 Ways to Cut the Chains of Financial Serfdom
June 9, 2023 Just because nobody talks about financial serfdom doesn’t mean it’s not real.
Ours is a neofeudal economy of financial serfs in servitude to a Financial Aristocracy. The Financial Nobility / Aristocracy own all the debt and the serfs owe the debt to the Aristocracy. …………………….
There Never Was an Offramp in Ukraine
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns June 10, 2023
The long-awaited offensive from Ukraine has begun. So far the results have been mixed with both sides claiming victories per the normal flow of propaganda. None of that matters.
‘Directed Evolution’: In Lockstep Towards the Abyss
By Peter Koenig Global Research June 10, 2023
These quotations taken from the following video production, brilliantly reflect what is going on today:
How Capitalism Redefined Masculine Virtue
By Ryan McMaken June 10, 2023
One of the main fronts in the current culture war in the United States is the debate over ……………………
The Great DOJ Werewolf Hunt
By James Howard Kunstler June 10, 2023
“Whenever Biden says ‘I’m not joking,’ he’s lying. Whenever he says, ‘I’m joking,’ he’s telling the truth.” — Margot Cleveland
Anatomy of a NATO-Planned, Trained, and Armed Disaster
10.06.2023 Simplicius The Thinker
As the smoke cleared the battlefield, we were left witness to a disaster of unprecedented …………………
Phony Climate Change Catastrophe… And Why Americans Will Foot the Bill
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner June 10, 2023
When it comes to capital waste, there is nothing more destructive in all of history than the current disastrous campaign to eliminate CO2 emissions in the name of saving the planet from …………………..
Former President Donald Trump Charged in Classified Documents Probe
The ongoing investigation into January 6, however, poses far greater legal jeopardy for Trump. By Julie Kelly June 8, 2023
Former President Donald J. Trump has been indicted in the district court in Miami on federal ……………………
Rothbard on Utilitarianism
David Gordon, 9.6.23
No matter how many times you have read a book by Ludwig von Mises or Murray Rothbard, you will find new insights if you read the book again. I found this to be true when preparing ……………………
Kursk 2.0?
Lazy and arguably biased as I am, I will just present the analysis (slightly edited) of the former Swedish officer and defense politician Mikael Valtersson:
Media: One Side „Says“ – The Other „Provides No Evidence“
The recent reporting on the conflict in Ukraine in ‚western‘ media has reveled a deceiving scheme in which baseless claims from Kiev are taken for granted while everything Moscow ……………..
Habecks Augiasstall wird immer größer
Von Marco Gallina Do, 8. Juni 2023
Ein neuer, möglicher Verstoß gegen Compliance-Regeln bringt Robert Habeck neuerlich in Erklärungsnot. Handelt es sich wieder um einen „Fehler“? Vielmehr ist es ein Beleg, dass der ………………..
Ex CIA: White House PANICS Over Explosive New Leak
Mark Levin EXPLODES on Trump indictment: ‚This is war‘
Mollie Hemingway: Biden Doesn’t Need To Campaign, Elections Are Now A Ballot Harvesting Operation For Democrats
Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date June 8, 2023
Die Sekte für Wärmepumpen-Missbrauch
Eine geniale Erfindung, die Wärmepumpe, bekommt den ganzen Ärger ab, den die politischen Transformatoren blind vor Weltrettungsehrgeiz vom grünen Zaun brechen. Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energie und Umwelt AGEU bringt den Wahnsinn treffend auf den ………………………