Why We Must Come Together
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute July 4, 2023
One of the greatest influences on both my personal philosophy and the strategy of how to promote it was Leonard Read, the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). Read founded FEE in 1946, just as WWII was ending and the US government was about to …………………..
What Will NATO Do About Ukraine?
3 July 2023 by Larry Johnson
The NATO Summit in Vilnius is one week away and the situation in Ukraine grows worse with each passing day. One indicator that things are grim is the confirmation today, by the ……………………
Are you Still Proud to be an American?
Once upon a time, being an American and traveling overseas, you had this persona like some halo around your head, and you were actually proud to be an American. When my father took me to Europe for the summer in 1964, I had Kennedy half dollars. When people saw I had …………………..
Zelensky Pleads for Military Gains Prior to NATO Summit; Rus Confidence Grows, NATO Doubts Way Fwd
The Sun Sets On Richard N. Haass’s CFR Career
03.07.2023 Simplicius The Thinker
NYTimes’ new feature profiles Richard N. Haass, the longest serving president of the ……………………
Why Regimes Want to Rule Over Big States with More Land and More People
3.7.23, Ryan McMaken
When the Soviet Union began its collapse in 1989, the world witnessed decentralization and secession on a broad scale.
Das EU-Militär im Kampf für den Klimaschutz?
Nun muss die vermeintliche Katastrophe des Klimawandels auch noch für eine Neuausrichtung des EU-Militärs herhalten. Das Militär soll künftig einerseits verstärkt bei klimabedingten Naturkatastrophen im Einsatz sein, andererseits soll es selber klimaneutral ……………………
Vierfach geimpfter Bodybuilding-Star stirbt mit 30 Jahren
Wenige Wochen vor seinem plötzlichen Tod spricht „Joesthetics“ über merkwürdige ärztliche Befunde nach seiner vierten Corona-Impfung. In den Medien wird diese wichtige Information …………………
Frankreich brennt – nicht
Folgt man den internationalen Medien, hat in Frankreich ein Bürgerkrieg angefangen, der die Fünfte Republik in Schutt und Asche zu legen droht. Aber Frankreich brennt nicht, dazu ist es viel zu groß und hat im Gegensatz zu gewissen anderen Ländern robust funktionierende …………………….
Tourismusdirektor: „Ein massiver Einfluss auf den wirtschaftlichen Standort Rügen“
Von Mario Thurnes Di, 4. Juli 2023
Wirtschaftsminister Habeck (Grüne) will das Naturparadies Rügen zum Industriehafen für Flüssiggas umbauen. Eine Anhörung sollte klären, ob das sinnvoll ist. Doch nicht einmal alle …………………
Bürgerkrieg oder Unterwerfung? Die Zwickmühle der Franzosen
Von David Boos Di, 4. Juli 2023 Zwischen Pest und Cholera
Aufständische legen Feuer, Macron spielt damit: Frankreichs Präsident lässt seine Polizei im Regen stehen, diese darf dennoch die Plünderer zurück prügeln. Das Zünglein an der Waage ………………….
Politische Eliten beim Speisen: Verzicht wird nur fürs Volk propagiert
Von Olaf Opitz Mo, 3. Juli 2023 Fleisch statt Veggie ist angesagt
Russia Nearing TOTAL VICTORY in Ukraine as Zelensky Rejects Peace AGAIN
Tucker Carlson Today 7/2/23 FULL END SHOW | TRUMP BREAKING NEWS Jul 2, 2023, Rick Rachel Levine
They Don’t Dare Tell You What the 4th Is About
By Tom Woods July 4, 2023
From the Tom Woods Letter:
Independence Day is tomorrow, and I wonder how many people really get why it matters.
In school, we were told this: “No taxation without representation.”
Prigozhin and the Diminishment of Europe
By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture Foundation July 4, 2023
The neocon trend represents but one facet to the U.S. that nonetheless has captured and held the commanding heights of U.S. policy-making for decades.
Ask Who Benefits
By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com July 4, 2023
It is the Republican Party’s job to expand the US military, rob and oppress the working class, serve US plutocrats, facilitate ecocidal capitalism, and foment division among the electorate. It is the Democratic …………………….
Marine Le Pen: There Is No Other Solution Than the Return to National Order
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV July 4, 2023
The Minister of the Interior of France announced on Sunday that
9/11 and the COVID-19 HOAX
Key Episodes in the Transition to Governance by Emergency Measures
Anthony James Hall 28.03.2023
My Intentions
In this substack I intend to continue, refine, and sometimes alter the literary habits I have developed in my widely-published writings over several decades. I shall indulge myself by …………………….
The Over-Hyped ‘Spy’ Balloon That Didn’t
Moon of Alabama July 4, 2023
With regards to China President Joe Biden said on June 20 2023:
And the reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with …………………..
Douglas Macgregor & James Patrick: Will Russia Destroy Ukraine? | The Russia’s breakout offensive
Unraveling the Fallacy of Natural Monopolies
07/01/2023 Michael Matulef
“Most cartels and trusts would never have been set up had not the governments created the necessary conditions by protectionist measures. Manufacturing and commercial monopolies ……………………
Douglas Macgregor: „A Huge Offensive Destroy The Lines Of Defence“ in Exclusive Interview
Is Biden Encouraging America’s Enemies?
by Con Coughlin July 3, 2023
One way for the Biden administration to respond to the turmoil in Russia would be to increase its military support for Ukraine, thereby enabling the Ukrainian forces to inflict a catastrophic …………………….
Gastbeitrag von Gabor Steingart – Eine lautlose Macht raubt uns jeden Tag ein Stückchen Freiheit
Gastautor Gabor Steingart (Berlin) Montag, 03.07.2023,
Zuweilen beschleicht einen das unheimliche Gefühl, nicht SPD, CDU, FDP oder die Grünen regieren den Staat, sondern der Staat regiert sich selbst. Alle für die Zukunft relevanten ………………….
DRINGEND! Frankreich brennt! Polen plant Einmarsch in Belarus | Schlimmes für die Ukrainer
UK failed state, targets Nigel Farage
As France burns, the far-Right rises
David A. Bell is a history professor at Princeton with a particular interest in the political culture of Enlightenment and revolutionary France. His latest book is Men on Horseback: The Power of Charisma in the Age of Revolution. Emmanuel Macron has ignored the plight of the suburbs.
Musk’s Tweet-Limiting Move Is To Prevent The Completion Of The „AI-Censorship-Death-Star“
by Tyler Durden Monday, Jul 03, 2023
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock this weekend, you will know that Twitter CEO Elon ………………………
Österreich – ein Hort des Marxismus
- Juli 2023 – Andreas Tögel
Nach einem viele Monate währenden Watschentanz (österreichisch für heftige ……………………