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Um die Unabhängigkeit des Volkes zu bewahren, dürfen wir unserer Regierung nicht erlauben, uns mit ewigen Schulden zu belasten.

— Thomas Jefferson

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die AfD wirkt

Am vergangenen Sonntag stand die nächste Kür eines AfD-Mannes für ein kommunales Amt an. Achgut-Wahlbeobachter wagten sich in den braunen Sumpf – und gewannen überraschende Erkenntnisse.




Geringere Menge und schlechtere Qualität

Von Holger Douglas Di, 29. August 2023

Geringer und in der Qualität schlechter als zuvor fiel in diesem Jahr die Ernte in Deutschland aus. Das stellte jetzt der Erntebericht 2023 heraus, den der derzeitige Landwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir vorgestellt hatte.




Wie Markus Söder mit einem „Sonderermittler“ und Hitler-Vergleich Aiwanger zu Fall bringen will

Von Roland Tichy Mo, 28. August 2023

Markus Söder will seinen Stellvertreter im Amt des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten zur Ablösung zwingen. Ein „Sonderermittler“ soll die Verwicklung Aiwangers in der ………………..



Das Menetekel des Christian Lindner

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 28. August 2023

Christian Lindner hat angesichts der Kindergrundsicherung eine Voraussage gemacht. Sie ist zweideutig. Im einen Fall könnte sie verheerend für die Deutschen sein – im anderen Fall wäre sie noch viel schlimmer.




A New Covid ‚Variant‘…. Just in Time for Election Season!

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute August 29, 2023

Just four and a half months since President Biden declared an end to the Covid “emergency,” the media is suddenly full of stories about the return of Covid. This time a new “variant” is ………………….



Secret Intelligence Leaks vs. Basic Common Sense

Ron Unz • August 28, 2023

During 1940 the determined efforts of President Franklin Roosevelt to involve America in the war against Hitler’s Germany were blocked by the overwhelming opposition of the American ……………………



All Aboard the Impeachment Express

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com August 29, 2023

“While [AG Merrick] Garland seems incapable of imagining any crime involving the president, he has made a conclusive — if unintended — case for an impeachment inquiry.”




Peter Schiff: Jerome Powell’s Jackson Hole Speech Was Full of Holes

SchiffGold.com August 29, 2023

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell delivered his annual speech at Jackson Hole on Friday. Peter Schiff broke the speech down in his podcast and said the speech itself was full ………………………



The Last Time A Foreign Military Threat Was Placed Near the US Border, The World Almost Ended

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com August 29, 2023

It’s ridiculously hypocritical for westerners to condemn Russia and China for responding …………………….



Zum Impfstoff-Brandbrief von Bhakdi, Reiss und Palmer

Sucharit Bhkadi, Karina Reiss und Michael Palmer haben einen wichtigen Brandbrief zum Stopp der Pseudo-Impfungen mit Nukleinsäuren geschrieben. Hier der Brandbrief im ………….



Why Are Retired American Generals So Consistently Wrong?

28 August 2023 by Larry Johnson

The following retired Generals are popping up on cable news channels to offer their “sage” analysis on the war in Ukraine and they all share one thing in common — they are wrong to a ………………….



Ukraine SitRep – U.S. To Prolong Its Proxy War

Milley is uttering deluded nonsense.

U.S. Joint Chiefs‘ Gen. Milley cites Ukrainian counteroffensive ‚breakthrough‘

Ukraine’s soldiers have penetrated the first line of Russian defense in spots along the southern front ……………………..



Biden Admin Admits Vaccine Error: No Evidence Behind Recommendations|Facts Matter



‚Rich Men North of Richmond‘ Star Responds to Claims He Supports President Biden

Tom Ozimek 8/26/2023

Oliver Anthony, the country music artist who went viral after his working-class lament „Rich Men North of Richmond“ sailed to the top of the charts, has set the record straight that he’s no ……………



Are Markets Tyrannical? Where Christian Conservatives Are Mistaken

08/26/2023 William L. Anderson

Christian conservatives, for the most part, are relatively receptive to free markets, or at least a ……………………



The Outcome of War With Russia

By Jeff Thomas International Man August 29, 2023

Much has been said and is being said regarding the proxy war between the US and Russia.

Those of us in the West rely primarily on news reports. Virtually all news that we see in the …………………..



The State as Modern-Day Superstition: Unraveling the Illusions of Authority

Michael Matulef, 28.8.23

“Without the erroneous public perception and judgment of the state as just and necessary and without the public’s voluntary cooperation, even the seemingly most powerful government ………………….



Rus Claims Ukr Capture Rabotino Fails; 110K Rus Buildup Kupiansk; Zelensky Interview Ukr Losing Hope



Ukraine Having Any Success in Their Offensive? w/Ray McGovern fmr CIA



US-Klimaaktivisten versperren Straße: Polizeiauto rammt Blockade

In den USA blockieren Freunde der „Letzten Generation“ eine Fernstraße, die zu einem beliebten Festival führt. Die Polizei macht erst ein Gesprächsangebot – und dann kurzen Prozess mit den Blockierern.

Max Roland




Nicht kleckern, klotzen! Nevada State Park Ranger zeigen Klimaextremisten, wer das Sagen hat!



How US Politicians Empower Anti-American Jihadists and Other Aggressors

by Bassam Tawil August 28, 2023

When people such as Vivek Ramaswamy, a candidate for the Republican Party nomination in the 2024 US presidential election, call for decreasing aid to Israel, they are actually sending a ………………….



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