Sondervermögen zweckentfremdet – Bundesrechnungshof ermahnt Pistorius eindringlich
Minister in Finanznöten: Das Sondervermögen der Bundeswehr reicht nicht für die Vielzahl der Baustellen.
Subservience to Washington Does Not a Superpower Make
5 September 2023 by Mike Krupa Poland’s President Andrzej Duda
Voices of reason about the current war in Ukraine and Warsaw’s fundamental policy towards ………………………
Let Staten Island Secede!
09/04/2023 Ryan McMaken
Homeless foreign nationals (i.e., „illegal aliens“) began arriving last week at a makeshift shelter in a Staten Island neighborhood. The arrivals come after New York City Mayor Eric ………………..
Ukr Loses 66K; Challenger 2 Destroyed; US: Kim Jong un Meeting Putin, China New Chip, Rus Boom
Why Are So-Called ‘Anti-State’ Types Still Supporting the State and the Politicians Who Wish To Rule?
By Gary D. Barnett September 6, 2023
“He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.” P.G. Wodehouse
JFK Plotters Could Never Have Been Convicted
By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation September 6, 2023
To this day — almost 60 years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy — it would be impossible to convict any particular official of the U.S. national-security state of ……………………
Posted By: Rodney Atkinsonon: September 04, 2023
Sanctions against Russia have proved to be a farce, with damaging blowback against European economies, continued (but never mentioned) western energy imports from Russia, a ……………………
Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’ preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist’
The former Papal Nuncio expanded on his perception of an intimate link between globalism and satanism. Tue Aug 29, 2023
US Officials Keep Boasting About How Much the Ukraine War Serves US Interests
By Caitlin Johnstone September 6, 2023
One of the most glaring plot holes in the official mainstream narrative on Ukraine is the way US officials keep openly boasting that this supposedly unprovoked war which the US is only ………………………….
Mozilla: Autos sammeln Daten zum Einwanderungsstatus und zur sexuellen Aktivität
Mozilla hat Autos von 25 Herstellern auf die Einhaltung des Datenschutzes geprüft – mit verheerendem Ergebnis. Sven Scharpe
Japanese Scientists Find That Covid-19 And All of the Variants Are Laboratory Creations
By Paul Craig Roberts September 6, 2023
Our rulers are mimicking the Book of Revelation. War has been unleashed on us for years. …………………..
Health Department Covers Up Illegal Lab in California
By Dr. Joseph Mercola September 6, 2023
In mid-December 2022, Jesalyn Harper, a code enforcement officer for the city of Reedley, California, responded to a seemingly routine complaint about parked cars outside a run-down decades-old warehouse.
China: Preparing for War
by Lawrence A. Franklin September 6, 2023
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping is rapidly militarizing his country and has instructed its army to „prepare for war“ and „fight and win“ it.
„Wir wollen viele Thunbergs entwickeln“
Spätestens seit Klaus Schwabs World Economic Forum öffentlich zum „Great Reset“ aufruft, lohnt ein Blick auf weitere Lobby-Organisationen Europas. Zum Beispiel auf das Europäische Forum Alpbach, das mithilfe von öffentlichen Geldern, Stiftungen und Konzernen „viele …………………….
Ein neues Gesetz vom Elektro-Kanzler
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz kündigte zur Eröffnung der Internationalen Automobilausstellung (IAA) ein neues Gesetz an. Für Elektroautos sollen Tankstellen bald gesetzlich zum Aufbau von Ladestationen verpflichtet werden. Zahlen dafür am Ende die Steuerzahler oder nur die, die Benzin und Diesel tanken?
In RTL-Sendung – Arbeiter fragt Habeck, wie er sich für Job motivieren soll – der hat keine Antwort
Das Bürgergeld werde im Grunde „entlang der Statistik“ automatisch angehoben, anhand von Preiserhöhungen bei Lebensmitteln oder Kleidung, so Habeck. Beim Mindestlohn verwies er auf eine Kommission, die sich vor allem aus Vertretern von Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern …………………
Ukraine Shifting the World’s Stage w/Col. Doug Macgregor
Corrupt Billionaire Behind Zelensky’s Rise To Fame & Power Arrested
by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Sep 06, 2023
With an estimated fortune of just under $1.7 billion, Ihor Kolomoisky is among Ukraine’s …………………….
Den Bayern-Grünen sollen jetzt Kinder helfen
Mi, 6. September 2023
Für die Ampel-Parteien sieht es vor der Wahl im Freistaat schlecht aus. Die Habeck-Partei versucht es mit einer biederen Kampagne für die Stammwähler – und die SPD mit schiefer ……………………
ARD und ZDF schweigen über Faesers Schönbohm-Affäre
Von Marco Gallina Mi, 6. September 2023
Die Bundesinnenministerin lässt einen Beamten zu Unrecht bespitzeln und schwänzt den Untersuchungsausschuss – eigentlich ein Skandal. Den öffentlich-rechtlichen Sendern ist das ………………..
Gewonnen hat die Demokratie, verloren die woke Medien-Allianz
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 6. September 2023
Nach aktueller Wahl-Umfrage gewinnen die Freien Wähler in Bayern vier Prozent. Dass die CSU nur schwach verliert, dafür hat Söders Entscheidung gesorgt, an Aiwanger festzuhalten, …………………..
Es wird immer enger für die Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser
Von Josef Kraus Mi, 6. September 2023
Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser beauftragt den Geheimdienst mit Materialsuche, um einen leitenden Beamten zu entsorgen – und drückt sich vor einer Bundestagssitzung wegen angeblicher Krankheit, währenddessen sie in Wiesbaden pumperlgesund Wahlkampf macht. ……………………….
Blessed are the Bullied and Ignored
Waiting for the meek to inherit the earth, Donald Jeffries, 04.09.2023
I was struck early on in life by the nonsensical nature of of power. As a teen, I marveled at …………………………
22 Years of Drone Warfare and No End in Sight
By Maha Hilal September 6, 2023
“I no longer love blue skies. In fact, I now prefer gray skies. The drones do not fly when the …………………..
Totalitarian Ideals and Not Living by Lies
“On we go, further and further into the era of post-journalism, where outlets survive not on the accuracy and honesty of their reporting but on the appeal of their narrative.”
Fred Skulthorp (The Critic)
Böhmermann bringt Rechtsaußen auch an schwachen Tagen zur Weißglut
VonMax Schäfer
Böhmermanns ZDF Magazin zu Rechtsaußen und ihrem Goldhandel ist unbeabsichtigt vor der eigentlichen Sendung am stärksten, kann die Erwartung aber nicht erfüllen. Die TV-……………………..
The Rise of the BRICS and the fall of the USSA?
By Ron Unz The Unz Review September 5, 2023
For Americans such as myself who came of age during the 1970s or early 1980s, the Soviet Union always carried the whiff of a decaying ideological empire, ruled by a decrepit political ……………………..
Western ‘Civilization’ Is Doomed To Aggressive Collapse, and by its Own Hand
By Gary D. Barnett September 5, 2023
“Western civilization is a loaded gun pointed at the head of this planet.”
Terence McKenna
How To Start the Final World War
By L. Reichard White September 5, 2023
The bureaucrats in charge after WWII, fearing a return to the banker/government-caused Great Depression, made a fatal decision. Since it had apparently finally gotten the U.S. out of …………………..
Hotel Ukraine: ‘Sure, Check-Out Any Time, but You Can Never Leave’
By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture September 5, 2023
In the case of Ukraine, the U.S., it seems, is tilting towards a more permanent (yet less intense) war. The so-called ‘Israeli formula’.
Arson Across the Globe! A for Profit Industry
By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice September 5, 2023
ARSON! It is everywhere. It has been announced the Louisiana fires are all ARSON. The fire in Russia was – Arson. Who is hiring these people? According to a 2019 declaration by ………………….
‘Mad Max’ Conditions Are Coming
Desperation Is Rising As The Economy Rapidly Deteriorates And Food Costs Soar
By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse September 5, 2023
How far would you go to feed your family Hopefully that is a question that you will not have ………………….
No Respite for France as a ‘New Africa’ Rises
Like dominos, African states are one by one falling outside the shackles of neocolonialism. Chad, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and now Gabon are saying ’non‘ to France’s longtime domination of African financial, political, economic, and security affairs.
By Pepe Escobar The Cradle September 5, 2023
‘Small yard and high fence’ harms US credibility, business; Chinese firms to ‚break through US sci-tech blockade‘
China’s restraint will not be maintained limitlessly if there’s no substantive correction of US hostile trade policies By Wang Qi and Xiong Xinyi Sep 04, 2023
China sets up a bureau for private economy
Move set to bolster market confidence, inject impetus into economic recovery
By Zhang Hongpei Sep 04, 2023
Did Biden ‘neglect’ Indonesia and ASEAN? The truth is darker:
Global Times editorial Sep 05, 2023
The 43rd ASEAN Summit and related meetings are scheduled from Monday to Thursday in Jakarta, Indonesia. Countries such as China, the US, Japan and South Korea will attend. According to Indonesian ……………………..