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Der Reichtum der Reichen ist nicht die Ursache der Armut der anderen Leute

— Ludwig von Mises

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Fall Aiwanger wird Deutschland verändern – aber anders, als seine Kritiker meinen


Es heißt, dass der Fall Aiwanger die politische Kultur in Deutschland nachhaltig verändern werde. Das glaube ich auch – allerdings anders, als Aiwangers Kritiker meinen.




An American Irishman Spins Ukrainian Fantasies in scotland

10 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

European racism and revanchism is alive and well and toxic as ever. The latest manifestation ……………………….



Top US/Ukr Officials Signal Offensive Ending; Big Rus Offensive Rumours Grow; West Humiliated at G20



Fast 20 Prozent Vorsprung – AfD-Hammer bei Oberbürgermeister-Wahl

AfD-Kandidat Jörg Prophet (61) geht bei der OB-Wahl in Nordhausen als klarer Sieger hervor. Mandy Kynast 10.09.2023




West Faces Ukr Defeat, 2nd Challenger Destroyed; North Korea Nuclear Sub, Niger Calls ECOWAS Bluff



Zelensky On Starlink-Gate: Musk „Committing Evil“ & Driven By „Big Ego“

by Tyler Durden Saturday, Sep 09, 2023

Amid the continuing controversy over Elon Musk having previously made the decision to block Kiev from utilizing Starlink satellites to attack Crimea, Zelensky’s office has lashed out …………………..



The ‚Climate Emergency‘ Is a Hoax

by Robert Williams September 10, 2023

More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, have signed a declaration saying that „There is no climate emergency.“ The declaration is unlikely to get any attention from the ……………………..



Deutsche Gesundheitspolitik im Lügen-Karussell

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Die Bundesregierung hat Vertretern des Paul-Ehrlich-Institutes und des Robert-Koch-Institutes Aussageverbote in Sachen Impfungen erteilt. Es gibt offensichtlich viel zu ………………………



Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected: New Study Finds

by Tyler Durden Saturday, Sep 09, 2023




Ukraine’s ‚Biggest Arms Supplier‘ Orchestrated 2014 Maidan Massacre, Witnesses Say

by Tyler Durden Saturday, Sep 09, 2023

Authored by Kit Klarenberg via The GrayZone,

Once denounced by Zelensky as a “criminal,” gun runner Serhiy Pashinksy has become the top private supplier of arms to Ukraine. Eyewitness testimony has fingered Pashinsky as the architect of a bloody false flag operation which propelled the 2014 Maidan coup and plunged ………………….



Apple unter Druck – Highflyer Novo Nordisk – Zinssorgen

Mo, 11. September 2023

Apple wird immer stärker in den Handelskonflikt zwischen den USA und China verstrickt. …………………….



Argentina, Milei, and the International ‘New Right’

A conversation with Agustín Laje, author of Batalla Cultural: Reflexiones Críticas para una Nueva Derecha. Edgar Beltrán Sep 9, 2023

The victory of Javier Milei in the Argentine presidential election open primary took the ………………..



Criminally Insane … America’s Top Diplomat Calls Depleted Uranium Munitions to Ukraine a ‘Housewarming Gift’

Strategic Culture Foundation September 11, 2023

Antony Blinken is criminally insane, just like many other Western politicians who are playing with fire over dead Ukrainian and Russian bodies.




Reinventing Democracy

September 7, 2023

The whole point of democracy and free markets is to force competition on elites who are …………………….



Burn Back Better; It’s Not Climate Change, it’s Psychopathy

These aren’t fires, they are exterminations. elizabeth nickson 09.09.2023

Covert geo-engineering has been used for decades and this summer was used to burn down forests and towns including Lahaina to scare people into the extreme behaviour modification required for Agenda 2030 and Net Zero.




Welcome to the Real Estate Industry Apocalypse

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse September 11, 2023

Higher interest rates are absolutely strangling the real estate industry, and there is no relief in sight.  The sudden shift from a very low interest rate environment to a much higher interest …………………..



How do we Reach the Brainwashed? The antidote to propaganda is art. Thoughts on retelling the stories of 9/11 and C0VlD-19.

You may recall that, during the thick of it in 2020-2021, Covidians were immune—no, that’s not the right metaphor—they were allergic to facts. They did not respond well even to the ……………………



US Considers ATACMS as Ukraine’s Offensive Struggles + Problems to Come



9/11 After 22 years

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org September 11, 2023

Today is the 22nd Anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon known as 9/11. A generation of 22-year olds has grown up after 9/11, and the event probably means …………………..



Why We Need To Understand What Happened at Pearl Harbor

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. September 11, 2023

In the Ukraine war, we have seen how the state uses lies and propaganda to get us into war. It will stop at nothing to pursue its nefarious schemes. To understand fully how the state operates, it’s essential to understand what happened at Pearl Harbor.




Salvador Allende: der unsterbliche Kult um einen Dilettanten

Vor 50 Jahren versuchte ein linker Politiker, ein relativ wohlhabendes Land im Hauruckverfahren zu transformieren. Von seinem Experiment in den Staatsbankrott kann man ……………………….


Open the Contracts: Court rules in favour of vaccine transparency Judgment handed down in the Pretoria High Court on 17 August 2023!

On 22 February 2022 in Gauteng, South Africa, the HJI launched legal proceedings for the disclosure of all Covid-19 vaccine contracts and any applicable agreements with relevant companies and entities.




The Rise of BRICS and the Fall of the G20

9 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

When the the G20 aka Group of 20 was created in 1999, the United States was the big dog at the table and saw this new entity as another forum/tool giving Washington more de facto ……………………..



US Supplying Ukraine ATACMS Major Escalation; Oil Price Grows, West Gives Up on Rus Oil Price Cap



Interview on Will of the People with Bill Brennan

Click on the audio player above to listen to the full interview.

Join us this week on Will of the People as Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics ………………….



Will the BRICS Dethrone the U.S. Dollar?

09/09/2023 Daniel Lacalle

The summit of the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has closed with an invitation to join the group extended to the Emirates, Egypt, Iran, Saudi ………………………



Blackbox KW 36 – Käpt‘n Olaf und die Wilde 14

Von Stephan Paetow So, 10. September 2023

Der Kanzler fällt hin, die FDP fällt um. Die Regierung rettet den Planeten, aber Deutschlands …………………..



„Wagenknecht entscheidet sich für Partei-Neugründung“

So, 10. September 2023

Die neue Partei soll nach Wagenknecht das Sprachrohr sein für Leute, die die AfD „als Akt der Notwehr“ wählen. Viele schrieben ihr: „Wenn Sie nichts machen, dann wähle ich aus ………………………



Macht sich der Staat zum Komplizen der Linksextremisten?

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Sa, 9. September 2023

In Deutschland mehren sich Anschläge auf kritische Infrastruktur. Linke Terroristen zeigen der ganzen Welt, wie leicht man Deutschland lahmlegen kann, doch außer …………………………



Wird aus der Causa Faeser eine Staatsaffäre?

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Sa, 9. September 2023

Gerade bekanntwerdende Aktenvermerke und Belege aus dem Innenministerium widersprechen Faesers Unschuldsbeteuerungen. Faeser weigerte sich schon zweimal, im Innenausschuss Auskunft zu geben. In einem Rechtsstaat ist nun ein parlamentarischer …………………..



There Is No Limit to State Power, and There Never Has Been!

By Gary D. Barnett September 9, 2023

“Winston Smith: Does Big Brother exist?
O’Brien: Of course he exists.
Winston Smith: Does he exist like you or me?
O’Brien: You do not exist.”

George Orwell (1984)




Trudeau’s Empty Graves

If anyone has been paying attention to how Marxists and liberals work, they would not be surprised to find the Canadian „mass graves“ controversy was a complete hoax.

Kennedy Hall




The CIA’s Continued Secrecy on Chile and JFJ

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation September 9, 2023

On August 31, the Nation magazine published an article entitled “…………………



From 9/11 to Domestic Threat Actors – Control Is the Goal

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com September 9, 2023

In a March 28, 2023, article titled “A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century,”1,2 Jacob Siegel, senior editor of Tablet magazine’s afternoon news digest, News and …………………………



Inside the Blue Bubble

Noam Dworman clashes with Washington Post columnist Philip Bump, and the results aren’t pretty

Matt Taibbi 07.09.2023




Lying About Russia: They Award Pulitzers for That, Don’t They?

By Phil Butler New Eastern Outlook  September 9, 2023

By now, it’s clear to almost everyone that the West versus East policy train wreck we are …………………….



CDC Cover-up Expose: CDC Hid Hundreds of Hospital Reports Showing Fax Is Causing Myocarditis

By Ben Armstrong  The New American September 9, 2023



Consumer Credit Is Expanding Even While the Fed Pushes up Interest Rates

09/07/2023 Kevin Vanelswyk

To me, a wise and humane policy is occasionally to let inflation rise even when inflation is running above target.

Janet Yellen




The Imperial Russian Regime was Neither „Great“ nor „Enlightened“

09/07/2023 Ryan McMaken

Pope Francis made headlines last week when he described the Russian Empire as „enlightened“ and invoked the names of two expansionist Russian czars as examples of Russia’s „great culture.“ In impromptu remarks, Francis said to a group of Russian ………………………



Service Without a Smile

Theodore Dalrymple  September 08, 2023

Like several other countries in the West, Britain has given up on the sordid and vulgar activity of making things and instead gone in for the more refined and sophisticated life of service ………………………



A Theory of the Game

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com September 9, 2023

“…a system that has been hollowed out by a string of cascading failures runs into one more crisis than it can tolerate, and implodes under the weight of its own absurdities. We are much closer to such scenes in North America and Western Europe right now than I think most ………………………



Der Sonntagsfahrer: Die Angst vorm Bierzelt

Die dunkleren Räume des Berliner Clubs Berghain galten lange als das neue Sodom und Gomorra, sind aber als Austragungsort befremdlicher Praktiken ein bisschen ins Hintertreffen geraten. Wer wirklich gegen Sitte und Anstand verstoßen will, sollte sich aufs Land begeben …………………….



A Procapitalist Philosopher

09/08/2023 David Gordon

Most contemporary political philosophers view free market capitalism with suspicion, if not outright loathing, but one exception is Gerald Gaus, who taught for many years at the ………………………..



Ukraine SitRep: Western Military Commentators Finally Accept The Obvious

The Kuebler-Ross model of grief describes the human coping mechanism to deal with ……………………..



Dire New Western Reports Call to Ditch NATO Tactics

Plus a roundup of other grist from the Western propaganda mill

Simplicius The Thinker 09.09.2023

I wanted to do a roundup of the most trenchantly interesting releases from the Western ………………



DIA’s Trent Maul is Sending a Message On Behalf of Joe Biden

8 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

My Thursday article ridiculing the DIA’s top dog for analysis, Dr. Trent Maul, for his banal ………………



Rechter Populismus als erfolgreiche Strategie. Javier Milei

Philipp Bagus 8. September 2023 –

Die austro-libertäre Bewegung hat die besseren Ideen. Sie werden immer weiter diskutiert, ausgefeilt und intellektuell verteidigt. Doch wie können die richtigen Ideen umgesetzt ……………………



Ukraine War History – Why it was a Predictable Bloodbath w/Jeffrey Sachs



If Everyone Understood That the US Deliberately Provoked This War

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com September 8, 2023

War is the single worst thing humans do. The most insane. The most cruel. The most destructive. The most traumatic. The least sustainable. Those who knowingly choose to steer ………………..



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