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Aber schauen Sie, wir haben jetzt jeden vierten Deutschen geimpft, diese Woche wird’s noch jeder fünfte werden…

— Jens Spahn (2021, CDU Bundesgesundheitsminister, im Interview)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Mainstream Media Admit – Ukraine’s Propaganda Is Full Of Lies

As a sign of the turning narrative of the war in Ukraine we find a new New York Times piece about ‚disinformation‘ that is not about Russia but about lies from Ukraine.

Andrew E. Kramer, the NYT correspondent in Kiev, opens with an anecdote from the first …………………….



America’s Russia JENGA Strategy is BackFiring

27 September 2023 by Larry Johnson

While driving down the road today listening to Alexander Mercouris I suddenly realized that the United States and NATO have been pursuing a JENGA strategy against Russia. A lot of ………………………..



Andreas Rödder legt Vorsitz der CDU-Grundwertekommission nieder: „Persönliche Diskreditierungen und sachliche Unwahrheiten“

27.09.2023 –

Der Historiker Andreas Rödder legt die Leitung der CDU-Grundwertekommission nieder. Das geht aus einem persönlichen Schreiben an CDU-Chef Friedrich Merz hervor, das NIUS exklusiv vorliegt.




CDU-Vordenker Rödder zur Migrations-Lage: „Dann fliegt die EU in die Luft!“

18.09.2023 –

Die italienische Insel Lampedusa hat rund 6000 Einwohner – eine kleine, beschauliche Mittelmeer-Insel. Doch seit einigen Tagen erlebt Lampedusa einen wahren Migranten-……………………..https://www.nius.de/Politik/cdu-vordenker-roedder-zur-migrations-lage-dann-fliegt-die-eu-in-die-luft/d5eab202-e256-4432-84d4-ec7aac808aa7


Springtime for Hitler

A standing ovation for a Nazi exposes unpleasant truths about the war in Ukraine

By David Sacks September 27, 2023

Western cheerleaders for the war in Ukraine have sought to deny the complicated relationship ……………………



Bericht zur Corona-Aufarbeitung: Ich gehe zu den Menschen

Die Krise ist erst vorbei, wenn die Verantwortlichen vor Gericht stehen, heißt es im Buch „Das Staatsverbrechen“. Zu diesem Buch startet nun eine deutschlandweite Vortragsreihe mit Dr. Gunter Frank.




Ab Oktober kontrolliert Microsoft automatisiert alles, was Sie mit ihrem Windows-Computer anstellen

Do, 28. September 2023

Wenn Sie sich als Microsoft-Kunde bei ihrer Nutzung von Produkten des Quasi-Monopolisten nicht an einen vagen Verhaltenskodex halten, kann Ihnen bald das Konto gesperrt werden – …………………..



Wie Nancy Faeser das Täuschen für sich entdeckte

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 27. September 2023

Es wird nichts werden mit echten Grenzkontrollen im deutschen Osten. Faesers neueste Mauscheleien sind nah an der erwerbsmäßigen Verbreitung von Halb- und Unwahrheiten. Die ……………



Zwei SPD-Stadträte wechseln wegen Aiwanger zu den Freien Wählern

Von Josef Kraus Mi, 27. September 2023

Schlagzeilen macht aktuell eine Kleinstadt in Bayern, weil die dort einzigen zwei SPD-Stadträte zu den Freien Wählern (FW) wechselten. Die zwei SPD-Renegaten begründen den ……………………



The Menendez Indictments: Understanding Business as Usual in Washington

09/27/2023 Connor O’Keeffe

Last week, prosecutors for the Southern District of New York unsealed an indictment against …………………….



Oil Export Bans Make for Crude Politics

09/26/2023 Stephen Anderson

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) embargo on sales of crude oil from their member countries to the United States was a response to US support for Israel …………………..



Palmer über Zuwanderung: „So geht es nicht weiter“

Tübingens OB Boris Palmer sagt: „Auf Dauer wird man eine Politik gegen zwei Drittel der Bevölkerung nicht durchhalten.“

Für Boris Palmer hängt viel mit der unkontrollierten Zuwanderung von Asylsuchenden zusammen. Er zählt am Donnerstag zu den wichtigsten Speakern beim Bodensee Business Forum.





Why Mitch McConnell Is One Sick F**k

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner September 27, 2023

Rarely has the imperial arrogance of the Washington political class been so succinctly expressed. We are talking about Mitch McConnell’s recent triple bank-shot rationale for …………………….



Technocracy: ‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide

Posted By: Andrew Quin via AndrewQuin.com September 25, 2023

People around the world are wising up about globalists’ plans, even in Australia. Many don’t ……………………..



War of Economic Corridors: the India-Mideast-Europe Ploy

The India-Middle East-Europe transportation corridor may be the talk of the town, but it will likely go the way of the last three Asia-to-Europe connectivity projects touted by the west – to the dustbin. Here’s why. By Pepe Escobar The Cradle September 27, 2023




The War in the Ukraine in Libertarian Perspective

By Hans-Hermann Hoppe September 28, 2023

My speech last year here in Bodrum on Germany’s role in the ongoing war between Russia and the Ukraine, or better and more accurately: between Russia on the one hand and the US, ………………………



When Shelter Becomes a Speculative Asset, Society Unravels

September 25, 2023

Does anyone really believe that the renunciation of massive, sustained stimulus of speculation in housing would leave housing valuations unchanged because valuations are solely the result of „shortages“?



A Vote for Kennedy is a Vote for Peace with China

By Jeremy Kuzmarov 26.09.2023

In January, four-star Air Force General, Mike Minihan, sent a memo to the officers he commands predicting that the U.S. and China would be at war within two years. Minihan said, ………………………..



From Liberal Democracy to Global Totalitarianism

Thaddeus Kozinski, PhD September 26, 2023 0 Comments

An excessive desire for liberty at the expense of everything else is what undermines democracy and leads to the demand for tyranny. —Plato




Canada: The Great Replacement

By Jayant Bhandari September 28, 2023

Canada’s population grew by more than one million in 2022. This increase was equivalent to 2.7%. Such a rate would double Canada’s population in 26 years.

When I moved to Canada in 2003, its population was 32 million. Today, it is 40 million, an ……………………



Can We Prevent Catastrophic Collapse?

By Capt. Randall September 28, 2023

Even the most casual observer of world affairs knows on some level, that given all the tyrannical attacks on the public at large, things will not end well… maybe very soon?




Orange Opportunity

By eric September 26, 2023

Many Democrats haven’t yet realized that they’ve been voting for Leftists – and so for their own ruin. As for example the unionized auto workers, now on strike, hoping to leverage more …………………….



Do Monarchs Always Have Low Time Preferences?

09/26/2023 Uffe Merrild

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, in his book Democracy: The God That Failed and his 1995 article in the Journal of Libertarian Studies, set forth an interesting theory concerning the difference in ……………………..



Der Kanzler, den die Deutschen verdienen

Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 27. September 2023

Olaf Scholz ist der Kanzler, unter dem sich Krisen verschärfen. Der unfähige Minister wie Nancy Faeser, Karl Lauterbach oder Annalena Baerbock laufen lässt – doch er ist auch der Kanzler, den Deutschland verdient hat.




Die große mRNA-Abrechnung eines Weltklasse-Kardiologen

Der renommierte Kardiologe Dr. Peter McCullough rechnete in einer EU-Anhörung in fachlich und rhetorisch virtuoser Weise mit der Corona-Impfkampagne ab. Die Achse hat ………………….



Putin: Trump Indictments are Very Good for Russia

When asked about the impeachment of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin said that it is “very good” for Russia insofar as it shows America is deteriorating from within. Putin and Trump …………………….



Dear Leftists — Why are There Zero Terrorist Attacks in Poland?

Poland has not been attacked by terrorists because they do not allow them within their borders. MEP Dominik Tarczynski delivered a cutting speech addressed to the “Dear Leftists” ………………….



Missouri v. Biden: Massive “Whole-Of-Government” Illegal Censorship Conspiracy Exposed

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola via Mercola.com September 21, 2023

Part of this conspiracy sought to run Dr. Joseph Mercola out of business, among others. In addition, the illegal attacks against Free Speech and the First Amendment are absolutely …………………….



Technocracy: Digital Public Infrastructure For “One Earth, One Family, One Future”

Posted By: Jacob Nordangård, PhD via The Pharos Chronicle September 22, 2023

According to the UN, “Digital public infrastructure (DPI) has emerged as a critical enabler of ……………………



Equal Injustice: Menendez Indictment Does Not Prove Equal Justice

by Alan M. Dershowitz September 27, 2023

In both the Menendez and Trump cases, prosecutors are engaging in the questionable tactic of seeking to influence the jury before trial.




Acht Afrikaner attackieren 27-Jährigen unfassbar brutal: Mit Anlauf auf den Kopf gesprungen

Die Täter konnten unbekannt entkommen. 25.09.2023 –

Unfassbarer Fall in Nürnberg: Acht junge Männer, alle etwa 18 Jahre alt, sollen einen 27-………………..



Rota takes the fall. Trudeau pivots to Russia. Power in Armenia. Abrams in Ukraine. Lowercase russia






Col Douglas Macgregor: „The Ukrainian Phase Of The War Is Over“ „The Russians Will Finish This War”



Why the CIA Fears Putin w/Ray McGovern fmr CIA



The Abortion Battle We Don’t Need

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute September 26, 2023

Former President Donald Trump infuriated many anti-abortion voters last week when he …………………..



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