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— Napoleon Bonaparte

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Die überparteilich desperate politische Klasse



„Die Fiction-Abteilung bei Netflix ist völlig irre. Die sind deep down in diesem Woke-Gaga“

Stand: 06.10.2023

Mit deutlichen Worten hat der deutsche Comedian Felix Lobrecht Kritik an Netflix geübt. So habe der Streamingdienst bei den Verhandlungen über die Verfilmung seines Bestsellers „Sonne und Beton“ an wichtigen Stellen inhaltliche Vorgaben gemacht – und etwa aus kriminellen Migranten eine deutsche ……………..



The New Atlas LIVE: Scott of Kalibrated on Ukraine’s Faltered Offensive, Funding & Arms Shortages



Will the Battle of Gaza Strip Be Israel’s Iwo Jima?

8 October 2023 by Larry Johnson

The Gaza Strip is the home base of Hamas, but there is not a single specific location in Gaza that can be targeted and destroyed in order to bring an end to Hamas. I believe that Israel is …………………….



Terrorangriff auf Israel: Hamas-Verbrecher führen Geiseln wie Trophäen vor. Wer sind die Schweizer Hamas-Freunde? Lob für Sergio Ermotti und die UBS. Ampel-Schlappe bei deutschen Wahlen



Israel Intense Fighting; Hezbollah Opens 2nd Front; Netanyahu Long War; Rus Pushes Hard Kupiansk



Israeli Flashpoint – Localized Skirmish? Or the Beginning of Major Global Black Swan?

Simplicius The Thinker 09.10.2023

The irruption in Israel caught many of us off guard. But to some extents it was a long-expected flashpoint escalation meant to begin the denouement of the Ukrainian conflict, by taking heat off from it.




Hillary Clinton Says Trump Supporters Need “Formal Deprogramming”

Donald Trump received 304 electoral votes in the 2016 US Presidential Election, beating Hillary Clinton who only received 227. She harbors extreme resentment toward not only ……………………..



Ronald Reagan’s Warning

by Lawrence Kadish October 8, 2023

The free-fall that is now the Republican majority in the House of Representatives is a needless self-inflicted political wound that only serves to distract the GOP caucus, and the nation at ……………………..



Wie der WHO-Generalsekretär zu seinem Amt und seiner Macht kam

  1. 10. 2023 | Haben die Regierungen den Generalsekretär der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) gewählt? Darüber diskutierte ich mit den Autoren eines Flyers, die es verneinen. Tatsächlich wird der WHO-Generalsekretär, der durch den Pandemievertrag fast diktatorische Macht bekommen soll, in geheimer Wahl von den Mitgliedsregierungen gewählt. Das Wahlverfahren allerdings ist eine Farce.




Eine etwas andere Wahlnachlese

Eigentlich ist zu den beiden Landtagswahlen gestern schon wieder alles gesagt, nur noch nicht von mir. Daher meine Wahlnachlese, da müssen Sie und ich jetzt durch.

Für Bayern und Hessen ist nämlich gestern eine Ära zu Ende gegangen: Die Grünen sind …………………..



Major Setback for Ukraine, Comparable to Mariupol Defeat | Larry C. Johnson



Three Cheers for Murder!

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. October 9, 2023




Wie die Bundesregierung heimlich Gelder an militante Palästinenser schmuggelt

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 9. Oktober 2023 Parteistiftungen und derlei als dunkle Kanäle

Schon vor einem halben Jahr war eine Gruppe von marxistischen Pro-Palästina-NGOs ………………….



Nancy Faeser ist die große Verliererin

Von Mario Thurnes So, 8. Oktober 2023

Boris Rhein (CDU) bleibt Ministerpräsident von Hessen. Er kann sich seinen Koalitionspartner aussuchen, vermutlich werden es wieder die Grünen. Die große Verliererin …………………….



Costco Is Selling Out of Gold Bars

The Economic Crisis Can No Longer Be Hidden By Daisy Luther

The Organic Prepper October 9, 2023

These days, at Costco, it seems like you can get whatever you need for the Zombie ………………………



Richard Medhurst: NATO is DONE as Russia Wins War of Attrition in Ukraine



Will There Be a 2024 Presidential Election?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 9, 2023

This question arises from the FBI’s designation of Donald Trump and the half or more of the American electorate that supports him as “domestic terrorists” who constitute a “persistent, ……………………



The Bottomless Swamp of Regulatory Capture

October 6, 2023 All this grift, graft, predatory pricing, price-fixing and parasitic monopolizing costs the public and the economy dearly.



No Farmers, No Food, No Future

Rationing, population control and reduced life expectancy beckon

07.10.2023 Elizabeth Nickson

All over the world, everywhere you look.




Analyse der Forschungsgruppe Wahlen – Rhein profitiert von einer „völlig indisponierten“ Faeser


Hessens Ministerpräsident Boris Rhein hat beim Landtagswahlsieg seiner CDU nach Einschätzung von Wahlforschern von der noch schlechteren Performance seiner SPD-Kontrahentin Nancy Faeser profitiert.




The World Order Already Changed in 2022

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org October 9, 2023

It is a constant of History: changes are rare, but sudden. Those who bear the brunt of them are generally the last to see them coming. They perceive them only too late. Contrary to the static ………………….



Rothbard on A Priori History

By David Gordon Mises.org October 9, 2023

Murray Rothbard is well-known as one of the greatest exponents of praxeology, which operates through a priori reasoning. He was careful, however, to distinguish praxeology from ……………………..



Auch nach diesem Blutbad kein Aufwachen?

Noch wirkt das Erschrecken über den mörderischen Hamas-Angriff auf Israel. Noch erklärt man sich solidarisch, doch bald werden die Gegenschläge bestimmt wieder als „unverhältnismäßig“ kritisiert, obwohl es für Israel immer ums Überleben geht. Aber das ist ……………………..



Taking a Closer Look at the Vaunted Scandinavian Welfare States

10/06/2023Lipton Matthews

Welfare states in Scandinavia are revered by the American Left. Many think that America could reduce social problems by copying their policies. To such people, the success of the ……………………..



Palestine Is Striking Back

October 5 2023:

More than 800 Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem on Thursday morning under the protection of Israeli forces.




Surprise Attack Stuns Israel; WaPo: Ukraine Despair War Unwinnable; EU Granada Summit Shambles



Were U.S. Weapons Sent to Ukraine Used in the Hamas Attack on Israel?

8 October 2023 by Larry Johnson

Hamas pulled off an alarming and surprising attack on Israeli military and civilian targets today, leaving more than two hundred Israelis dead and a large number being held as ……………………….



NATO is Done | Col. Larry Wilkerson



How Inflationary Money Causes the Affordability Crisis

Alex Voss 7.10.23

Affordable living is the topic of the day. Not only in the world of Mises.org but in everyday life. While inflation has fallen to some degree, it remains high and understated. While many …………………..



Inflation in Money or Prices? The Definition Matters

10/06/2023 Robert P. Murphy Andreas Granath

Andreas Granath is a recovering socialist who discovered the truth and beauty of Austrian economics and libertarianism. He joins Bob to discuss his recent article explaining the different definitions of „inflation“ and why it matters.



Dictatorship of Virtue (Signaling)

Reflections on Maximilien Robespierre and Russell Brand

By John Leake Courageous Discourse October 7, 2023

On the subject of fanatical, homicidal dictators, the talk usually turns to the 20th century’s dynamic duo of Hitler and Stalin. I have read multiple biographies of both. While both were ……………………..



Why a Global Government Is the Ultimate Goal of Billionaires

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com October 7, 2023

In the video above, Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen, a best-selling Norwegian novelist, explains how the European Union’s “Energy Performance of Buildings Directive” — the legislative ……………………



Yes, America Is Almost Entirely Captured by the Uniparty, and It’s Time to Fight Back

Rejecting this nefarious force starts with recognizing reality.

By Jordan Schachtel The Dossier October 7, 2023

In the aftermath of the House Speaker chaos that’s unfolded this week, we’re seeing lots of ……………………



Is Trudeau Selling Out Canada to the World Economic Forum

By Peter Koenig Global Research October 7, 2023

It has long been known that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a very special relationship with Klaus Schwab, CEO of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Trudeau is also one of Schwab’s ………………..



Kennedy Says He’ll End the Corrupt Merger of State and Corporate Power

What does that mean?, Aaron Good, 18.09.2023




Spies, Media, and the Assassination of Democracy

Why what the CIA did 60 years ago still matters , Aaron Good, 25.09.2023

As agents of the American Establishment, US media figures like Naomi Klein in The Guardian and Joan Walsh in The Nation have attacked Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential ……………………



How the CIA and Corporate Media Covered Up the JFK Assassination

Piecing together the dark shadow over the nation, Aaron Good, 05.10.2023




Klaus Schwab Song: You’ll Own Nothing, Be Happy…NO JOKE



More People Speaking Out Against The Covid Fraud; Kennedy Running as an Independent

By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live October 7, 2023

For the past three years—especially the first eighteen months of those three years—anyone who dared to speak out against the Covid fraud was forced to endure a painful price. …………………….



U.S. House of Reps Meltdown Puts Ukraine’s Future in Jeopardy

Simplicius The Thinker 07.10.2023

The things being set in motion right now could spell the abrupt end of the Ukrainian conflict. Of course, we’re not going to lean into that optimistic potential too heavily, because we all ……………………



Putin at Valdai, civilizational world order is here to stay



US Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Block Trump in 2024

The former president’s eligibility to be on 2024 presidential ballot is being challenged in a number of states. By Jack Phillips 10/2/2023

The U.S. Supreme Court on Oct. 2 declined to take a longshot challenge to former President ……………………



Ukraine: Financing The War About Hegemony

First some news bits about Ukraine. We will then come to the real issue the war is fought about.




Ray mcGovern and i discuss the Dire State of U.S. Intel on Ukraine, Explaining Why Hillary Clinton is Crazy

7 October 2023 by Larry Johnson

My apologies. There was a time in my distant past when I advocated for Hillary Clinton. Boy, ……………….



Ukrainian Nazis



Exclusive—Alex Marlow’s ‘Breaking Biden’: Joe Biden Covered for Brother Frank After He Was Involved in Fatal Hit-and-Run Car Crash

Berman Law Group; Newspapers.com; BNN Alexander Marlow 6 Oct 2023

During the course of research for Breaking Biden, my new book that was released earlier this ……………………….



Rus Defends Russians, Odessa Rus City; Medvedev: West Talks a Trap; Kiev Freaks Out US Aid Dwindles



Reaping What You Sow: The American Regime in Chaos

10/06/2023 Tho Bishop

The word “chaos” has been the buzzword this week in Washington, largely directed toward Rep. Matt Gaetz’s successful coup against former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and ……………………..



Dollarization Puts Foreign Economies at the Mercy of the US Regime

10/05/2023 Ryan McMaken

Argentinian presidential candidate Javier Milei—who could actually win in the general election later this month—has become famous for his fiery speeches and his libertarian ……………………….



A Machiavellian Perspective on the Debt Ceiling and Entitlement Programs

10/05/2023 Kyle Reynolds

Few historical figures are as infamous and controversial as Niccolò Machiavelli. Often reviled for his prescriptions of cruelty as a means of maintaining political power, Machiavelli gave us ……………………..



Dollarization Puts Foreign Economies at the Mercy of the US Regime

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org October 7, 2023

Argentinian presidential candidate Javier Milei—who could actually win in the general election later this month—has become famous for his fiery speeches and his libertarian ……………………..



And So It Begins… The Great Unraveling

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture October 7, 2023

The “Collective West” led by the chief imperialist power, the United States, is careening and buckling, the wayward collapse evident with each passing day.




Scott Ritter: THIS is Why the US Will LOSE Its War on China



The End of Zelenskyy Presidency? w/Scott Ritter



Can the States Save the Union?

By Gib Kerr October 6, 2023

Thousands of anti-war activists, including newspaper publishers and even priests, were imprisoned by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.  Lincoln’s Secretary of State William Seward oversaw a secret police force that arrested vast numbers of citizens for “disloyalty” …………………….






Hat’s Off to Matt Gaetz

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 6, 2023

Hat’s off to Matt Gaetz.  He has held the Republican Establishment accountable and removed their man from his position as Speaker of the House. Whatever the downside of Gaetz’s …………………….



Alan Dershowitz and Elon Musk on Free Speech and Anti-Semitism

by Alan M. Dershowitz October 6, 2023

No country in history has ever really tested free speech: has seen whether the marketplace of ideas works or whether we can really have a society without censorship; where every idea is tested only on its merits, rather than for political benefit. This cannot be a right-left issue. — Alan Dershowitz.




War Is a Racket: UK Advises Zelensky to Enlist Young Ukrainian Recruits as Arms Companies Ink Deals in Kiev

By Robert Bridge Strategic Culture October 6, 2023

As European defense companies ascend on Kiev in an effort to build ‘in-country’ weapon-manufacturing facilities, the rhetoric for enlisting more cannon fodder in the disastrous ……………………….



Ruling Class Plans To ‘Fix’ The Wealth Gap by Enslaving Everyone With CBDC

By Mac Slavo SHTFplan October 6, 2023

The ruling class often laments the “wealth gap”, which is strange considering they have given themselves permission to steal from the slave class. Now, they are using it as an excuse to ……………………….



Our Revolting Elites

October 4, 2023

The ‚revolt of the elites‘ has reversed the source of social disorder from the masses to the elites.



The Welfare-Warfare State’s War on Income and Savings

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation October 6, 2023

According to an article at CNBC.com, 60% of adults said they are living paycheck to paycheck. According to an article at Forbes.com, about a third of Americans were unable to ………………………




We Have Reached the Terminal Phase of the Greatest Debt Spiral in the History of the Human Race

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse October 6, 2023

If you are going to go out, you might as well do it with a bang.  At the beginning of June, our ……………………



Russia-China cooperation a key stabilizing factor of intl order, opposes Western colonial mentality, bloc-based strategies

By Deng Xiaoci  Published: Oct 06, 2023

Chinese observers commented on Friday that the US-led West’s defamation of China-Russia cooperation is a deliberate tactic in their public opinion warfare, and China and Russia are the …………………



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