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Derjenige, der zum ersten mal an Stelle eines Speeres ein Schimpfwort benutzte, war der Begründer der Zivilisation.

— Sigmund Freud

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Stahl-Legende Jürgen Großmann warnt in BILD„Stoppt die Ritter der Klima-Apokalypse“

Jürgen Großmann (71) war von 2007 bis 2012 Vorstandsvorsitzender der RWE AG

Von: Jürgen Großmann *16.10.2023 –




U.S. Deploys Large Force – Eyes On Syria

The U.S. has recently moved way too many troops to the Middle East to be of peaceful purpose or to simply deter others from action.




Israeli Bombing of Baptist Hospital — Intelligence Failure, a Mistake or Deliberate?

17 October 2023 by Larry Johnson

Naftali squeezed the toothpaste all over the counter and is now scrambling to stuff it back in the tube. Ain’t going to happen. Too late. Shortly after posting this X/Tweet, Naftali hurriedly …………………….



Prosecution of Trump Starts Global Contagion Using Criminal Charges to Prevent Elections

As we head into 2032, the United States has shown the world that you can rig elections using ……………………….



Making Money While Making Sense of Chaos: Understanding the World of the Traders

10/16/2023 Robert P. Murphy




Diving Deeper into the Fed’s Trillion Dollar Loss

10/14/2023 Robert P. Murphy Jonathan Newman

Jonathan Newman rejoins Bob to explore more of the mechanics and political implications of the Fed’s current state of insolvency.



Israel ist ein Crashtest für den Westen

Meiner Meinung nach war es sowohl die Ablenkung des Westens als auch die Ablenkung der israelischen Politiker, die die Hamas und ihre Unterstützer ermutigt haben, ihren Terrorkrieg zu beginnen. Der schwächelnde Westen braucht eine Strategie.




Eskalierende Gewalt von Hamas-Anhängern nach Beschuss eines Krankenhauses

Von Holger Douglas Mi, 18. Oktober 2023 Menschliche Katastrophe in Gaza-Krankenhaus




Impfopfer: Brandmauer im Untersuchungsausschuss

Vor dem Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss in Brandenburg offenbarte die PEI-Vertreterin erneut die inakzeptable Arbeitsweise ihrer Institution. Leider waren die Fragesteller den Vernebelungsmethoden der Verantwortlichen nicht gewachsen. Was die Aufklärer daraus …………………….



Ein verfassungswidriges Gesetz gegen die AfD

Di, 17. Oktober 2023

Die AfD erzwang, dass die Finanzierung politischer Stiftungen per Gesetz geregelt werden muss. Um sie weiter auszuschließen, wird ein offensichtlich verfassungswidriges Gesetz ………………………



On Centralization, Decentralization, and Self-Defense

By Hans-Hermann Hoppe October 18, 2023

States, regardless of their constitution, are not economic enterprises. In contrast to the latter, states do not finance themselves by selling products and services to customers who ……………………..



The Israelie State, Hamas, and All Governments Everywhere, Do not Give a Damn About ‘The People’

By Gary D. Barnett October 18, 2023

“You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the ……………………….



American Pravda: The Forgotten Anthrax Attacks

October 17, 2023 Ron Unz

We just recently passed the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the greatest terrorist strike in human history and an event whose political reverberations dominated world politics for ……………………..



Did a Nazi Leader Say Convincing People to Support War is ‚Simple‘?

David Mikkelson, 3.10.2002

Nazi Luftwaffe commander Hermann Goering was one of the highest-ranking Nazis who survived to be ………………….



Postcards from a Police State: 22 Years of Blowback from the USA Patriot Act

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute October 18, 2023

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you …………………….



Peter Schiff: Gold Rallies on Worse-Than-Expected Inflation News

SchiffGold.com October 18, 2023

After the CPI data came out last week, gold rallied. On his podcast, Peter Schiff talked about the rally and the trajectory of gold. He said we can expect even bigger moves up when the ……………………..



Archbishop Vigano to Americans: Fight Back Against the Satanic Globalist Elite Holding the US Hostage

In this spiritual battle, the globalist elite, however powerful it may seem, obeys Satan – the Adversary, the one who is a murderer from the beginning – while We the People, with all our weaknesses, are aligned ……………………..



US Proxy Wars: Israel Gears Up for Gaza Incursion as Initiative Passes to Russia in Ukraine



The Spirit of the Establishment Will Thrive under a „Populist Opposition“ Government

10/17/2023 Jeremy Powell

One of the most eventful things to have happened recently was from an unexpected source. The State Department and the intelligence apparatus didn’t initiate any coups somewhere in ………………………



Democracy, Shemocracy

By Karen Kwiatkowski October 17, 2023

It’s tough to get people to agree; it’s even tougher to get the minority to submit to their opposition.




From The Plague to Palestine

By Anthony Freda October 17, 2023

As the world seems about to embark on a global, military war on multiple fronts, maybe a line can be drawn from the plague of 2020 response to today.




Who do They Think They’re Kidding?

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com October 17, 2023

“After 2016, the national security state, the foreign policy establishment, & the gov’t-funded NGO-plex orgs redefined the word “democracy”: it no longer meant a consensus of individuals, it meant a consensus of institutions.” —Mike Benz




Pfizer May Go Bankrupt, Financial Markets Realize

Pfizer’s Greed and Recklessness Will Catch Up with Them. That Happened to Purdue Pharma

16.10.2023 Igor Chudov




Israel is Committing an Epic War Crime with US Backing and US Arms

By Dave Lindorff This Cant Be Happening! October 17, 2023

When the US was bombing levees and hospitals in North Vietnam and peasants in their rice ……………………



Pulling the Roof Down on Today’s Paradigm

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture October 17, 2023

I wrote last week that the root to the current U.S. conflict with Russia was the omission, at the end of WW2, of a written treaty setting out the boundary and definition of western ‘interests’, ……………………



Can Israel manage a multi-front war? | Col. Larry Wilkerson



It’s Only a War Crime When Russia Does It

By Martin Armstrong  Armstrong Economics October 17, 2023

The people stuck in Gaza will suffer. Israel and Hamas are using the Palestinian people as ……………………….



The Woke Agenda: Follow the Money

By Jeff Einstein Wash. Rinse. Repeat October 17, 2023

The agitprop theater of the absurd — AKA the Woke Agenda — is little more than a gigantic money laundering scheme for the Western world’s oldest, most powerful, and most dangerous




Let’s Look at the Financial Flight to Quality From Israel/Hamas

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns October 17, 2023

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,



Scott Ritter: The Revenge – No Mercy!!



Israel Blows Up Hamas Secret Tunnels In Gaza | Egypt Refusing To Help Palestine



US Proxy Wars: Israel Gears Up for Gaza Incursion as Initiative Passes to Russia in Ukraine



Hamas’s Victory

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute October 17, 2023

Those who called Hamas’s attack on Israel “Israel’s 9/11” were more accurate than they realized. Just as the US reacted to 9/11 by fulfilling Osama bin Laden’s wish that the US ……………………



US Aid is Destroying Ukraine. w/ Ray McGovern, Fmr.. CIA Intel




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