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The only security of all is in a free press.

— Thomas Jefferson

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Ob Halloween, „Pro-Palästinenser“-Demo oder sonst ein Auflauf: nichts mehr ohne Gewalt

Do, 2. November 2023

„Spaßrandale“ (Copyright GdP) ist in diesen Zeiten wohl ein mehr als gewagtes Wort, wo doch Gewalt so sehr zum täglichen Ereignis gerät, dass Straßenkrieg die angemessenere …………………



Wir hatten Sie gewarnt!

Frühe Warnungen vor Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der ungesteuerten Zuwanderung wurden von der Politik und ihren medialen Claqueuren in den Wind geschlagen und die Kritiker ……………………..



Ein Platz für Juden

Jüdisches Leben hat in Deutschland Hochkonjunktur. Da trifft es sich vielleicht gut, dass ein ehemaliges Herrenvolk mit Erfahrung in Sachen Völkerkunde für Betreuung und sichere Aufzucht sorgt.




The Israel-Gaza War & US Policy Toward It

By Glenn Greenwald Greenwald.com November 2, 2023



Rise of BlackRock and Fascism in the US

By Doug Casey International Man November 2, 2023

International Man: With nearly $10 trillion in assets under management (AUM), BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager.




Standing Against the Totalitarian Horde at Home and Abroad

By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner November 2, 2023

A few weeks ago a close acquaintance of mine wrote an impassioned letter intended for publication in a South Carolina newspaper. Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, his letter was ………………….



NATO Provoked Putin: Stoltenberg ‘Comes Clean’ on the Ukraine War. ‘The War Started in 2014’

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark and Prof Michel ChossudovskyGlobal Research November 2, 2023




Ampel beschließt noch mehr Milliarden für die Energiewende

Do, 2. November 2023

Die Ampel will bis zu 5,5 Milliarden Euro aus dem Wirtschaftsstabilisierungsfonds den Netzentgelten zufließen lassen, um weiter steigende Strompreise zu verhindern. Bereits für …………………..



Jack Smith’s War on Free Speech: Attorney General Garland Should Rein in His Special Counsel

By Jonathan Turley JonathanTurley.org November 2, 2023

Below is my column in The Messenger on the renewed effort of Special Counsel Jack Smith ……………………



Nakba 2.0 Revives the Neocon Wars

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture November 2, 2023

The Israel vs. Arab Children War, which doubles as the Hegemon vs. Axis of Resistance War, both a sub-branch of the NATO vs. Russia and NATO vs. China War, is veering totally out of ……………….



Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It’s Time to Recalibrate the Government

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute November 2, 2023

“There is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak ………………….



Canadian Digital Protectionism Gravely Threatens Free Speech

10/30/2023 Walid Tamtam

In 2023, Canada’s parliament passed two significant pieces of legislation, Bills C-11 and C-18, both of which have stirred debates and concerns regarding their potential impact on online ………………..



Irre ist das neue Normal (5): Die Grenzenlose

Die EKD-Ratsvorsitzende Annette Kurschus findet, dass wir eine Grenze zur Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen „noch lange nicht erreicht haben“. Dabei gibt es schon bei uns mehr als genügend Menschen in Not. Wäre das nicht ein Gelände, auf dem sich die christliche ……………………



Die Gefahren des modRNA-Impfstoffs

Von Jakob Fröhlich Mi, 1. November 2023

Ein Forscher-Team vermutet, dass die Spikes, die nach der mRNA-Impfung gebildet werden, weitaus gefährlicher wirken können als die vorübergehende Spike-Exposition nach Infektion. …………………



The Counterculture Everyone Forgot

October 29, 2023

Rather than mocking the Counterculture, we would benefit from re-acquiring its values that favored frugality and the ownership of skills, work, enterprise and land.



Israel Faces Mounting Diplomatic Isolation While Ukraine Goes Begging

1 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

Okay. So Israel is snug in bed covered with a thick blanket of U.S. dollars. That is the good news. Whatever progress Israel is making on the ground in Gaza is being offset by diplomatic ………………..



TIME Magazine Profile Depicts Grim Führerbunker-Stage of Zelensky’s Conflict

Simplicius The Thinker 02.11.2023

The talk of the blogosphere is the new devastating TIME magazine profile on Zelensky which paints the most grim, 1945 Führerbunker portrait of Zelensky yet. Bernhard covers it …………………….



There is no “Good Guy” in War

Referring to Mr Armstrong’s blog post on Mr Musk’s Starlink provision of services in Gaza. Mr. Armstrong would do well to do sufficient due diligence before cavalierly accusing Israel of war crimes/crimes when r humanity. In fact, Musk was in touch with Israel’s Shin Bet ……………………



Don’t Fall for Biden’s Latest Talking Point

11/01/2023 Connor O’Keeffe

As the long-hyped Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia stalls and a new war in Gaza draws the world’s attention, American support for funding Kyiv’s war has waned. In an effort …………………..



Israel Gaza Offensive, Biden Doubts, No Plan; Zelensky Zaluzhny Quarrel, Rus Tightens Grip Avdeyevka



We Are Ruled by Sociopaths and Morons

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com November 1, 2023

The response to the Gaza crisis from western leaders and media outlets and celebrities shows very clearly that we really are led by the least among us. The least wise. The least intelligent. ……………



World War III – It’s Inevitable

Mr. Armstrong;

It is safe to say that nobody can hold a light to Socrates. Nobody has forecast war three years in advance as you did in 2011. Nobody has predicted a Middle East War in advance as you …………………..



Elf Soldaten getötetIsrael beklagt „harten Schlag“ nach Kämpfen im Gazastreifen


Laut IDF befinden sich israelische Soldaten in „verschiedenen Teilen des nördlichen Gazastreifens“.




Israeli Ground Operations Begin in Gaza as Wider US-led Regional War Looms



US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Israel War



Reality’s Resolute Breakthrough | Ray McGovern





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