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Der Neid galt einst als eine der sieben Todsünden, bevor er unter neuem Namen zu einer der am meisten bewunderten Tugenden wurde. ‚Soziale Gerechtigkeit‘.

— Thomas Sowell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Milei mit der Kettensäge wird Präsident

Von Marco Gallina Mo, 20. November 2023

Liberalisiertes Waffenrecht, Abschaffung unzähliger Ministerien, Auflösung der Zentralbank, Kampf gegen „linke Parasiten“ – der neue argentinische Präsident Javier Milei erscheint wie ……………………



The Pentagon Fails Another Audit – Trillions Missing

They say the Pentagon is the government’s favorite money laundering tool for a reason. It is comical that they even attempt to audit the Pentagon when they know the agency will fail miserably. The government spent $187 million to conduct the meaningless audit at 700 ……………………….



Driving Up Fatalities: Why Flight Vaccine Mandates Would (Likely) Backfire

11/18/2023 Jimmy Alfonso Licon

During the height of the covid-19 pandemic, some politicians and voters advocated for covid …………………….



Rothbard, Milei and the New Right in Argentina

11/20/2023 Fernando Chiocca

Since I recognized almost twenty years ago that no person or institution has the right to initiate aggression, now is the first time I can tell a normie what my political stance is without ………………….



The Irrepressible Rothbard

Essays of Murray N. Rothbard Edited by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


Well, they finally got David Duke. But he sure scared the bejesus out of them. It took a ……………………..



Diese Regierung hat abgewirtschaftet – ein Übergangskabinett muss her

Von Roland Tichy Di, 21. November 2023

Ganz einfach: diese Regierung ist pleite. Sie kann ihre Fehler nur durch Schuldenmacherei …………………..



We Must Demand Justice for the January 6th Protestors!

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute November 21, 2023

New US House Speaker Mike Johnson struck a blow for liberty and justice last week when he finally authorized the release of all the tapes from the January 6, 2021 “insurrection.” We …………………



Peter Schiff: A Soft Landing Is Impossible

SchiffGold.com November 21, 2023

The latest buzzword in the mainstream financial media is “soft landing.” Everybody seems ……………………..



Biden Signs Funding Bill Omitting Ukraine

by Angeline Tan November 20, 2023

On November 16, President Joe Biden signed a stopgap spending bill into law, thus forestalling an impending government shutdown. The limited appropriation of funds, which ……………………



What’s It Take To Be Middle Class Now?

November 17, 2023

Can an economy in which 10% of the households qualify as middle class claim to offer widespread opportunities for secure prosperity? No, it cannot.



The JFK Assassination at 60: The Public Knows the Truth – Why Won’t the Media Report It?

By David Talbot, columnist, The Kennedy Beacon  20.11.2023

The official story of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination is finally falling apart, nearly ………………………



Media Ruled by Robust PsyOp Alliance

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com November 21, 2023

In an April 3, 2023, Substack article,1 investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger exposes Renée DiResta as one of the key architects behind the censorship industrial complex (a term ………………..



Why Governments Have Replaced God with Global Warming

By J.B. Shurk

For millennia, monarchs ruled by some form of divine right. If not asserting god-like powers, they claimed to be acting as God’s emissaries here on Earth. You can imagine the effect this ……………………



The Campaign for the Destruction of the West Has Succeeded

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org November 21, 2023

Here is my friend, Balint Vazsonyi, concert pianist, playing Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto, my favorite rendition. Balint escaped from Soviet Hungary during the defeated ……………………..



Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic?

Michael Hudson • November 17, 2023

If the prophets of ancient Israel such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi and Amos were alive today, Benjamin Netanyahu would accuse them of anti-Semitism for daring to describe his government as a travesty of what the Mosaic covenant was all about. A common thread …………………



Protecting Our Soldiers

from PTSD and suicide Francis Christian 17.11.2023

The Geneva Convention stipulates what have been called, “the rules of war.” Several articles of the Geneva Convention describe the protection of civilians (i.e. children, women and non-……………………



Lauterbachs Märchen vom leistungslosen Erbe

Lauterbach nennt Erbe „leistungslos“. Deine Lebensleistung soll nicht deinen Kindern gehören. Die deutsche Regierung verachtet die Deutschen inzwischen offen. Das müssen wir als Wahrheit akzeptieren – doch wir dürfen uns damit nicht abfinden.




A Strategy for the Right

03/09/2010 Murray N. Rothbard

What I call the Old Right is suddenly back! The terms „old“ and „new“ inevitably get confusing, with a new „new“ every few years, so let’s call it the „Original“ Right, the right ………………….



The Tunnels of the Al Qassam Brigade

20 November 2023

A fascinating and informative documentary. If Israeli intelligence analysts had any doubt about the scope and scale of this tunnels, this video will erase those. It looks like Israel got …………………..



A Look At Others‘ Notes On Ukraine

The war in Ukraine is currently in a rather quiet phase, mostly because of bad weather with heavy rain and snow.




Avdeyevka Crumbles, Rus Takes Industrial Zone, Railway; Zaluzhny Target Kiev Purge; Rus 5% Growth



Russo-Ukrainian War: The Reckoning

Ukraine at the limits, Big Serge, 15.11.2023

The Last Argument of Kings




Scott Ritter: Israel has no answer for guerrilla tactics with offensive tunnels of Ham*s



Ray McGovern (fmr CIA): From Cold War to Cyber War: The Evolving Role of CIA Spying



Ein Land in der Krise wählt den Neuanfang

Argentiniens designierter Präsident Javier Milei rückt an die Spitze eines Landes, das unter einer hohen Inflation ächzt und in dem viele Menschen Angst um ihre Zukunft haben. Vor …………………..



Capitalism: True and False

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. November 20, 2023

Hanne Nabintu Herland’s The Billionaire World: How Marxism serves the Elite (2023) is a vital book that will help you understand what is going on in the world today. It will also help …………………



Scott Ritter: „Israel has dug it’s over grave.. They will not exist in 20 years!..“



Speaker Johnson’s First and Last Hurrah

By David Stockman November 20, 2023

It’s a good thing the House GOP elected a “real” Republican leader the other day. In his debut …………………



Hamas has unleashed the West’s monsters

Jacob Howland is Provost and Director of the Intellectual Foundations Program at UATX, commonly known as the University of Austin. His latest book is Glaucon’s Fate: History, ……………………



War is Always Justified

Charles Eisenstein 18.11.2023

I just heard someone say, “One war crime does not justify another.” My reflex as a peace ……………………



U.S.-China Reset? Biden Offers Hand of Friendship to Xi While Holding Enmity in the Other

Strategic Culture Foundation November 20, 2023

Despite the hype in the U.S. media about their much-anticipated summit in California this ……………………



“A Dictatorship Without Tears”

Aldous Huxley’s prescient 1961 speech

By John Leake Courageous Discourse November 20, 2023

In 1961, President Eisenhower gave his famous “Military-Industrial Complex” Farewell …………………..



The Greatness of Tom DiLorenzo

By Tom Woods November 20, 2023

Author and retired economics professor Tom DiLorenzo, recently chosen to be the new president of the Mises Institute, discusses a variety of topics: how government agencies ……………………



Douglas Macgregor Interview – Ukraine is defeated | A disaster for Israel



My New Book „Pipe the Bimbo in Red“

New Orleans and the JFK assassination, Donald Jeffries 17.11.2023

As most of you know, I have been researching the JFK assassination now for close to fifty years. I started out working as a teenage volunteer for Mark Lane’s Citizens Committee of ……………………….



Israel Doesn’t Have a Gen-Z Problem, It Has a Morality Problem

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com November 20, 2023

Nobody starts out as the sort of person who would support a genocidal bombing campaign that murders children by the thousands. It’s something you come into gradually over the …………………….



The Bottom 80% Has Gotten Signifcantly Poorer Since the Pandemic Began

This Is Creating A “Robin Hood Mentality” All Over America

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse November 20, 2023

The rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer, and this is causing all sorts of societal problems.  Thanks to social media, the poor can see the incredible affluence …………………



Douglas Macgregor Interview – US casualties | Israel never agree to a ceasefire



New J6 Footage Shows Capital Police May Have Incited Riot by Firing Munitions Into Peaceful Crowd

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge November 20, 2023

House Speaker Mike Johnson has released over 40,000 hours of J6 footage including capitol police body cam footage to the public in the interests of transparency, an action which should …………………….



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