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Wahnsinn bei Individuen ist selten, aber in Gruppen, Nationen und Epochen die Regel.

— Friedrich Nietzsche

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Vor Grünenparteitag Baerbock und Habeck geben Parteiämter ab

Vizekanzler Robert Habeck und Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock werden nicht mehr für den Parteirat der Grünen kandidieren. Offenbar auch, um eine Abstimmung über ihre Personen durch die Parteibasis zu vermeiden. 22.11.2023




On ‚Sub-Imperial Power‘ (by Arnaud Bertrand)

(reproduced with the author’s permission)

I just finished reading “Sub-Imperial Power” by Clinton Fernandes, a former Australian intelligence officer and now professor of international and political studies at the University ………………..



Ukr Hard Day: Avdeyevka Cauldron, Kherson Bridgehead Cut Off, Wilders Wins; Biden BRICS Gaza Plan



Today Is the Best Day of the Year to Rob a Bank

11/22/2023 Jane L. Johnson

Depression-era bank robber Willie Sutton, when asked why he robbed banks, replied, ………………….



Mit weniger Steuern mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit?

Meistens werden Steuersenkungen als Vorteil für die Reichen denunziert. Tatsächlich sind nicht die Armen die Verlierer, denn alle Bürger profitieren von einer blühenden Wirtschaft und mehr Geld im eigenen Portemonnaie. Der einzige Verlierer ist der Staat, der Macht und ………………….



Ausgestoßene der Woche: Von Storch und den Mann beim Namen nennen

Weil Beatrix von Storch in einer Bundestagsrede das Grünen-MdB Tessa Ganserer bei seinem bürgerlichen Vornamen Markus nannte und korrekt als Mann bezeichnete, kassierte sie – ……………..



X klagt erneut gegen NGO

Von David Boos Fr, 24. November 2023

Mit einer „thermonuklearen Klage“ will sich US-Multimilliardär und X-Besitzer Elon Musk ………………..



Can Econometric Models Provide a Laboratory Setting for Economic Analysis?

11/21/2023Frank Shostak

Econometric model building attempts to produce a laboratory with controlled variables. By means of mathematical and statistical methods, an economist establishes functional ………………….



Die Folgen der Haushaltskrise: Vom Staatsbankrott zum Demokratieversagen

Do, 23. November 2023

Die Ampel hat Deutschland in die erste Haushaltskrise seit Bestehen der Republik geführt. Es ………………



Christian Lindner bricht die Schuldenbremse

Von Marco Gallina Do, 23. November 2023 Tiefpunkt einer Karriere

Alles wie immer: Trotz aller Ankündigungen reißt Christian Lindner nun auf grünen Druck …………………….



Bei Illner: Milliardenbetrug und positive Fehlerkultur

Von Elisa David Fr, 24. November 2023

Diese Sendung zeigt: Die aktuelle Haushaltskrise ist nur ein weiteres Kapitel, eine weitere Krise, die die Ampel unbeschadet überstehen wird. Sie werden keine Lehre daraus ziehen, …………………



The CIA, MI6, and Mossad’s Failed Coup in Moscow and the Collapse of NATO! Britain’s Elite and Their Secret Satanic Rituals Exposed in Shocking Detail!

Posted by Brandon Campbell 23.11.23

In the shadowy corridors of power, where the fate of nations is decided, a startling truth ……………



JFK 60 Years On – Inside OffG’s Archive

Kit Knightly

Today marks 60 years since the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, and the last of any worth or note.




The Darkly Brilliant and Ingenious Aspects of the Kennedy Assassination

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation November 24, 2023

There were two darkly brilliant and ingenious aspects of the national-security establishment’s assassination of President John F. Kennedy sixty years ago today — November 22, 1963.




The Fat, Drunk Victims of America 2.0

Donald Jeffries, From the JFK Assassination to the Victimhood Industry, 22.11.2023

Sixty years ago today, President John F. Kennedy was murdered in broad daylight, in Dallas, Texas, the home state of his vice president. Where the mayor was the brother of a high




Calls Mount for Klaus Schwab’s Arrest as WEF Whistleblower Exposes Agenda

The walls are closing in on World Economic Forum (WEF) Chairman Klaus Schwab after an insider has blown the whistle and accused the globalist organization and its leader of “crimes against humanity.”




Young People Dying of Cancer at ‘Explosive’ Rates, UK Government Data Show

An analysis of U.K. government data shows an unprecedented increase in cancer deaths among 15- to 44-year-olds following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, according to a new report by data analyst Edward ……………………



Lloyd Austin and Richard Haass Refuse to Admit Ukraine’s Defeat

23 November 2023 by Larry Johnson

I realize this is a bit of old news, but recent comments by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Richard Haass, long-term diplomat and former head of the Council on Foreign Relations, …………………….



Napoleon: Europe’s First Egalitarian Despot

11/22/2023 Ryan McMaken

With the release of Ridley Scott’s new film Napoleon, viewers encounter a cinematic version of Napoleon caught up in a tumultuous romance against the backdrop of the upheavals of the …………………..



Rachel Blevins, Hostage Deal Shows ‚Israel Is Not Winning‘ w/ Scott Ritter



Europe Plunges Into Chaos After Germany Freezes Public Spending Following Shock Top Court Decision

by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Nov 22, 2023

Europe, already sliding into a stagflationary recession, is about to unleash the same crushing …………………..



Use of Children in Propaganda

By Doug Casey International Man November 23, 2023

International Man: Throughout history, governments have always used propaganda to drum up support for war. Often, their atrocity propaganda features children to get the maximum ……………………….



Douglas Macgregor: Saudi Arabia sent an ultimatum to Israel, the whole Middle East will destroy them



Israel Has Lost the Propaganda War

By Helena Glass Helena-The Nationalist Voice November 23, 2023

Germany’s Baerbock,  “ceasefire would leave Israel unable to defend itself against Hamas.” …………………..



White House Fears Pause in Fighting Will Let Journalists Wee What’s Been Happening in Gaza

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com November 23, 2023




Anonymous – This will Change How You See Everything … (2023-2024)

By Madge Waggy Sevenwop.home.blog November 23, 2023

In the intricate web of global politics and economics, certain figures and organizations cast ………………



Media Matters and the Fake News Era Go to Court

The X/Twitter lawsuit against David Brock’s media arm could become a referendum on the fake news era

Matt Taibbi 21.11.2023




JFK, MLK, RFK, More Than 50 Years of Suppressed History

By Elizabeth Nickson Global Research November 23, 2023

On November 22, 2023, we commemorate the passing of JFK. November 22, 1963, the assassination of JFK in Dallas, Texas. Sixty years ago. 




Islam vs. The West: Conflict Unfortunately Seems Inevitable

by Drieu Godefridi November 23, 2023 To many on the so-called „Left“, it sometimes appears as if there is no insurmountable conflict between Islam and the West, or between any differing cultures, just old bits of conflict inherited from an obscure past, which will …………………..



Israel’s ceasefire conceals a bigger threat

Thomas Fazi is an UnHerd columnist and translator. His latest book is The Covid Consensus, co-authored with Toby Green. America is being dragged into a global war. November 23, 2023.




Col. Douglas Macgregor: Israel’s will have to surrender or use NUKES! Road to WW3″



„This Is Going To Expose Everything“: Mike Lindell Says Georgia Voting Machine Ruling „Opened The Door That No Man Can Shut“

by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Nov 22, 2023




Will Russia-China Strategic Patience Extinguish the Fire in West Asia?

By Pepe Escobar Sputnik News November 23, 2023

Once upon a time, by the Don river, in the southern steppes of what today is still known as “Ukraine”, the Great King of Persia, the mighty Darius, leading the most powerful army ever …………….



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