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Eine ehemalige FDJ-Sekretärin für Agitation und Propaganda ist heute Kanzlerin. Hätten Sie das für möglich gehalten?

— Oskar Lafontaine (2008)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

My Speech To A Seminar on Multipolarity

5 December 2023 by Larry Johnson

[The following is the written speech I presented today at gathering of patriots from different ………………….



Rus Advances Bakhmut, Liman, Avdeyevka; UK: Marinka Falling: Zaluzhny: Ukr Needs 17M Shells, $400B



Updates: Ukraine Funding Again Collapses as Increasingly Isolated Zelensky Grows Despondent

Simplicius The Thinker 06.12.2023

I wanted to try to write a shorter update today so as to not overload those who may still be ……………



US Seeking Plausible Deniability as US-Armed Israel Erases Gaza



We the People vs. the Sheeple

A complex love/hate relationship, Donald Jeffries, 04.12.2023

Despite my self-evident cynicism and my reflexive skepticism, I am basically a trusting soul. Even though I know how corrupt and unreliable so many people are, still I instinctually give ……………………..



Demanding Solutions From Others To Cure the World’s Ills Is Cowardice in the Presence of Tyranny

By Gary D. Barnett December 6, 2023

“Most civilisation is based on cowardice. It’s so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice. You water down the standards which would lead to bravery. You restrain the will. You regulate the ………………..



The Hard Evidence Is in: The Covid ‚Vaccine‘ Is a Killer

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 6, 2023

Barry Young, a statistician and database administrator with the New Zealand health ministry, released official information revealing the spike in deaths from the Covid-19 vaccination ……………………



The Horrors in Gaza Are Happening Because the Empire Wants Them To Happen

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com December 6, 2023

I came across an interesting quote made last month by a retired Israeli major general named Yitzhak Brick about the ongoing IDF assault on Gaza.




We Are Witnessing an Avalanche of Branch Closings as U.S. Banks Desperately Try To Stay Alive

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse December 6, 2023

If you do things the right way, in the long run you will get positive results.  But if you do things the wrong way, in the long run you will get negative results.  Our banks are the beating ………………….



EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Cardinal Müller also believes the elites are committing a ‚genocide‘ by promoting abortion and euthanasia. The German cardinal said many globalists believe that there are ‚too many‘ people on Earth who are causing ‚climate damage.‘ Mon Dec 4, 2023 –




Abolish the FTC

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation December 6, 2023

The FTC’s current lawsuit against Amazon is a perfect example of the statist mentality that …………………



Hunter Biden Sent ‚Direct Monthly Payments‘ To Joe Via Account Paid From ‚China And Other Shady Corners Of The World‘

by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Dec 05, 2023 –

Hunter Biden sent monthly payments to his father out of a bank account he used to receive …………………



Douglas Macgregor: Russia’s always been an power and losing is the end for Ukraine & NATO in 2024



Scott Ritter: „NATO is an empty shell, use Ukraine & Israel as vehicles for a big war Russian H@mas“



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