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Eine Finanzkrise ist nicht ein Marktversagen, sondern ein Versagen des Staates, seiner Gesetze, seiner Verordnungen und seiner Aufsichtsaufgaben.

— Fürst Hans-Adam II. von Liechtenstein

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Sogar für Zweitfrauen gibt es Bürgergeld! | Achtung, Reichelt! vom 14. Dezember 2023



The ‚Biden Border Crisis‘ Comes to the Big Apple

by Lawrence Kadish December 14, 2023

You could not blame Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams, or anyone else, if — as …………………..



Ukraine: My Chat With The duran

14 December 2023 by Larry Johnson

I am honored and humbled by the various invitations I receive to appear on podcasts where I …………………….



Putin’s Q&A and Some Revealing Article Roundups on AFU’s Deterioration

Simplicius The Thinker15.12.2023

Putin held his annual Q&A today, where he made some interesting new statements which I’ll first go over.




President Biden Is Wrong. Military Spending Does Not Produce Wealth

12/14/2023 Mihai Macovei

So far, the White House has justified its unwavering support for Ukraine on lofty grounds ……………………



Will Powell’s Pivot Bail Out Biden?

12/13/2023 Tho Bishop

For the last few years, Jerome Powell has remained constant: the Fed was ready to do anything necessary until inflation returned to its 2% target.

Today, Powell blinked.




Die Luft wird dünner für Joe Biden

Von Susanne Heger Fr, 15. Dezember 2023

Nachdem sein Sohn Hunter sich am Mittwoch weigerte, der Vorladung vor den Ermittlungsausschuss des Kongresses zu folgen, stimmten die republikanischen Abgeordneten für einen Untersuchungsausschuss, um den Präsidenten Joe Biden des Amtes zu entheben.




BRICS and the Resistance Axis: a Convergence of Goals

By Pepe Escobar The Cradle December 15, 2023

MOSCOW – Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a notable pit stop in the UAE and Saudi Arabia to meet, respectively, Emirati President Mohammad bin Zayed (MbZ) and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) before flying back to Moscow to meet Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.




Same Ol Song and Dance, ‚Don’t Fear the Reaper!‘

By Capt. Randall December 15, 2023

10,000 years ago, give or take, wolves fed on the offal thrown from caves and became domesticated…Recently scientists found a genetic change that turned the once noble ……………………..



Who will punish the corrupt? Contemplations on Plato at this late date

And an NYPD cop I once knew. He worked with the real Serpico. Jon Rappoport 14.12.2023

As forces move in to try to kill America by turning every decent value on its head, inverting ……………………….



Will the Corrupt US Department of Jusice Be Held Accountable?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 15, 2023

It is a paradox that Jack Smith, who in my opinion has less integrity than the infamous Stalinist prosecutor Andrey Vyshinsky who prosecuted Stalin’s show trials of the Bolsheviks, …………………….



Financial Elites Take One Back – The IMF’s Argentina Coup

By Phil Butler New Eastern Outlook  December 15, 2023

Within hours of Javier Milei’s election win over Argentinian President Alberto Fernández, Latin America’s 3rd largest economic power withdrew its petition to join the BRICS. …………………….



Running On Empty, the US Leaves Zelenskyy Hanging

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns December 15, 2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made one last ditch effort to plead for US monetary and military support for the war against Russia. President “Biden” all but …………………….



Gläubiger von windeln.de SE stimmen Insolvenzplan zu

Marc Nemitz | 12.12.2023




Gaza Is Deliberately Being Made Uninhabitable

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com December 15, 2023

Infectious diseases are tearing through Gaza, whose healthcare system has been rendered ………………………



Archbishop Viganò: ‚False Prophet‘ Bergoglio Is Guilty of ‚All-Out-Apostasy‘

By Stephen Kokx Lifesite News December 15, 2023

‘We have all sorts of hair-splitting about the distinctions between formal and material heresy, …………………..



Underestimating Debt Traps

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney December 15, 2023

The sharp decline in US Treasury bond yields anticipates a pivot in Fed policy, which appeared to be justified this week by Chairman Powell’s dovish tone. But in truth, the Fed is not in control of events.




MDR-Reportage über den Impfstoff-Skandal

Do, 14. Dezember 2023 Parallelen zur Contergan-Katastrophe

Ein Recherche-Team des MDR hat das Thema DNA-Verunreinigung der modRNA-Impfstoffe angepackt, wohl mit dem Ziel, eine neue Verschwörungstheorie von Impfgegnern …………………….



Accepting Defeat In Ukraine

In early November the Economist published an interview and several pieces by the commander in chief of the Ukrainian army, General Zaluzny. As I summarized:

Zaluzny’s central thesis is that the war is currently at a stalemate. It has become positional, with no large ……………….



China’s super-rich are fleeing to Singapore

Jeevan Vasagar reports on climate change and the environment for Tortoise. He is also a ………………………..



Another U.S. Spy for Cuba

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation December 14, 2023

U.S. spies for Cuba are in the news. Last week, U.S. officials announced the arrest of Victor Manuel Rocha, 73, a former U.S. ambassador, on charges of having spied for Cuba since the ……………………..



Israel is Losing the World – Ukraine Needs Negotiations | Col. Larry Wilkerson



Top-Beamtin aus Finanzministerium gab Hochvermögenden Steuertipps

Einer ZDF-Doku zufolge soll eine hochrangige Mitarbeiterin des Bundesfinanzministeriums Hinweise zur Steuervermeidung gegeben haben. Der Fall ereignete sich auf einer Konferenz …………………



Douglas Macgregor: ISRAEL has crossed the Muslim red line, they must be eliminated by Middle East



Greatest risk for US businesses comes from within Capitol Hill

Global Times editorial, By Global Times Published: Dec 13, 2023

On December 12, the US and the global business community once again experienced a wave of shock. The US House „Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United ……………………



Should the States Form New Unions?

By J.B. Shurk December 14, 2023

States should dissolve the federal government and form new unions.  Is that such an awful thing to say?  The colonies came together voluntarily, and the states should be permitted to …………………..



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