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Die Inflation ist die einzige Steuer, die nicht vom Parlament verabschiedet werden muss.

— Milton Friedman

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die Naiven, die Achtlosen und die Kaltblütigen. Eine Theorieerweiterung des Interventionismus

  1. Januar 2024 – Thorsten Polleit

Sozialistische Ideen haben wieder Hochkonjunktur – man denke nur einmal an den „Great ………………..



Ein Hamas-Terrornetzwerk in Europa

Eine Hamas-Zelle wurde in Deutschland eingerichtet, um dort Anschläge zu verüben. Das europäische Terrornetzwerk zeigt, dass die Hamas nicht nur eine Bedrohung für Israel, sondern auch für Europa und Amerika darstellt.




Unwort des Jahres 2013 bis 2023 – vielsagend!

These: Das „Unwort des Jahres“ ist ein genialer, subversiver Akt, der ein wichtiges Thema einer breiten Öffentlichkeit näherbringt. Man kämpft mit Mitteln der Propaganda gegen diese. Und für 2023 will man eben „Remigration“ bekannt machen.




Gerrymandering – Are All Elections Fraudulent?

Marty, Just like leading the country in election cheating (this isn’t a great site to reference, but it does list some of the “irregularities”




Republikaner-Vorwahlen in Iowa: Trump gewinnt in allen 99 Wahlbezirken

Von Susanne Heger Di, 16. Januar 2024 Sieg mit historischem Vorsprung




New War Drums Chill Europe with Renewed „Putin Invasion“ Fears

Simplicius The Thinker 16.01.2024

The drumbeats of war have grown louder. The past few weeks have seen a slew of highly coordinated and non-accidental warnings about a major European war looming on the ……………………



Die Welt steht still und schweiget

Von Peter Hahne Mo, 15. Januar 2024

Der sächsische Landesbischof fordert ein AfD-Verbot. Die evangelische Kirche des Rheinlandes warnt vor dem Rechtsextremismus im Allgemeinen und der AfD im Besonderen. ………………….



Das Ende der Protestwoche ist Beginn, nicht Schluss der Mittelstandsrevolte

Di, 16. Januar 2024

Das Ende der Protestwoche ist Beginn, nicht Schluss der Mittelstandsrevolte. Was freie Unternehmer, Gastwirte, Handwerker, Spediteure, Jäger und andere Bürger an Wut und …………………..



Was steht in Davos auf der Agenda?

Beim Weltwirtschaftsforum diskutieren Führungskräfte aus Politik, Konzernen und Stiftungen über Zukunftspläne, die bespielsweise in der EU im Anschluss auch gerne in Gesetze ……………………….



Congress Asleep as Biden Makes War on Yemen

By Ron Paul, MD The Ron Paul Institute January 16, 2024

Late last week President Biden started a new US war on the tiny country of Yemen. US warships and fighter jets launched more than a hundred missiles at the country in a massive …………………..



A Philosophical View of Immigration and ‚Open‘ Borders

By Gary D. Barnett January 16, 2024

“The system of private property is the most important guaranty of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not.”

Friedrich August von Hayek




Gaza War: It isn’t Over Until it is Over

by Amir Taheri January 7, 2024

The usual suspects in the Middle East peacemaking industry are already beginning to recycle their old and discredited ideas. President Joe Biden, sounding like a dummy for the ……………………….



The December Jobs Report Is Mostly Bad News

01/13/2024 Ryan McMaken

According to a new report from the federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics last Friday, the US economy added 216,000 jobs for the month while the unemployment rate held ……………………..



Time Is Running Out for Construction Loans

01/12/2024 Doug French

Back when I was a construction lender, I thought the perfect construction loan would pay off after one day, just long enough to collect the loan fee. After all, time is your enemy in ………………….



Are You an Enemy of the State? Most Likely

01/13/2024 George Ford Smith

Donald Trump, Julian Assange, Alex Jones, and Rudy Giuliani are in deep trouble with the ……………………



There Is Hope After All

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org January 16, 2024

From time to time I receive a message from a reader that he or she has been reading my …………………….



Putin’s Strategy in Ukraine and Taiwan | Ray McGovern



Jews and Antisemitism at Harvard University

By Ron Unz The Unz Review January 16, 2024

Even as the Israel/Gaza conflict has roiled the Middle East and raised fears of a much wider regional war, some of the political reverberations have also been felt across the American ………………..



Two Big Risks in 2024-2025: an Economic Slowdown and Expanding Hegemonic Conflicts

By Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay RodrigueTremblay.com January 16, 2024

“When every country turned to protect its own private interest, the world public interest went down the drain, and with it the private interests of all.“  Charles Kindleberger (1910-2003).




If You’ve Just Started Paying Attention to US Foreign Policy

By Caitlin Johnstone CaitlinJohnstone.com January 16, 2024

If you’re among those who have only just begun paying attention to US foreign policy and western media bias in light of Israel’s destruction of Gaza and Biden’s act of war against ………………….



Self-Reliance, Taoism and the Warring States

January 15, 2024

Because the best protection isn’t a 30-room bunker; it’s having 30 people who care about you.



Gut Feelings Make for Strategic Errors – U.S. Lured Into Battlescape in Gaza, Yemen and Now Iraq

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture January 16, 2024

China and Russia have been remarkably quiet, watching carefully the global tectonic plates shifting around in response to the ‘two wars’ (Ukraine and Israel’s ‘multiwar’). Really it is …………………..



An End to Progress

By Jeff Thomas International Man January 16, 2024

“Progress may have been all right once, but it has gone on too long.”

I’ve always been fond of that quote. Back when Ogden Nash wrote it, it was quite clever. …………………….



Former Presidential Spokesman Arestovich Speaks Of Peace And A Multinational Ukraine

Unherd has an interesting interview with Aleksey Arestovich (video version), the former spokesperson of the presidential office of Ukraine. Arestovich has fled from Ukraine to the ………………….



Canada first. Then the Spanish. Then the French. The Irish. Now the Germans. And Friday, the Poles

The World Economic Forum is Excrement Beneath Our Feet. elizabeth nickson 13.01.2024

So we’re dealing with cornered feral humans who are terrified. Arguably the entire thing from the lockdowns till now is their knowing what’s coming (They see polls you don’t see. ………………….



Yemen just SHOCKED the World as US-UK Red Sea Military Operation FAILS Miserably



Wer die Ampel kritisiert, wird zum Dummen degradiert

Kanzler Scholz wehrt sich gegen Proteste, tut Kritik als Gefahr für die Demokratie ab

Gonne Garling, Jan. W. ScHäfer, Stefan Schlagenhaufer und Hans-Jörg Vehlewald 15.01.2024 –

Nach der Flut-Krise stehen nun Bauern dem Kanzler bis zum Hals!




How Bolshevism built modern Britain

Pratinav Anil is the author of two bleak assessments of 20th-century Indian history. He teaches at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. January 15, 2024, Lenin still haunts our welfare state.

Vladimir Lenin has a way of confounding Marxist historians, many of whom generally — and …………………



Peace in Ukraine has never seemed further away

Aris Roussinos is an UnHerd columnist and a former war reporter. Zelenksyy’s dream of outright victory is over. January 15, 2024.

Two years ago, it momentarily looked like the Ukraine war might be concluded as soon as it ………………….



Coups & Refugees: Funded By US Taxpayers

By Helena Glass  Helena-The Nationalist Voice January 15, 2024

The Art Of Coup: Russia has declared that a ‘fifth column’ is being trained by the US to create havoc, unrest, riots, and division forthwith. Why? Russia’s election is set to be held …………………….



«Das System ist krank»: Deutschlands Bauern kämpfen für ihre Rechte, rebellieren gegen die Politik und finden immer mehr Mitstreiter

Der Protest der Landwirte greift auf andere Berufsgruppen über. Der Unmut über die Berliner Ampelregierung wächst. Wo soll das enden? Zu Besuch bei wütenden Bauern in den ……………………..



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